CUMPĂRÂREA și RESTAURAREA acestui CATAMARAN PRIVILEGE, plus un sortiment PROSTINE DE NECESORI ne-au dat potriviri în ultimele 4 LUNI, dar dintr-o dată sărbătorim mai multe lucruri INSTANȚĂ! Și nici un moment prea devreme, din moment ce este timpul să PLĂCĂM GRENADA și să pornim într-o călătorie de 1800 de mile către state. Mă simt ATÂT DE BINE să plec cu o NOTĂ ÎNALTĂ. Bucurați-vă!! Și asigurați-vă că vă ABONAȚI pentru CONȚINUT SĂPTĂMÂNAL ÎN FIECARE DUMINICĂ! Noroc!! Vă mulțumim că vizionați SailAway, documentarul de călătorie al unui cuplu aventuros de navigatori, copil și câine, care navighează prin lume!
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Looks like you had a nice birthday, Lauren. Loved the sushi experimentation. My youngest son and his buddies bought a kit and made sushi and musubi recently. I'm going to have him show me how. Cheers!
Congrats Guys on the closing of Cecilia still Remember you taking her off the Dock with that little Bump on the way out 🙂 LoL
Congrats on the sale finally going through . Must be a big relief to not have to worry about it anymore. Thanks for the video.
We enjoyed touring Belmont Estate as well. Unfortunately no trick-or-treating last year as we were underway to Bonaire. Hope the refit is progressing nicely!
Our Doctor is Don Colbert, a close friend of Dr. Oz. He told us that apple seeds, apricot seeds, johnson grass. and many other seeds have cyanide in them. Just don't eat more seeds than you would find in your fill of whole apples. The cyanide is located in the center of the apple cells. It is like gaming dice with a five dot in the center. The four other dots keep the poison in check. When the cell finds cancer the poison dot is released to kill cancer. Bears in the wild don't get cancer but bears in zoos get cancer. This vitamin is B17 or laetrile which is banned in America because it is the number one cancer cure. One whole diced and blended frozen lemon turns your blood alkaline. Cancer can only live in acidic blood. The doctors only want to scare you from cures.
Have I missed something? Seems that quite some time ago you were on the 1800 mile Sea Trial to the States for a refit. Then this morning it seems I have Missed something. Perhaps I have Dimentia! Lol that's possible for sure! Had to respond as your viewing is showing it was posted to you tube on 6 February 14 hours ago! Whatever and wherever you are in earth, Be Safe, Have Fun, enjoy the Family and life and Freedom. God Bless you on the Journey
Glad Mommy is Getting Chocolate! Happy Birthday and Mmmmmm get her Extra toooo
You can at least have your video in the new year not in October you are to far behind most of sailing channels out there
Congratulations on the cat🎉 your family is incredible and I hope you wife enjoyed the birthday celebrations, I wish you all happiness 😊
Good episode. Great fun. Loved the Pumpkin, and congrats on the close. Adventure, onwards.
Congrats on the closing! Must be a huge load off of you guys!
So occasionally I hear a little motor running in the background, what is that?
….. and no more Cecilia hanging over your head!! Congrats, I’ll miss her a bit but so excited for Ophelia!
Cheers 🍹🥃🧃
you just have to practice on your pulling when you do your sushi wraps. the tighter the better.
Bigger winches or electric winches in the future? I know 1 size bigger winch will make it 2 times easier to crank it.
Congratulations on closing! Wonderful sushi making. You 3 are awesome! We use the Ewincher 2 for our winches , been using for a year now. This after servicing the creaky winches like you said. Tried the Winchrite it’s too awkward and weak and the Milwaukee drill is too big and cumbersome. Us ladies love the Ewincher 2, it’s so strong it can pull a person up the mast! Cost $2,000 but cheaper than installing all electric winches! Good luck in the U.S.
Yum custard apple we call those in Aus. I am always looking for them but they don't show up often. Oh and happy belated birthday 🎂
that is the first Drone view Ive seen of your (new) Home! She is GORGEOUS! Good on ya….and props for dealing with all the unknowns!
No doubt River's had the coolest outfit being a Buckeye!!
Chocolate factory! I might never leave. My boys are older and we’ve done underwater pumpkin carving since 2015, so it’s still a special holiday.
Congrats on being owners of just 1 sailboat and all that goes with it. Interesting look of those Grenada pumpkins. Have a great sail north.
Regarding those large manual winches, reconditioning may help them work a bit easier…- I would hope somebody could figure out how to electrify them. Personally I think a geared-down 12v motor mounted underneath with shaft engaging the inside gear ring of winch could work, with the heavy duty dumptruck 12v tarp motors being a prime candidate, especially if equipped with solenoid actuated gear, so that winch could be used manually if needed The readymade electric winches, the large ones that would match the size of those on your Priv482, are just sooo expensive.
Happy birthday Loren! Great show, great mum & wife. 😁
A groovy episode. Loved the sushi making. LOL! I feel better about my sushi making.