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Aici: https://go.babbel.com/t?bsc%3D1200m60-youtube-beauandbrandysailing-feb-2023%26btp%3Ddefault%26utm_term%3Dgeneric_v1%26utm_Tumedium%26utm_Tupaid_Source %26utm_content%3DInfluencer..beauandbrandysailing..SUA..YouTube&source=gmail&ust=1675195909830000&usg=AOvVaw02N_N8gT-dWekQ0GlsIehT&rct=i Ahhh boat life.214. Mai degrabă lucrul cu barca în acest moment. Este răul necesar care vine cu a fi un proprietar mândru de barcă. De când suntem în Guatemala, ne cizelam proiecte. Și, sincer, poate deveni copleșitor dacă o lași. Dar, din fericire pentru noi, avem pe cineva care vine să ne ajute. Vrem să îi mulțumim lui Lippert pentru că ne-a trimis aceste ublouri FRUMOASE Lewmar, abia așteptăm să vă împărtășim cât de uimitor sunt sosul, aruncați o privire lui Lippert și vedeți dacă au ceea ce căutați: lci.ink/beaubrandy
pentru conținut VIP, actualizări săptămânale în timp real, jurnalele căpitanilor, tracker și multe altele! http://www.patreon.com/beauandbrandy
https://sailingsaoirse.com/shop/ Întrebări de afaceri: beauandbrandy@thestation.io Bucurați-vă de spectacol! Xoxo B+B
Ne-a pus o gaură GIGANTICĂ în barca!

29 thoughts on “Ne-a pus o gaură GIGANTICĂ în barca!”
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Canadians are awesome.
Oh, and so are the port lights.
Well done you two!! Love Craig, Shelley, and Hayden!!
Wow the boat looks amazing. Windows are a game changer. Your friend helping is amazing how kind people are. You are turning your boat into a beauty after lots of hard work.
I'll tell you what my brother and sister your house looking good
Great job. Looks amazing!!
So THAT'S where Jeremy disappeared to! I have always known he is the master of making-everything-work, however, his Limbo abilities are a new revelation! Congrats guys- this is a huge project!
Boosting the algorithm here. Aways look forward to my second watch. Great episode guys.
Racing the sun sounds like fun but a race you always lose. Then start again tomorrow! Great looking windows!
Great video! Thanks for sharing.
So whats with the click bait title? Nice video but misleading title. Meh.
If you can ThatBoatGuy is the outboard motor genius. Be safe be well
It was so great to see someone giving you folks a hand!
Cheers from Alaska
Awesome work guys. I was worried about the title at the start. Love watching your videos and your ingenuity to accomplish these tricky improvements.
Be carefull when heating any shaft that fits through a hole or bearing.The shaft can expand and cause a SHRINK FIT effect.I learned this by mistake fitting a steel wheel onto an axle.Once cold you have to machine or drill out,no bearing or hub puller will work.
Great job I sure you are ready to get to sailing again boat looks great. AlwYs enjoy your bobs
Hello you two. I found a YouTube channel called Landshark Outdoors. It's about showing the best types of baits to use for different types of fish and also how to clean each types of fish as well. I think it's a great channel to watch because I have learned a lot just in a few video's I have watched. Wish you two all the best on your sailing and fishing adventures.

Well done you guys , they look brilliant, such a massive improvement ,
Hi guys. FYI…windows on a boat are called ports. They may be fixed ports or opening ports. Enjoy your videos.
the lower unit woulda broke me
Continuously impressed by y’all!! Great work!!
I have a question for you guys since you are real good friends with Too $hort and I am sure that you have discussed with them what I am fixing to ask why are they not making videos anymore? I used to love watching their videos whenever they came out?
Wow, what a long project, it turned out beautiful. Jeremy was a great help, you guys will have to invite him back as crew for a week and show him the adventure side of sailing LOL.

Great video thank you guys for sharing
How to put a smile on a Floridians face in Guatemala
tell them it's currently –15*F
in Montreal Canada today and with the wind chill
/ you're welcome
from your favourite BadCat 

it feels like –42*F
_ You made ONE BIG mistake installing those Portholes!! You are supposed to fill the cut-out section of the hull with thickened Epoxy as you're leaving a gap for water intrusion which WILL SCREW UP the core at a later stage and man that's going to be EXPENSIVE to repair!! Don't you guys ask around for sound advice from the other more experienced sailors near you….. Damn, what a silly BooBoo! Mark my words!!! _
Very nice job…
Yes, your friend Jeremy, really was great hand.
Note to Jeremy, not sure your day job,,, but it's a whole lot warmer in the Caribbean!! You definitely have the skills too get a job in any marina.. year round work, and no jackets required!!
Boats looking good guys.
Trusting the engine repair came out good too. Bigger stream, and cooler running!! Impellers are a constant watch. (Tip) I had a time to fill a cup, and temp written down to compare. Hard to tell a difference when your looking at the engine day after day.
Great job
Beautiful! Those ports look great
No more foil?!?!
Looks amazing guys. Great work. Free labor is the best. Thx Jeremy. Great video
Great upgrade accomplishment!
Great work!