Acest lucru ține barca noastră departe de stânci (construirea unui acostare DIY) | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 118

Acest lucru ține barca noastră departe de stânci (construirea unui acostare DIY) |  Sailing Soulianis - Ep.  118

Să vă împiedicați să plutească barca poate fi la fel de simplu ca să aruncați o ancoră. Dar dacă intenționați să lăsați barca în același loc pentru perioade lungi de timp, s-ar putea să vă gândiți să construiți o acostare. În acest episod, parcurgem fiecare parte a sistemului nostru de acostare, de la prova bărcii până la fundul mării – sau, în cazul nostru, albia lacului! Sper sa iti placa! Lauren, Kirk & Renata FILMAT: august 2022 SOCIALE + BLOG Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: /sailingsoulianis/ Site-ul web: Instagram-ul lui Kirk: MUZICA Melodia tematică: Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Atribuire 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Descărcare gratuită / Stream: Muzică lansată de Argofox Muzică promovată de Biblioteca audio Toată cealaltă muzică : ARTLIST — — Folosiți acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUITE de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la CAMERA GEAR #mooring #sailingfamily #sailing


25 thoughts on “Acest lucru ține barca noastră departe de stânci (construirea unui acostare DIY) | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 118

  1. West Marine is out of chain, that is no suprise. I have pretty much stopped shopping there at this point because half of my orders are out of stock, even though they indicate it is in stock. I ordered a new B&G chart plotter, it showed in stock, the order just sat there. I finally called and they were like well, one store in Florida has one, they won't ship it but do you want to pick it up? I was like I live in Wisconsin, that isn't really feasible and ordered directly from B&G. I can't wait to see how it sails, I hope it lives up to your expectations! And your little girls is getting so darn cute!

  2. Feel bad. I watched the demask and heading south. Was awesome. Now every thing is 6 something months behind. Your thinkings about vid prefection might have a effect???? Time left open between lets some of us wonder. Your blue skies, are current gray skys. What is your thinkings for this format???

  3. Sailing Soulianis Family, It was noted below, but I will note it again, You must safety wire all the shackle pins. I learned the hard way. You can tighten up the pin and as it is loaded up the body of the shackle will flex and the pin will become loose.

  4. Good demonstration of how to put a mooring together. Some types of mud/organisms attack metal / plastics so always good to check what works well in your environment.

  5. I had a mooring installed a few years ago. It was done by the company that has installed most of the mooring fields in Florida, some of which are Sarasota, St. Augustine and some in south FL. They didn't use any chain, old school they said. The entire system was large synthetic line. One reason being that is has a little stretch when there are large loads when it's windy and rough.

  6. Scott's outdoor cleaner is apparently ok for cloth. It can be used on interior cloth overhead material and exterior anything. Try a little on a dirty corner. Washed the outside of my Morgan N/M 36 that had some mildew under the lines crossing the deck to the winches in the cockpit. Clorox didn't do anything. The Scott's worked amazingly well, and the next day, even though I rinsed it the first day, the decks were even cleaner.

  7. Renata is just growing ,,,and growing…must be almost 3 and a half….love the detail you both express in your videos….and family life…so wonderful to see the land you purchased…a little at a time with the nice mobile home and deck…and I miss hearing your “quack” when you do repairs….Psalm 34 – Keith

  8. Check out Sail Care Inc. in Ford City PA. Unless your sails are Mylar or Kevlar, they literally can make old, worn, dirty, rust-stained sails look brand new and will evaluate for stretch and wear when quoting a price to tell you if they are worth saving. Have used them several times, every time the results were amazing and added years of life to sails.

  9. 1) We have to check our outboard because the mud daubers fill the cooling water exit hole at the back.
    2) Research relevant to Renata: Researchers put parents and children in a room of stuff and counted how many different words they used. The parents had either a) less than high school education, or b) a college degree. The kids were 3 years old. Results:
    – More educated parents used the most vocabulary (no surprise).
    – Kids of less educated parents used the least vocabulary (no surprise).
    – But the kids of the more educated parents … AT THREE YEARS OLD … used more vocabulary than the less educated ADULTS.

    Other research shows a high correlation between school / career success and the number of different words a kid hears in their first two years. Even before they talk, the brain builds itself around language.

    You are doing this exactly right.

  10. Bubba is growing so a father of twins that are now 33…. yep they grow so quick… great vid as always cheers from Down Under

  11. Luggage tag. Also known as a larks head or cow hitch.

    Missed you guys, playing catch up on your new adventure!

    Absolutely love how interested and helpful Renata is. My 4 year old is the opposite haha, but he'll get there.

  12. A big washing machine hahaha. That was funny. No worries.. as long as they are helping you sail… they are just perfect. And like this, the sails are not dirty… they are vintage 😀😀. Mine were worst 🤣

  13. Well done doing everything yourselves. Love the inquisitive nature of Renata, so cute. Great family moments. Great vlog 🙂

  14. Thanks for the details on setting up the mooring. Was there any approval process you had to go through or were you able to just choose the location you thought was best?

  15. We frequently cleaned our sails using a pressure washer and hydrogen peroxide fed through the soap inlet on the pressure washer – always worked well.

  16. Best mould remover is Benzalkonium Chloride–but another thing that works is sunlight–and that is also the killer of sails. Old does not mean bad. Just use them–the salty sea also kills mould, along with some sun and a little rain. I make my moorings out of concrete and scrap metal welded into a lattice, with the eye of the mooring block made from heavy stainless. To this I fit a LONG stainless shackle which I add a pair of Tufnell blocks to enclose the eye of the mooring, and the other end of the long shackle is connected to a polypropylene rope. (Or nylon) which terminates on the float. To this termination is also attached a floating polypropylene trail lead to another float. This streams behind the main float, and is the target of a boat hook or tossed grapnel on a line.

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