Navigarea peste Pacific este sălbatică! Verifică! Am scris această poezie în timpul acestei călătorii. Poezie: A muri pe mare. Dacă ar fi să mor cât sunt pe mare, blestemata să fie corabia care mă ține. Blestemați-l pentru ca să nu pretindă niciodată talpa altuia Dacă ar fi să am o înmormântare pe mare, blestemate să fie apele care se lipesc de mine Blestemați-o pentru ca niciodată să nu îngroape trupul altuia Blestemat să fie peștele care culege la oasele mele, blestemă-i, ca să știe. Le doresc să cunoască bucuriile pământului, ca să se târască într-o zi pe mâini! Lăsând în urmă adâncul, întuneric ca noaptea pentru un teren stabil acoperit de lumină. Dacă corpul meu ar trebui să plutească la suprafață. Blestemați să fie păsările care aterizează pe cadavrul meu. Blestemați-le pentru că au abandonat un copac perfect bun, pentru a se ospăta cu părțile care îmi aparțineau. Nu în ultimul rând, trimite-i un cuvânt iubitei mele, spune-i poveștile noastre în speranța că își va reveni. Dar nici un blestem pentru ea când plânge și plânge, căci acesta este blestemul de a iubi un marinar. Http:// – Barry Http://… – Hailly Http:// – Simon Http://www.instagram. com/sv.perihelion – Perihelion Și vezi emisiunea Simons YouTube @findingsimon
Navigați peste Oceanul Pacific spre Capul Horn! Apoi înapoi la muncă pe noua mea barcă gratuită! SB EP 3
35 thoughts on “Navigați peste Oceanul Pacific spre Capul Horn! Apoi înapoi la muncă pe noua mea barcă gratuită! SB EP 3”
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killer video, Aloha from Hawaii
Great video , beautifully made, love the music 😀 cheers from NZ 👍
Amazing… loved that! This is proper 'salty seadog' crewing which although you told us you were a professional sailor I still didn't expect such an intrepid and astonishing passage round Cape Horn… epic! So was the Garcia! Great videography too… thanks for sharing and much luck, light and fair winds from me mate! Crack on!
Great video, no fantastic experience and loved the calm narrative behind it 👍
What an awesome adventure. You'll look back with no regrets for the experience and memories.
Just a query what does Twa stand for on your graphic of apparent and true wind etc
Spring. Youre in the southern hemisphere. It's mid summer lol
I’m loving following your channel. I’d really like to come do some sanding in the summer
Awesome! Great vid !! 😮
naming your ship gringo, tells people who hate Americans, where you are. Im going to name my ship "SV very poor local"
Probably should have gone on the 5 hours on and ten hours off that schedule seems easier for my body than any other.
Lovely sail! Well done!!!🎉👍
Wonderfully calming voice over, and yet edge of seat at times
Amazing thanks for sharing mate ,I cant wait to what comes next good luck with everything.
I must admit. I have not heard that poem before. Kudos to you. Plus I always thought of Patagonia as the Bottom of the World, but I see I must go there myself.
good work on having a proper gaff hook. I can tell you how many times I've seen sailors loose a fish trying to pull a fish onboard with just the line.
Please extend all those curses to the weather makers to all fall in the bottom of the darkest coldest holes of the seas
Well done Barry. Such an epic yarn. You do not take a Southern Ocean passage because it is easy, you do it because it's hard. Do not ask for an easy life – take what comes. Condition the mind. Better to direct your actions towards a goal with an uncertain outcome than to experience the fear arising from a life without a purpose. DAMN!! Best Regards from Ricochet.
Could be a local joke they play on the new comers tell them there's a shower and set around and watch on hidden cameras as you look for it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🙃 I'm just saying
Could you get us a boat tour?👍👍
Barry is a great name for sailors. Love this channel, may your audience continue to grow. My interest for such journeys shared started with a Y dna test a few years ago. My paternal line is strangely dead. My closest grave is on iceland at 1000 years old. Sea farer it was, my small pinky fingers, high iron and low salt blood tell me for how long. Thanks for sharing. ✌
Genuine interest. Why did it take three to do this trip? Were you hired to crew this boat? Could the miserable Captain not sail himself? He looks like a right barrel of laughs.
What type of boat is SY Gringo?
Great work. Great cinematography and narration. Stoked to see the rebuild of the boat back in Stevenson!
Love that you decided to throw your hat in the ring of sailing YouTube channels. Good content. We have done old classic boats, a leaky tiki project boat (who doesn't love the Formosa?) and even some modern metal expedition looking sailboat now too. You churn em out and I'll keep watching em. Glad you had a safe voyage too BTW.
Not too shabby !..
Looking good It's a nice Feeling when you get it back in the Water
Great video. Seriously felt like a documentary. I would be interested in why this sailing trip felt so different for you. You kinda mentioned it by saying you were actually at the helm this time so it makes sense you're used to the non autopilot life.
Hi guys from Czech Republic, english phill here. Been watching you since you got your boat, love it. Shes beautiful and my dream one day, baby steps. Cant wait to see finished product, enjoy live your dreams be safe god speed take it easy. Oh yes you need captain morgan rum and bless her.
Keep up the amazing work.
From fishing for dreams, phill
Nice trip, thanks for sharing
Hey question: why dangle the bananas off the stern like that? Won't you risk losing them if it gets rough?
Why didn't you shashimi the Tuna? Thats what you do when you catch a Tuna. Cooking it straight away is not good, you need to let the flesh settle for awhile. Eat it raw when fresh
Understated brilliance.
Fantastic voyage. Thanks for taking us along. Great video and commentary. Music track was great as well.