S2E65 Realizați file epoxidice structurale cu aspect profesional

S2E65 Realizați file epoxidice structurale cu aspect profesional

În acest videoclip, am un prieten care trece și facem file epoxidice structurale verticale și orizontale. Și nu este atât de greu. Consultați S2E28 pentru amestecarea materialului filet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIEquuCfhF4 ***Benefactors Bulkhead Alert*** Au mai rămas doar 13 spații de completat pe peretele etanș. Consultați linkul de mai jos pentru a deveni un Benefactor Wave Rover. Lista de dorințe Wave Rovers: https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/3LNUWNUPXJKYS?ref_=wl_share

Fă o donație unică Wave Rover de 100 USD și numele tău va fi aplicat pe „BENEFACTOR’S BULKHEAD” de la bordul Wave Rover și va călători cu mine în circumnavigație. Doar 100 de nume vor fi scrise pe Bulkhead, începând cu 20 ianuarie, 13 POZIȚII SUNT ÎNCĂ DESCHISE : https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=57LUT4QRN5CXW

Accesați Pagina mea Patreon unde puteți contribui la realizarea acestor videoclipuri. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=27867459


Sunt incluse Planurile de construcție digitală (DIY), inclusiv 12 pagini de desene de înaltă calitate, instrucțiuni critice și linkuri către 3 videoclipuri nelistate. Planurile pot fi achiziționate prin magazinul meu Etsy, urmând linkul atașat: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1000498117/similar?ref=listings_2&from_external=1


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1118440237/wave-rover-650-construction-plans?ref=listings_manager_grid Dacă vă întrebați ce am făcut când nu navighez pe Wave Rover, consultați celălalt canal al meu: Rover Rest: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9k8PCCTlNyDzvYaef3Jekg Mulțumesc și vânturi bune


27 thoughts on “S2E65 Realizați file epoxidice structurale cu aspect profesional

  1. Nice to see another boat builder using the old hot glue gun. I used it quite often to tack bulkheads etc into perfect position before applying epoxy fillets afterwards, as you’re doing. The dob of hot glue gets buried in the epoxy, never to be seen again. She’s coming along…

  2. Allan, try using an offcut piece of PVC tubing or similar in "rolling pin" mode on the outside of your epoxy piping bags to move the mixture to the tip for easier application – works way better than trying to wring it down with your fingers. Trust me, been there…done that!

  3. Alan, not sure which is truer…Master Craftman, Master Educator, or Master Mariner…..another outstanding video my friend…

  4. She's really looking now like a boat, getting very interesting. Looking forward to meeting you in Ireland🙂.Thanks and best wishes ..

  5. I wish I knew about “peel ply” before I built my projects. Thank you for sharing how I can improve my filets. Now, I’ll have to start another kayak project!

  6. A couple of things be careful with Methanol guys (Methyl Hydrate) it's very hard on your liver, one of the few times when a beer after work is beneficial in that ethanol is the antidote to Methanol poisoning. Epoxy of course is the opposite, Ethanol makes its toxic effect worse (however small that is its cumulative).

    When fiberglassing a fillet it only helps if you glass before the fillet hardens, rough fillets after hardening need to be sanded smooth to get a tidy glass finish.

    Nice fillet job 🙂

  7. Allan, have you ever thought of putting on a boat building class? You seem to be very talented. I have learned so much through watching your videos.

  8. Always enjoy your videos Alan. Hope the weather warms up for you. Just checked the temperature for today (1/27) and -7C is not a comfortable working temperature. Take care and best wishes to you, Mrs. Wave Rover and Mr. Speckles.

  9. Now you can see and get a real idea what size of cabin this boat is going to have. This boat is going to be a sweet sailing vessel, to venture off in and feel very secure no matter where your planning to adventure to. Can't wait to see this thing completed.

  10. Hi Alan, Great job as usual!, could you tell me what filler you use?, and how much would you put in your 48 gram mix for example?, any chance of showing us that at some point please?, Cheers DB

  11. 200 amp hours, at 12v im assuming.. i live offgrid on solar and batteries, i currently only have 280 amp hours, and i promise you i can not all the equipment you want running on a boat, i can run lights, wifi, and charge phones and ipads, thats it, i have 500watts of sollar panels and if it rains 2 days in a row on day 3 i am turning off the wifi and lights as im damaging the batteries.. theres no chance you can run lights, radio, charge your ipads run a chart plotter, and which ever other gadgets you need on 200 amp hours, and i very highly doubt you can get a bigger array than me and put more than 500watts of panels on your boat.. if you have 4 days of clouds and rain youl be running blind literally… im not even considering using a fridge or a laptop at my house at this point, i need 2 more 500w arrays 2 more solar charge regulator's, and atleast 600 amp hours before i dare run the equipment your going to want on a small yacht…

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