Aproape am terminat [S5E19]

Aproape am terminat [S5E19]

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27 thoughts on “Aproape am terminat [S5E19]

  1. I like sailing close to land, you get the feeling of movement unlike off shore. I spent a lot of time sailing up the river estuaries in Northern France in my Contessa 26. You cannot moor up to rocks of course for two main reasons. Large tides and no rocks, plenty of cows but they object to being used as bollards. Well, the ones I tried did. You have given me a yearn to try Sweden and the Baltic. Like Magic Carpet my boat is easily handled and has mimimal draft. Sadly due to politicians, that I did not vote for, we can only spend 90 days in EU waters.

  2. Just when I thought the beautiful sailing could not be beaten, I am blown away with an incredible musical performance artfully matched with a lovely earthly backdrop. Truly magnificent work after such a “tragic” carpet sail.

  3. Maya, your extraordinary artistic abilities, including story telling with beautiful dialogue, capturing it with dramatic photography, mixing it with delicious sound, your moving musical performance, are all on full display. Brilliant! You captured Aladino's concentration, sailing skills and humor along with important boat life insights. All was appropriately finished off with the enchanting music and vocal performance by Marena in the finale. Thank you for sharing!

  4. WOW! I sit here in awe of your many talents, Maya, Aladino & Marena, echoing the well crafted comments of so many. Classy – very, very, classy. Thank you so much for giving us so much.

  5. Great to see my home waters a bit more but WHAT a fantastic music video! I can not even take a good picture of the sunset. A lot of work for a few minutes video but WOW!

  6. Another spectacular episode. That close to shore sailing brought me back a prawn boat I worked on in Australia. Towards the end of the season we were dragging our nets south of Darwin. The landscape, and we were close to it,looked like Zion in Utah, kinda. Anyway it was bizarre to be on a boat seeing terrain my brain felt should be nowhere near a boat.

  7. Wonderful. Are your artistic senses sharper when you're in such beautiful surroundings? I believe we experience more perfect moments when sailing than we do on land, more hardship too but it's all so enriching. Sailing is a feast for the senses and so are your videos.

  8. Some amazing personal insights you have had through this process. Im so impressed at how you function together. You try to live up to Aladino's level of perfection and it grinds you down while Aladino always seems to be so gentle while having to learn he has to adust expectations of himself as well. The work you do now will all prove itself when you under gale force winds in the middle of a tempramental Atlantic ocean.

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