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[ ONE TIME CONTRIBUTIONS ] Conștientizarea sănătății mintale este ceva care a fost descoperit și recunoscut ca important lent în timp și destigmatizat și mai lent. Eu (Katy) am tulburare obsesiv-compulsivă. O boală care ia multe forme și forme. A mea este la fel de unică pentru mine precum amprentele sunt pentru fiecare dintre noi. Se manifestă în diverse moduri și își schimbă fața pe măsură ce trece timpul. În sfârșit, am început să înțeleg mai mult această parte din mine în ultimii ani și nu a fost un drum ușor. Scăderi super scăzute, maxime trecătoare și totul între ele. A trăi pe o mică barcă cu pânze cu partenerul meu și uneori fără control asupra mediului meu este greu pentru oricine, cu atât mai puțin cuiva care se luptă cu TOC. Adaugă mama natură și felul în care te obligă să te adaptezi rapid la ploaia sau la valul care tocmai a venit printr-o trapă, sau la praful de pe podea doar din viața noastră, și pot fi declanșat într-o spirală întunecată de obsesiv, insidios. gânduri, provocându-mi cantități debilitante de anxietate, depresie și furie. Dar dacă acest stil de viață care îmi aruncă în mod constant bile în TOC, este lucrul EXACT de care am nevoie? De când ne-am îmbarcat în această aventură cu Parker, am parcurs mii de mile și, cu fiecare, am aflat mai multe despre mine și TOC. Am început să observ o putere și o toleranță față de acest mediu în continuă schimbare și, în cele din urmă, în multe feluri, unii îmi eliberează simptomele. Iar Parker a ajuns să înțeleagă cum mă afectează acest lucru, dezvoltând compasiune și răbdare. Acum, acest proces nu este deloc liniar. Avem încă minime super joase și maxime trecătoare, dar am ajuns atât de departe și suntem aici pentru plimbare, totul. Demonstrăm cu adevărat că putem merge mai departe, împreună. Bucurați-vă! #couplevlog #epidemicsound #mentalhealth #sonyalpha #cinematic #mentalhealthawareness

1978 Allied Seawind II Hull #89 Deplasare – 15.000 de lire Balast – 5.800 de lire de plumb (chila încapsulată fără șuruburi) Marconi Cutter Rig Lungime – 32′ Bănci – 10,5′ Tiraj de apă – 4′ 6″ Tiraj de aer – 45′


O invitație blândă de Dawn Dawn Dawn Detach de Peter Sandberg Reaching For Infinity de Dawn Dawn Dawn The Journey Is Not Ours (SLCT Remix) de Volcan Peaks Sweet as Honey de Gabriel Lewis Our Blissful Story de Dawn Dawn Dawn Dawn Rotation Begins de Arthur Benson Whistleblower de Tellsonic Sole Splende de la Sumwave



  1. Hi from me I was Born in1946 so you can work that out I am diplacusis and have struggled all my life to write to people. I love watching you to so keep up the good work .we live in AUSTALIA.

  2. First off I must say that Katy is simply one awesome young lady, not only does she recognize her problem she takes ownership of it, which is a big part of helping control it. Parker did say one thing I would have to whole heart-edly agree with, Katy you are definitely one beautiful young woman. I have enjoyed watching "Seawind " and her crew ever since I came across your videos. Hoping 2023 becomes your best year ever, with many more to come.

  3. Katy should definitely have her own place in every video.. seems she's more comfortable when she is in control over the camera than when it's being pulled out at will.. did she have a brain injury or something happened that started her mental health issues?? I'm just curious because I was physically abused nothing sexual throughout my childhood until 17 when I left my dad's house..I began having seizures from the blows to the head and I also started self medicating for the next 20 years.. I've been sober for several years now but now I'm having to figure out how to deal with the mental health issues and the issues that I'm noticing from 13 years I had seizures.. the whole mental health needs to be talked about more especially when you look at the statistics of American adults who are committing suicide..

  4. These feelings are legit. Not fun at all, especially when you can’t get away from the source of the feelings – yourself. Best of luck, little sister. It gets easier with age. 👊🏻

  5. Hi there guys…. First of all I really want you to know that I just found your channel and this is the first video that I'm watching… I instantly fell in love with you guys… I really think that I can give you a little help about how to better interact with a loved one during those ocd episodes…. Forget about preventing those episodes and focus on how to behave during them… Creativity is the key… Come up with some kind of games… If she's focused on cleaning for example… Make it a game… Set some points for better cleaning challenges, set them higher according to it's difficulty… Interact, support, make it a funny moment… And above everything else let her know that you'd be there…. And bro by the way you gave her a hug, I bet there's no lack of love and caring between you two…. Hugs from Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

  6. I pick Confort. Thanks for sharing. OCD has a big umbrella and does not sound as bad to others if you say OCD. I found that many will rally around you if you break an arm but not so much if you have a mental issue. You have a loving support so your most of the way dealing with this. I have tried it all and loving support works best.

  7. I always thought I had ADHD and decided to get tested, to my shock, I had OCD, like what? I always felt like I was working myself to death, everything had to be perfect, like I could never really relax, I thought I was too hyper. That was like 10 years ago I think, since I knew I had OCD, I had to learn to just leave it, it was good enough, not to work myself to death and it was okay. I think I’ve done a good job, I like everything nice, neat, CLEAN and tidy but it doesn’t have to be perfect, I set myself free!!! Now I’ve got time, lots of time to do whatever I want and it will never be perfect because I am a human being and we are not perfect. As long as you know you’ve got a problem, believe me, it gets so much easier and as you get older it’s almost gone. Huh, that’s why I’ve always thought your boat was gorgeous I guess, it is so clean and finished….except for….you know where, the spaghetti place…but that’s okay, it really is.

  8. I'm happy that Katy has a supportive husband like Parker! I have a bit of OCD- but being a Single-Hand Sailor, I keep everything ship-shape above and below deck.
    Can Katy recommend any Kindle Books? Will you share your Amazon Wish List soon- Thanks in Advance!

  9. One of the most beautiful sailing-related videos on YT at the moment: the authenticity, the vulnerability, the honesty. I, too, struggle w/ mental illness, and hearing Katy say at 4:30: "I just want to have a Christmas where I can look at the lights and not have to think about cleaning around them" brought tears to my eyes. I live w/ an anxiety disorder and know that exact feeling – why can't I just appreciate the beauty of something without my mental illness getting in the damn way? Thank you for your bravery in sharing. Blessings and fair seas always!

  10. I was very emotional for this one. You guys know how I've struggled with OCD and mental health my whole life. Seeing Katy at her most vulnerable and Parker loving her the best way he can through it is a gift for the world to see. Thank you both.

  11. Wow,I just watched your channel for the first time.thank you so much for being open and honest.maybe someday our paths will cross while both are inspiring.thank you, and know there are lots for people sending you two love.fair winds to ya.

  12. I think the best thing I saw was your remaining “even keeled” through the situation. I know when I have emotional issues gentle touch goes a long ways (though not everyone is like me).

  13. Katy, I find redoing the brite work on PickPocket therapeutic when I'm feeling down, unsettled or frustrated. Just seeing the fine exposed teak after hours of scraping while ondeck looking across the marina or even on anchor relieves all melancholy feelings for me. Yes brite work for some sailors can become obsessive compulsive but always shows a positive result! Find yourself a more ergonomic scraper, one with a wedge shaped blade with sharp and rounded edges that is attached perpendicular to the handle. This type scraper will allow you to drag across the heated varnish to remove more efficiently and comfortably. I find this activity far more satisfying than learning how to package everything tidely in its proper place on a small cruising boat.
    As for the sweeper…. hand it to Parker more often to clean up after the projects 😊

  14. Parker, two other ways to help mitigate the sea level in the sink is to install one that is shallower with an offset drain closer to the boat centerline. PickPocket Had a drain setup to the opposite cockpit drain thruhull that didn't stop the sink flooding and constantly clogged due to floatsum accumulation in the long hose run. Wound up adding a 1 1/4" thruhull seacock directly below the sink and just close it for port tack. Need to keep those hose runs that are below the waterline direct and minimal. Crossing the cockpit drain hoses doesn't gain you anything on a SW II. Using sanitary hose for a below waterline application in the engine room….not good idea…stick with exhaust hose. The baby stay fitting leak needs to be addressed soon. Water permeating thru the bowsprit and the sprit support lumber beneath may cause rot and delamination. Need to remove stay fitting, over drill thru holes, dry out, fill with epoxy and redrill then rebed. Really like your ambient lighting addition…defiently makes the cabin warm and cozy feeling.

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