Cum să cumpărați un iaht

Cum să cumpărați un iaht

👉 Aveți nevoie de ajutor pentru a începe o agitație secundară care vă aduce 1000 USD în plus/lună? Consultați cursul meu: Este doar 10 USD pentru o perioadă limitată (de obicei 600 USD). 🔔 Abonați-vă: ✉️ Newsletter-ul meu (răspund la e-mailuri): 📸 Conectați-vă pe IG. Raspund la DM-uri.


35 thoughts on “Cum să cumpărați un iaht

  1. Crypto has been dead since before Covid I don’t understand how people still would be making money unless they have some sort of insider trading or it’s scheme

  2. "Do you have any advice for all the kids who wanna buy a yacht ."

    😂 maybe don't spend money on a yacht in your head before you even have it

  3. AKA find a way to separate others from their money. Some provide goods and services, and others build hype and get out before you can.

  4. ppl suprsed the boat is 2mil dont know boat prices😭 to get a somewhat affordable boat you have to go with an older model one like its boats from the 90s thts in the 100ks

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