Actualizare English Tracker 20 ianuarie 2023 de Lutz #GGR2022

Actualizare English Tracker 20 ianuarie 2023 de Lutz #GGR2022

Actualizare English Tracker 20 ianuarie 2023 de Lutz #GGR2022


8 thoughts on “Actualizare English Tracker 20 ianuarie 2023 de Lutz #GGR2022

  1. Lutz, can you please, please, please stop constantly zooming in and out, and panning left and right – it's very distracting and annoying. You're almost inducing sea sickness in me while I sit on my sofa having a midmorning coffee break 😉

  2. My first update. I dream of adventures like this but wonder how well I would do feeling this alone. Maybe I would " rock it " 🌞🌴⛵️

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