Acest videoclip se concentrează pe nodul bowline. Este un nod incredibil de util care nu va aluneca indiferent de cât de multă tensiune este aplicată și totuși poate fi dezlegat cu ușurință. (VIDEO ACTUALIZAT) Cum să legați Bowline cu o mână Scopul nostru la JetBoatPilot este să creăm produse și videoclipuri care să vă facă un navigator mai bun. Accesați pentru mai multă muzică de la Hands High de LiQWYD
SINGURUL NOD Fiecare navigator TREBUIE SĂ ȘTIE | Învață să-l legați ușor, apoi rapid
44 thoughts on “SINGURUL NOD Fiecare navigator TREBUIE SĂ ȘTIE | Învață să-l legați ușor, apoi rapid”
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…cool, very cool Will…
Good video. One of the "big three" most important knots to know (imho)-this, the square knot, and the half hitch (or multiple hitches). The bowline is the knot to make a rescue loop as well, as it will not slip; for example, if someone has fallen in the water, or off an embankment. Thank you!
In Texas we pronounce it Bo-Lynn knot
The keeper knot or a long tail on a bowline on the jib sheet or it can untie itself.
Know the BOWLINE and learn the BOWLINE ON A BIGHT for a boson's chair…….completely different knot, looks similar. Other good boater, Boy Scout knots we had to learn square knot, for reefing, clove hitch, sheepbend for joining lines of different diameters, sheepshank to shorten a line, and then one and two half hitches, which you already know….probably.
The half hitch "granny knot" as sown will untie itself in water!
Boline, easiest knot in the world to un tie having had pressure on it.
There is an easier technique. Put the rope around your waist; go over the left side with the end of the rope on the right hand; bring it back under and go around the other end; done. Once you do it a couple of times, you can do it with eyes closed.
"…we have a Bowline".
No, we don't. The bitter end must be inside the loop. The thumbnail for this video shows it tied wrongly too.
Yes, it does matter.
What you describe as a Granny Knot is an Overhand Knot and is not a good stopper knot.
Please don't share your expertise with any climbers.
Very well explained. Thanks!
That is a good show, I love the rabbit, safe boating.
Thank you for showing the fast way to tie a bowline knot. I discovered how to do this when I was in Boy Scouts and we had knot tying races. It makes the knot so much easier. I find the bowline to be extremely useful.
I was taught how to tie a bowline with one hand while hanging from a cliff edge
Thanks for taking over three minutes to show how to make a knot that takes 25 seconds to learn.
There's a much faster way to tie this knot as well believe it or not, and you also don't have to let go of the tag end AT ALL, so you don't risk dropping or losing it. I can't explain it here but do some more searching and you'll find it
This can also be used to hang pedophiles
Great knot! That second, fast method is how I learned to tie it. That "wrap" in the second method is a simple overhand knot, then give a slight pull on the working end and voila, there's your loop, then around the standing part, back down through the loop, and it's done in 2 seconds.
Netter Palstek, leider falsch gebunden, das lose Ende gehört nicht in die Schlaufe sondern nach außen
Thank you for saving my sanity!!!
It's not called a loop, it's called an eye.
Does it matter which direction the rabbit goes around the tree i find it worked in both directions.
Clockwise and anti clockwise.
Looked at several videos on this to teach kids in our sailing class. I think this is the best.
BTW, that “granny” is called a “half hitch”.
Except that you’re tying a left handed bowline. Unacceptable
Very good lesson on making a bowline. 5:51
That Yamaha UltraDeck is the barf.
You forgot to show the most important part: how to "undo" the knot after it's been under huge tension for a longer period of time. This is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable features of this knot and also the reason why I use this for almost everything.
For the newbies. THERES NO “ROPE” ON A BOAT! Rope doesn’t have a job. Lines do! Carry on! Awesome video though
Up the hole, round the tree and back down the hole. The rabbit story!
I have NEVER had any bowline come undone or back out or work itself free 12 years in the military 12 years on ships 20 years as an Iron worker using rigging daily not the standard bowline not the double the running none of the bowlines I have ever used "back out" if the tail doesnt come thru . if you leave a nub of the end in the bulk of the knot you will have a problem, if you make it right it stays tight load or no load
He's a boater and he doesn't understand why it's called and pronounced a BOW LINE.
Best knot teacher! Done at first try, thank you.
Trying to learn this knot with the loop pointed twords you is the most confusing way.
Great tutorial
Bow line knot can be tied much faster but it looks backwards. Plus he should have named the parts of the line/knot correctly.
It's not a loop It's a eye,all lines have a breaking strength ,all knots reduce the breaking strength, bu the bowline keeps 90% of the strength of the line do to less friction
I had a bowline knot that loosened by itself when exposed to waves and not loaded. didnt know it could.
Flip the loop like you’re starting your car.
thank you
A Bowline knot if allowed to flog can loosen and become untied. This has happened to me a couple times when using a bowline to tie on my jib sheets. I now throw a half hitch on to the loop with the extra bitter end to resolve this problem.
Didn't know the Palstek is called the Bowline Knot. Thanks.