Plănuit în noul Range Rover al mării | Arksen 30 sea trial review | Barcă cu motor și iahting

Plănuit în noul Range Rover al mării |  Arksen 30 sea trial review |  Barcă cu motor și iahting

Ce se întâmplă atunci când o firmă specializată în aventuri oferă unui crucișător nordic dur tip pilothouse tratamentul de expediție? Alex Smith se îndreaptă spre Lymington pentru a conduce Arksen 30… Sponsorizat de: Specificații Arksen 30 LOA: 31ft 7in (9.50m) Lungimea: 8ft 2in (2.50m) Pescaj: 3ft 0in ( 0,90 m) Cilindrată: 3,6 tone Capacitate de combustibil: 2 x 225 litri Motoare: simple de 350 CP până la duble 250 CP Viteză maximă la test: 38 noduri (single 350 CP) Consum de combustibil: 38,6 l/h la 21 noduri Gama de croazieră: 1 87 noduri : 84dB(A) la 21 noduri Categoria RCD: B pentru 6 persoane/C pentru 10 persoane Prețul testat: 339.824 GBP testat ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a MBY acum – /ybwtv?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre turnee, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – ► Dă-ne Like pe Facebook: ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: ► Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: ► Ce ai părut? Spune-ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE și să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut 🙂 #MotorBoatYachting #SeaTrialSaturdays


26 thoughts on “Plănuit în noul Range Rover al mării | Arksen 30 sea trial review | Barcă cu motor și iahting

  1. The concept here is all year round boating hence the Scandinavian hemisphere origins but enclosed boating is not for me but my wife could find a place for a tomato gro bag in the glass houe, sorry, wheelhouse.

  2. To be fair honest critical boat reviews are non existent online so fair play as I appreciate there’s a risk builders won’t let you film. But…this approach didn’t do a bad job for top gear in the naughties

  3. £350K sound a lot to me for a boat that makes it almost impossible to spend a penny. Enjoyed the video but not a boat for me.

  4. I thought XO were all about adventure all on their own. From your report seems ARKSEN just managed to turn a good boat in a bad one with a higher price?

  5. Hopefully these ride better than the XO DFNDR 8. I spent a few days on one of those and in 8 years of working commercially on small powerboats, that was the most uncomfortable and roughest-riding vessel I've been on to date. Had high hopes for it as well after doing a lot of skippering on an XO360.

  6. To add to all the changes & improvements required they could do with a car type roof box to fit all those cushions in, if only the driver has shock mitigation you're going to have some pretty rattled passengers fairly soon.

  7. Dear god…. I’ve just seen the price in the small print, £340,000.00

    Who in their right mind would pay that?? Buy an Axopar 37 at a year old and have berthing and fuel costs for five or more years or so out of this money.

  8. Ummm, ‘The Range Rover of the sea’? A Botnia Targa strap line rip off methinks. Come on, think of something original people, naughty naughty.

  9. Great review, but this boat is pretty annoying. It didn't seem to do anything particularly well and although it is not complete, I have no idea how they expect the head to be usable. The cabin is pretty ridiculous, the seats seem very flimsy and the roof line was far too low. Test captain was constantly dipping his head down to be able to see.

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