Multe eșecuri și aproape o înmormântare, echipajul de iaht eșuează – The Refit – Sailing Mist, Ep2

Multe eșecuri și aproape o înmormântare, echipajul de iaht eșuează - The Refit - Sailing Mist, Ep2

În acest episod aproape totul merge prost! Ne-am eschivat de vreme și ne-am descurcat cât mai bine posibil, urmărind lucrările care pot fi făcute în acel moment. DAR, tot ce am atins a fost sortit eșecului. Uneori trebuie doar să te rostogolești cu pumnii, să iei cinci și să revii la slujbă într-o altă zi. O zi mult mai târziu. Să spunem un alt episod în aceste cazuri.


10 thoughts on “Multe eșecuri și aproape o înmormântare, echipajul de iaht eșuează – The Refit – Sailing Mist, Ep2

  1. I've gone through spray foam in a mast but never a ball. Do you have shares in sikaflex? be interested in seeing the mast come out and being rebedded back in. Might stop the leak. YOu never know Harken might help, ah ha.

  2. Hi Rich, hope all is well in Hamble and nice to see this new vlog ! We had the mast leaking issue on Wee Bear anf successfully filled the inside with expanding foam. The new owner was not too happy when time came to change some cables though… so be careful.

  3. Exactly why did you decide to take on a yacht refit during probably the wettest winter on record 🙂 However, I will swop your leakie mast, for leakie chain plates hidden behind some very nice cabinet work. Like you, a tube of gutter sealant came to my rescue. Not pretty but it will do until the summer when it can be replaced properly, just along as the rain doesn't get in.

    Nice yacht btw and with a newish engine. Yes that one is worth saving, do a basic refit and then go sailing 🙂 Following because this should be fun to watch, from the sofa in front of the wood burner.

  4. I think it should be called 'opti – mist'!….. I've been there with my boat and it's great to see that you haven't lost your sense of humour! 👍😂

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