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198. Epic Beach Bar Showdown | DUMINICĂ CU VAVEGA

36 thoughts on “198. Epic Beach Bar Showdown | DUMINICĂ CU VAVEGA”
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you finally released a video on Sunday , Aussie time .. haha great to see the pup with a new home , well done guys
Britini, you did well not to cry this time… I must be getting soft… It made me sad to see him go… Still, without you two he was toast… Good on you…
Sunday ain't Sunday without SUNDAY!! Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid.
I really look forward to your weekly sailing and puppy adventures. You guys are a trip. Sweet, kind, caring and funny.
Who have the longest hair ?
I’m watching the episode and I’m crying because you’re giving away the one puppy and I think the other puppy wants to go with them because they’ve been together since forever because you guys have had them in nursed him. I felt so sad that they aren’t together but I love what you guys are doing. You guys are special.
Ryan has about the same knowledge level of football as I have of cricket. I've never seen a single game in my life.
Love the floating band
Good morning guys hope everyone's doing well it's got to be hard to let the little guys go but looking like they are going to a Good family
have a beautiful day
Really good video. Always like the ones that bring a smile to your face.
I’m fostering a little female lab. Lots of work and lots of love back. It’s all worth it knowing they will find their forever home. Happy Sunny from
Great video guys. You had everything in it. Love the puppies.
Writing from northern Ontario. Love your episodes !
Love the videos!! Missing watching Brittni cook. Always looks amazing
70ft Cat?! Ill help antifoul half a Sundays worth if you get one x
…..watching Sailing Sunday Video and Start into minnutes of smiling and laughing….. .is Jackson in a way sad or searching the puppies,after they left into their new home?…thank you very much for your wonderful dog rescue work

…..have a healthy happy week…

I noticed I got unsubscribed for some reason.
Thinking Jackson is watching them leave and thinking “you forgot one come back and get that one too”
So Brittni, if I got a 70' CAT… would you and Jackson come sail with me for a while? Oh! Ryan too!
My main objective would be scuba diving.
Cheers, Salud, Slainte, Dai Bozhe!
The quality of this video is the best picture I've seen
Outtakes are not worth watching.
Tough to let one go but so nice of you to keep fostering Ryan.
Ryan, are you a stray Brittni rescue ?
Love watching you guys living the dream! Great content, photography but most of all great fun! You are a great couple and Jackson completes you. Fair winds, safe passage, until next Sunday, be happy! And thank you for sharing your adventures.

I saw you two on the Dodo for your do rescue efforts.
Good job raising the puppies and getting her to a loving home. It's great seeing you in the Carribean with all the islands and tropical variety. There's plenty of sailing tribe for association as well 'Love your joy. Doing what you love's a great version of life. Highest Blessings
Thanks guys..
Nothing like Sunday! Where does the puppy pee?…Anywhere he wants. Love you guys.
guys, great videos. I am with you.
There was a little bit of everything in this video! Very nice to see Jackson course! And Ryan is funny just being Ryan!
Great Job Guys, another Pup finds a loving home!
Your videos are epic. So well put together with great backing music. Really enjoy watching. The work you do with fostering animals is terrific… I feel your sadness when you pass a puppy on but I'm sure you know that you have done your bit in making a safe place for the pup and they'll be well looked after now.