Brett și cu mine mergem la pescuitul sub apă în 9.000 de metri de apă pe velele noastre spre Isla Isabella, casa lui Blue Footed Boobie. Obțineți propria armă și marfa Bickerton la @bicketronco Vă place acest episod și doriți să facem mai mult? Luați în considerare sprijinirea canalului la: Obțineți Swag-ul Breaking Waves la Obțineți scoop în timp real pe Instagram! @breakingwaves.ben @breakingwaves.alie O parte din tot ceea ce facem de pe acest canal va fi donată către pentru a ne ajuta să curățăm oceanul.

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Thanks for watching! To see Alie's patron only live chat yesterday check out – our patrons are keeping this channel going!!
Been watching for a year or so off and on. Your videos have gotten really good!
Thank you for this vid. FUN!
Ben did you debate trying to surf the breaking waves there?
We had to sneak our Dobie into the beach over the shallow reef around the corner as she too would not pee on a boat. Bruce is going to love Chacala. Hana was going to check out a Boa snake there but dad nixed her plan. Sand fleas need a good rinse before getting back on boat.
Looks like a great cruise.
You didn't actually show any spear fishing like the title suggested.
Groovy video
Sometimes the fish can be dam elusive great adventure
great episode
You guys are fun.
You left the dog bye
Throw a feather out and reel one in.

What a waste of my time
Don't jump!!!
Very stupid to get that close to a cliff edge!
Thumbs up video.
12:40 hahahaha
“Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna…”
-the Blue Breasted Boobies
completely wasted time and energy trying to spear a fast moving school like that. drop some lead core line and just troll next time.
What a waste of time!!!!
That island is so interesting. Frickin awesome.
A boat is a private place, and as far as I'm concerned, I would certainly not wear any bikini or other clothes.
Do you have an episode with more boobies
Open water is dangerous but people don’t understand that it is dangerous fishing in open waters it causes big sharks
That is good fishing

All good

Shoting fish
is good food
That because you sweet girl
Good fishing
Judge Cannon has done nothing for Justice in America ! She is basically an enemy of the people. Traitor enabler; hell of a way to be a Judge in America but, that's how America is now. Time to find another country to live in……..
Click bait bullshit….
I didn't see any boobies

Cruise the Caribbean and spear lionfish! Special bonus…they’re delicious!
Entertaining video and would have been amazing but for the MISLEADING CLICKBAIT. Folks, please don’t support this form of monetizing. Creators, attract people to what you actually have to offer. Unlike others, what you actually have is more than enough to attract viewers. Pity, because the video would otherwise be so worth the time to watch. I will never be back. My loss, but I just can’t support this.
Where were the boobies
I'm not much into spear fishing….
9,000 feet deep…Sea if Cortez….hmm reakly?
The Men had bigger boobies!!!!
stupid “clickbait” good way to get an instant thumbs down 
What a total lie I didn't see any boobies, click bait…
Click Bait
Garcia Richard Williams William Wilson Brenda