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Luptă de 10 ani pentru o mașină de spălat vase (nu glumesc)
22 thoughts on “Luptă de 10 ani pentru o mașină de spălat vase (nu glumesc)”
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Team Jason for sure!! Don’t wait – order it now!
The only reason to have a dishwasher (unless you have loads of money, space and power) would be to sanitise the dishes after the dog has licked them!
That said, the set up for hand washing dishes on that tri is very poor (probably because the owners rely on the dishwasher). They definitely need a decent drainer that can sit in the sink until the dishes air dry, which they do quickly if you use very hot water. Sitting the drainer in the sink after washing up ensures dishes don't go flying if it is rough and everything is tidy.
When we set out to plan our boat, one piece of initial advice was to always have a dump sink.
Jason needs a decent pair of washing up gloves. Apart from the skin issues, you can use much hotter water for more effective washing and sanitation.
Our cat is set up for effective dishwashing by hand. We have one and a third sinks. The hot water is supplied by a diesel Webasto at a very high temperature (also runs the boat heater – 'though I know you will not want the diesel).
There is a salt-water tap for initial rinsing in a collapsible bowl (good if you don't have a dog!!!)
Dishes are washed and rinsed in the large sink (big enough and deep enough to take a big pot). The smaller sink can also be used as a dump sink for rinsing, but in general it is free so you can use it for, say, washing fruit or rinsing a cloth, while the dishes are in the big sink.
Those dishes will not be completely clean without a prewash! I don't see the cheese grater coming clean in the dishwasher! Buy him a set of gloves and enjoy the extra cabinet!
Team Jason!! Dishwasher is a must have 😂
I vote for Jason getting a dishwasher. I'm in the same boat and do all the dishes, wouldn't be without one.
Although I've had dishwashers, I rarely used it unless I had a lot of company. I generally either forgot I had one or used it as storage.
If it came to the point I had to make a YouTube video to get strangers to plead my case in order to stop hand washing dishes I think I’d just go ahead and burn my man card. Poor guy.
We have full timed in our 5th wheel for over 12 years and neither one of us wants or feels we need a dishwasher! Ice machine, yes! We had a dishwasher in our Sticks and Bricks and hardly ever used it. Oh by the way, Someone has to be there to unload the Dishwasher when it's finished! So there is more Extra time to add Jason!
I've had to wash dishes in small spaces but not on boats. I've had to wash them outdoors under a spigot in a plastic tote, kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks and even a bathtub. I've cooked for us when we were a family of two, a family of 4 with our two boys, family of 7 when the mother in law, brother in law and son's girlfriend have lived with us and on holidays when we have 13+ people. As the sole dish washer of my family, I'm on Team Jason. Sorry Nikki.
Two votes for Jason. Sanitary, Sanitay and Efficient
I will be throwing the dishes to after the dog ate from them.
Team dishwasher here. Lived without one for a while at house with same ground rules. Dishwasher all day everyday.
Team Jason here. Only because we think Nikki enjoys the challenge of tighter, more efficient storage, and we want her to have a happy Jason. And maybe with those immaculate hands and few extra spare minutes he can massage the chefs shoulders?…. 😉
Just eat microwave meals that come in toss-able plastics and paper. Takes care of both of your jobs. 😁
Sanitation in a dishwasher is the deal and Jason needs a dishwasher…
This is the first time I think I saw the true Nikki. As the cook you have just as much responsibility to the people that have to clean up after you than you cooking a meal. And personally, cooking is way easier than the cleanup part. The fact that, since it isn't your job, you don't care and would rather have more space for yourself is meh. Isn't your new boat bigger and has better spaces? Team Jason 100%. Nikki, stop being selfish!
I side with Jason.. bro's before hand washing.. those hands are needed for editing!!!! I got ya buddy lol
Best episode ever. Get the washer, with this caveat, cooking isn’t a passive activity like the dishwasher is so Jason bow down to the cooking god Nikki. But you both know a good marriage is about balance and you two seem to do a good job of understanding each others strengths and are willing to defer to the other when needed. Or just put dirty dishes in a net bag and drag them behind you.
I say, Nikki, let Jason have the dishwasher.
We have a Class A that we bought used and it has a dishwasher. My wife thought the idea was hokey….. until she used it. After a couple of uses, she loves having it onboard
Hate dishwashers!!! LOL
I'm with Jason. Nikki seems blind to the time taken, as 3 minutes of activity is less than 13 minutes of active activity
Dishwashers are great until they break (at the same time as refrigerator, during a remodel). Now it's an incognito drying rack, and washing by hand is sometimes therapeutic.