Barca care nu se răstoarnă #short

Barca care nu se răstoarnă #short

De ce această barcă nu se răstoarnă, este #NotWhatYouThink #NWYT #shorts Muzica: Granny Dance – Scoobadive Filmări: Kewatec Rafnar Maritime Paza de coastă din SUA Garda de Coastă canadiană Departamentul de Apărare al SUA Notă: „Aspectul vizual al Departamentului de Apărare al SUA (DoD) informațiile nu implică și nu constituie aprobarea DoD”.


44 thoughts on “Barca care nu se răstoarnă #short

  1. Or they can be built like our Boston Whaler. Good luck sinking that! We have had it filled with water so deep the water just washed over the sides 😂. Kept right on going.

  2. The boat is heavier in its hull than its upper body. Then its upper part must be watertight. Fiberglass is the best for the upper part. For being light and tough.

  3. The real reason this boat can't flip is that it signed a legally binding contract with the water itself and is obligated to stay outside of the water's personal space of face 8 years in prison.

  4. But there is a boat that doesn’t capsise because of its extended hydraulic floats on both sides of the bed that keep it stable and I’m not talking about the boat lifts it’s self with floats. I’m trying to find it and I know I seen a boat with hydraulic floats on both sides of the boat that kept it stable over really rough waves.

  5. The most brutally beautiful service vessel in the water would have to be Safehaven Marine's "Thunderchild 2", if you appreciate a powerful, fast, all weather vessel, you just gotta check this "thing" out…

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