Cum facem Miezul verii

Cum facem Miezul verii

Nu prea mult navigat în acesta, dar am crezut că chiar merită o împărțire. În fiecare an, la mijlocul anului, avem acest festival aici, în nord. De obicei începe dimineața și se termină foarte târziu în noapte… cel puțin la noi. Sperăm să vă bucurați de acesta. PATREON: INSTAGRAM: Cumpără-ne o bere: PAYPAL: Muzică: Teoria memoriei – Stay awake with Me Drunken Sailor – Copper Cannell Nick Cocozella – My Morning Sweater Sailing – Delicat Steve Andy Ellison – New Leaf Alsever Lake – Te pot vedea Tides – Benson


10 thoughts on “Cum facem Miezul verii

  1. as a swede, i feel so embarassed watching the dances and songs. the most ridiculous part of the whole midsummers eve celebration. whoever came up with those ridiculous effing song and dances should have their name struck from history books.
    this was MILDLY amusing as a five year old, but ever since i reached the age of reason i cant stand it.
    of ALL the songs and dances you can POSSIBLY pick or make, THIS is what we settled for. hilarious.
    what baffles me the most is that even the adults do not seem to realize just how cringeworthy and pathetic this is, lmao.
    and they wonder why tourists (like the japanese) stand and just watch in disbelief (literally they stand and think what the flying f am i seeing) when Swedes sing and dance these songs.

  2. Well. As a recent subscriber, this was a nice suprise in the middle of pitch black winter with a meter of snow and -15 celcius outside the window 🙂

  3. WOOOW! Never mind the sailing (or the editing), great to watch regardless; midsummer is like Catnip for swedes, and I'm no exception! Looked so wonderfully nice and enjoyable, and it's always cool to get a 'forrigners' take on, and involvement in our – sometimes to the outside eye – exotic and nutty traditions! (and as you might have picked up, a favorite activity for many swedes is trying not to show [too much] how we almost birst of pride when people from abroad actually find our tiny little corner of the world as intriguing as we ourselves [secretly] do). And that's me having the greatest time atm., cunningly escaping the Swedish winter in a warmer location, but watching this makes my heart melt and longing for next Swedish summer! AND blend in the beautiful archipelago with that, and just WOOOOW! Great career move, btw. – you seemed to be pretty well sorted already, but going for marine electronics/ electrics seems to me like a "combining fun and work" kind of move? Good on ya'! Is midsummer btw. a big thing in Denmark as well?

  4. This was really both fun and nice to come back to our fantastic midsummer 2022 🙂 I was so happy to meet you guys also there 🙂 Lets have a barbecue soon 🙂

  5. I like it a lot!! Just what you need when its frezzing – looking forward…. to the spring. Just great fun – Viking traditions in Sweden.
    Best regards Sy Vilma Benetetau Oceanis 48, Svinninge Brygga 2
    Captain Anders

  6. Hi! Great to see document from midsommar celebrations in Sweden. In Finland only Åland and swedish speaking coastline have this tradition for majstången. But I have never seen anyone jumping in bags, that was hilarious!

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