Am navigat în Canada cu mărfuri interzise…

Am navigat în Canada cu mărfuri interzise...

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36 thoughts on “Am navigat în Canada cu mărfuri interzise…

  1. I just want to address the issue of the drone flight in Victoria because I've received some comments and private messages about it! Canada has quite strict but very strange and sometimes confusing drone laws, and the instructional leaflets don't always tell you the whole picture. The drone used in Victoria was under 250 g takeoff weight, which is considered a "microdrone" in Canada. They are not restricted by all the same laws as 250g+ drones and in this case it IS in fact legal to fly such a drone in Victoria. Of course you still have to fly safely, you can't fly in a negligent or reckless manner, which is why I only flew the drone during the night when the seaplanes are not operating. Fly safe everyone! 🤓

  2. We took a cruise from Seattle to Alaska, and our last port of call was Victoria. We rented bicycles and most of the town while we were there. The wharf was one of the places we rode too. Love your videos

  3. A little over a year ago I picked up my 45 year old 30ft sail boat from Victoria. Since then I've gained some experience crossing that same border (I live in Canada, but moor my girthy girl in Point Roberts WA). I've never had a customs agent step foot on my boat. When you sail our waters regularly you get good at spotting the logs! After following this channel for a long time, it's cool seeing you both in my neck of the woods!

  4. Hope you had the chance to have a beer and a chat with the Peter Noles from the YT channel Travels with Gordie. His home port is just some feet from where you docked in Victoria.

  5. Another fantastic video with beautiful footage. As a past Merchant sailor, I had the opportunity to sail in this area working for both ARCO Marine (tanker trade) and Sealand Corp. (container trade). Can't wait for future episodes of skiing in Alaska and do hope you enjoy yourselves. Be safe!

  6. Juho and Sohvi, your videos are encouraging and informative. I’m just a single couch surfer myself, watching your adventures and admiring how you’re living yours. Thank you for sharing your videos with us. They let me dream. 🙂

  7. Great you two and Sohvi made it to Canada. We are waiting for the weather to get better in the Netherlands order to finish the refit of Saga. Wish you all the best.

  8. I went over to Facebook. Nice photography. The red on your headsails is lovely and I really liked the grey skies.
    I've been to the very far north, in winter, several times and always was impressed by the cold beauty. Once a numinous sunrise while driving north on the Mackenzie River.

  9. Please be on log watch constantly once you leave Victoria , I lived there for 25 yrs, Now I am up in Comox/ Campbell River, the amount of logs in the water makes it highly dangerous, you will for sure have wood hitting your boat. when you go through the narrows up just past Campbell river, you have to plan it around the tides and there is millions of board feet of logs in the water. my house over looks it here. message us if you have troubles. we have a very solid Aluminum boat for keeping safe in the waters here. . Good luck to you both. Noel & Maduni

  10. Don't feel bad about dumping that poor tequila swill into the ocean. It's got no place being anywhere near someone with 1/2 a thought about decent alcohol. Send it seaworthy.

  11. @juho hey bro, while you are cruising the Starights of BC and alaska, youll get more used to the deadheads. we all cruise it and often dont consider it when we race, other than as inherent danger. You are certainly correct in weather, they are very dangerous. Good travels, friend!

  12. You can buy both Washington and BC apples in supermarkets in both places, so it’s quite ironic that you can’t carry them across the border for personal use!!!

  13. It was fun for me to see your arrival to Victoria. My wife and I sailed our 27’ Ericson from south of Seattle into Canada for the first time arriving in Victoria this past September. We had to be corrected by the Victoria harbor police on how the Seaplane runway lanes worked. We stayed at the marina just to the north of the Seaplane terminal. We’ve never gone any further west of Victoria as our destinations in the past have been in the San Juan islands.

  14. After our first trip up North and seeing all those logs and log gyres we decided that a metal boat would make us more comfortable. So the journey began to find the right boat. We still hit one now and again but besides the wake up call nothing has happened.
    On another note if you think Victoria Harbor is complicated at light try the summertime when are are hundreds of seaplanes in and out. There are “runways” in the harbor but I am not sure the markers are lit. Perhaps they clear them out during the Winter.
    You are going to love Prince William Sound but I think you will find some skiing before then between Yukutat and Icy Bay. Mt St Elias is a magnificent mountain and sure to please any adventurous off piste skier.

  15. We very much enjoyed this video Juho and Sohvi. Your drone shots are exceptional, your humour makes us laugh out loud and your attention to detail and precision is admirable. All the best as you continue your journey north. 🇨🇦⚜️ Bienvenue!

  16. kind of late now but some large shipping containers were drifting near tatoosh island. a few were found on vancover island beach. I "think" the CG had them marked . The ones found anyway. This was from a storm last year.

  17. Everyone should think about the planet as far as what you buy like everything you buy. Those big ships and planes all transport really creates what? Correct. So make things local and buy them local. Stop using all plastics. We should go back to sailing the old wooden ships from centuries ago I think that would be awesome instead of giant diesel transport vessels and vehicles

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