Dacă sunteți în căutarea celei mai bune barca cu pânze de croazieră pentru cupluri, ați venit în locul potrivit! În acest videoclip, vom prezenta opțiunile de top pentru bărcile cu pânze care sunt perfecte pentru două persoane. Fie că ești un marinar experimentat sau abia la început, noi te putem acoperi. Navigarea în cuplu poate fi o experiență cu adevărat magică, dar este important să alegi barca potrivită pentru tine. De aceea, ne-am făcut timp să cercetăm și să testăm o varietate de nave cu pânze pentru a vă oferi cele mai bune opțiuni. De la crucișătoare de lux până la alegeri mai ieftine, vom acoperi tot ce trebuie să știți pentru a lua o decizie în cunoștință de cauză. În acest videoclip, vom oferi, de asemenea, sfaturi și trucuri pentru optimizarea barca cu pânze pentru un confort maxim și ușurință în utilizare. Vă vom arăta cum să vă personalizați barca pentru a vă satisface nevoile specifice și vă vom oferi, de asemenea, recomandări pentru echipamentul de navigație esențial. Așa că stați pe loc, relaxați-vă și alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce vă ducem într-un tur al celor mai bune bărci cu pânze de croazieră pentru cupluri. Fie că ești un marinar cu experiență sau ai început, acest videoclip are tot ce trebuie să știi pentru a alege barca cu pânze perfectă pentru tine. Nu uitați să dați like și să vă abonați pentru mai mult conținut informativ de navigație! Lady K Discord: https://discord.gg/EHzy8YjmWc Ai nevoie de un consult? Faceți clic aici pentru a trimite un mesaj: https://ladyksailing.com/consults/ Vrei să ajuți să sprijiniți Lady K Sailing? Faceți clic aici pentru a deveni Patron: http://www.patreon.com/ladyksailing Sau aici pentru a face o donație unică: http://www.ladyksailing.com/team-k Urmărește-l pe Lady K pe Facebook: https:// www.facebook.com/ladyksailing Sau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladyksailing/ Credit foto: Yachtworld.com https://keyassets.timeincuk.net/inspirewp/live/wp-content/uploads/sites/ 21/2019/06/sailing-around-the-world-couples-guide-blue-pearl-yacht-owners-ruud-laurie-bosman.jpg https://hgtvhome.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/hgtv /fullset/2006/4/7/2/RE_Dos_Realtor_hor.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.1280.960.suffix/1400935880311.jpeg https://www.goatsontheroad.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/living-on-05 a-sailboat_.jpg https://www.cruisingworld.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2022/12/Tartan_365-01618.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kWVzOh-XPMY/ maxresdefault.jpg https://cdn.boatinternational.com/images/20180316/1-175669l-2560×1440.jpg https://www.liveabout.com/thmb/dFTTlNB8jP7sRpn6wC2KlKREZvQ=/1500×1440.jpg https://www.liveabout.com/thmb/dFTTlNB8jP7sRpn6wC2KlKREZvQ=/1500/1500/1500x0upscaleters:nomax00upscaleters ):strip_icc()/GettyImages-87990433-590a5aae5f9b58647047e624.jpg https://keyassets.timeincuk.net/inspirewp/live/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2022/05/keyassets.timeincuk.net/inspirewp/live/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2022/05/05/anchoring_credit_a_borpholing https://s1.cdn.autoevolution.com/images/news/young-couple-is-living-the-dream-on-board-a-self-sufficient-sailing-yacht-turned-home-177846_1.jpg https ://pendletoneye.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/B475.jpg https://cdn.moreboats.com/boats/308776.5d397da645b212144cfce1cb.xl.jpg https://cdn.pattayacht_pictures/boats_pictures. lagoon-440/full/exterior/1.jpg?v347 https://battlebornbatteries.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/sailboat-solar-panels.jpg https://images.saymedia-content.com/ .image/ar_1:1%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto:eco%2Cw_1200/MTc0MDcyMTIwNTcyMTI2Nzg2/german-shepherd-ears-standing-up.jpg https://imt.boatwizard/59com/images/1/59com/images/1/597. 6295907_20170711120540246_1_XLARGE.jpg https://images.boats.com/resize/1/39/40/7863940_20210427222849815_1_XLARGE.jpg?t=16670901 https://16670901 ytimg.com/vi/UiOfu67Aouo/maxresdefault.jpg https://boatdeckcrm.com.au/attachment/big_image_render/4127069 https://www.pacificboatbrokers.com/images_new/SF5422/catalina-morgan-sloop-sailboat_01.jpg
Top Bărci cu pânze pentru cuplurile de croazieră: Găsește barca perfectă pentru următoarea ta aventură – Ep 216 – Lady K

26 thoughts on “Top Bărci cu pânze pentru cuplurile de croazieră: Găsește barca perfectă pentru următoarea ta aventură – Ep 216 – Lady K”
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I dream about buying a Silent 80 or 80ft. yacht and go by myself around the Atlantic single-handed.
Ya Better follow this up for the perfect boat for the solo sailor
Haha! I would've assaulted you if you didn't include a Morgan (Thank You, Tim!) or II. I've been smitten by the Morgan 43, 44CC and the 45.3(?) for all of those Morgan reasons: lots of thick glass, good seafaring when the weather goes to Shiite & the ability to give up and heave too if getting too badly beaten up. If you require 'stout' once every 10 years- Morgan's got it. But, what about a nice Jeanneau 379, 37 or 39i? I was also thinking about those many & varied Beneteau Oceanis' available: 40, 37, 393, 373…Long list of sugar scoopy boats and even some with dual wheels. My wife is 100Lbs soaking wet, but is a 400Lb hell biatch on wheels when tired, angry, frustrated or seasick. It's too high a price to pay to pound upwind with a super lite hull & structure. I'd rather draw 5' & carry 23,500 pounds 'O displaced water.
You perfectly called me out in the "early retirement group." Not sure if the woman is coming…Not sure I care. I don't understand all the catalina/benneteau love….yes, they are plentiful but I always like to have something unique
5000 hr rebuild cycle
Wow seriously ?
Is that backed up by oil sampling data ? Industry data of certain engines ?
Contamination of the interior .. the oil by the fuel burnt and the carbon left behind . These little 3 and 4 cylinder diesels are very fuel efficient hence less contamination.
Air intake on the water has very little dust silica compared to land use engines. Less contamination again .
They run constant rpm variable load governing the fuel system . That’s helpful for an engine also.
I’ve only land heavy equipment experience ,Caterpillar for 40 years. My jet boat has a …. Oh that’s another trip .
15000 hrs with proper maintenance and good ventilation should be attainable .
I just bought 38.1 clipper beneteau with a yanmar lol competitor but hey there’s tons of em in boats and these seem to be bulletproof
Love your info man .
I think it’s super that your sharing your experience.
This one, and, top five 40 ft sailboats, are just what I'm interested in.
Thanks Tim.
My spouse and I readily handle our Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 54DS, a 40,000 pound boat, by ourselves, including a long distance delivery from the Chesapeake to the Great Lakes. But the equipment that is essential to make that work is as follows: 1. Bluetooth headsets so we can talk to each other when docking and anchoring without yelling at each other. 2. Bow thruster without question 3. In-mast furled mainsail so we never leave the cockpit under sail 4. Electric winches for sheets and furling lines 5. Walk-thru transom and swim platform to make boarding from water or dinghy or emergency a non-event 6. Davits for the dinghy and hoist/rail mount for the dinghy motor 7. A windlass that can be remotely controlled from the helm 8. Remote control for the autopilot. We can debate the design merits of one boat versus another for cruising couples, but the above feature list is what will mean the difference between a couple having a pleasant experience versus a potentially stress-filled one.
I took my wife to the local new boat dealer, so she could see what kinds of boats are out there (we won't be buying new). We have a C&C 30 and that is the only thing she has seen, so she needed an introduction. We looked at a Beneteau 34 and it was a flat out NO. We moved up to a 42 and she said better, but no place to get away from each other. We entered the 51 and she said, this could work. The downside is, with just the two of us, I will be mostly single handing and I suspect the 50+ range might be too much. It does need to be blue water capable (not likely a Beneteau), as we have had assignments in England, Scotland, and Germany, and would like to leave the USA to visit them at least once or twice.
Cheers to you.
It's the boat she wants.
Honestly bro ur insight is great and all but adds and patreon, spare us the ads man.
I was onboard that very Cat-Morgan 440 a few weeks back and it feels more like a 55’ on the inside!
Tim. A dumb question. I hear about Mark 2 Mark etc. what exactly is that saying when they saying that ?
I really enjoy your insights into sailboats for most of us. I was recently on an Oyster 485 from 1993. It was hull No. 3 of the 485. I found it to be a very comfortable boat while beating to wind, an easy boat to sail, and an amazing boat for comfort at the end of the day. The deck saloon feature of the boat provided great light to the saloon and the ability to open forward lights to flood the saloon with air in the heat of Panama. I would like to hear your thoughts on Oyster deck saloon boats for both comfort and performance. Electric winches and electric windlass improved the ease of sailing.
Summer is just around the corner almost time to start working on our sailboats happy days again. I do see your point on the engine hours when your buying a boat they may still run way past 5000 hr but an engine is over $10,000 to replace I see a lot of boats in the yard with no engines and no money
another good video!
No HRs?
I like that Bruce Roberts,!! I like the vee head and a roomy front berth! But I just can,t get past building a Tiki 38'! Perfect for Island hopping or, gulp, crossing to the other side! But realistically north when it,s warm south when it,s cold!
Thank you for your videos. I love the down to earth approach you take. This video was really informative. Would it be possible to do a similar one for single handed sailors?
"Older" couples simply NOT capable to claim in to a cockpit regardless if center console or not. Deep steps are also a nightmare for us old folks.
Not to mention the heel over situation in the galley is most likely a bone braker.
Making a long story short…
If you are getting old, do spouse and yourself a BIG favour.
Get a CAT.
We bin there and done that.
Younger people have no idea, the amount of struggle we older people have to deal with on mono hull regardless of size. Bonus: A CAT doesn't
deappropriate so much after several years of use.
The 40 Oceanis gets it's styling I believe in part from The modern Wauquiez line of boats that are better built. Beneteau bought Wauquiez for awhile and I think resold the line. The older Wauquiez are what are I call French Swans and Grand Soleil as Italian Swan.
Hi Tim:
When we shopped in 2011 for a 40 ft. sailboat for extended summer cruising my wife selected the Beneteau 40 primarily for the galley layout. Microwave of to the side not above the stove and massive freezer separate from the refrigerator. All lines lead aft for easy couple or single handed sailing. On calm days the 54hp Yanmar really performs well, too. A large bulkhead starboard for a TV and plenty of storage space in the port cockpit locker, easy walkout to get in and out of the dingy. Glad we bought this boat!
Ooops, I have 5 footitus now…
Great video and I loved the Benetaua Oceanus 40! Keep them coming.
If cruising is defined as going to the Bahamas from Florida, or maybe as far as the Turks, then any of these will qualify. however, if you are talking about crossing oceans, perhaps only the Roberts does. boats with bolt on keels and unsupported rudders simply should not be thousands of miles off-shore. they weren't built for that purpose. frank butler built the Catalinas to go to Catalina Island,, 26 miles from LA. Beneteaus were built for the charter trade and were built to a price point. a boat is a vehicle . it should be used for the purpose for which it was designed and built. any other use is courting danger.
Tim Great video , hi from Canada . Two thoughts for new videos, Purchasing a new sailboat in a charter fleet, and secondly the cost of maintaining a cruising sailboat. We are now on our second new boat in a charter fleet having taken the first boat out of the fleet and winter cruising for six winters. Yanmar predicts 10,000 hrs as useful life on their marine engines. Any 20 year old marine engine will need significant maintenance in a warm salt enviornment hours are not the only determining factor.