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199. Realitatea celor 48 de ore la mare | Duminica navigatie

27 thoughts on “199. Realitatea celor 48 de ore la mare | Duminica navigatie”
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Stunning views of the Island! And watching Jackson and Oliver play is so heartwarming. Keep it up!
Noooooo!!!! Oh…..psych
. So now you can clean up the boat and it will stay clean….until Ryan returns
. Love some Cesar salad wraps ….. yummy. God bless Oliver
. We have two chihuahuas
. Love seeing Oliver n Jackson running around together 
Love the videos
What's up guys
Oliver is one cute puppy. I wish we could take him on. Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid. xx
….nice Video again….and Jackson sny Oliver they're really a nice doggy-gang…so wonderful to see them running,smiling….very nice beach jewellerey Brittni….super idea….have fun stay safe and healthy….your Cesar Salad Dressing is absolute delicious

Great video of your brief passage before Ryan abandoned ship. Bastard! How could he? Brittani, if I were younger and not happily married, I'd come rescue you and Jackson and your gorgeous pup. Ugh. C'est la vie.
About the pup: how old is he/she? He's super cute and seems VERY affectionate and playful. Any idea about how big he might get? Asking for a friend (we lost our girl Lucy to lymphoma back in December and I've been looking to honor her memory by helping rescue a dog in need. There are SO many).
Great episode. Oliver is so cute!
I guessed something was up in the first few seconds as the boat was sooooo clean inside. Lol
I couldn’t find ur necklaces. Are u selling them on Etsy? Such a great idea!!!
Lovely as always. Thank you!
This must be the year for people to return to the down under. Was thinking I should have come down to help you with the dogs, as I speak both dog & Canadian.
Enjoy your Me time
You should keep Oliver for a mate for Jackson they get along well
My wife asked me where you guys met so I said how the f should I know so I'm asking you guys now hahaha
Another great video
That wasn't funny Brittni
Great video as usual. I really enjoy your story. Wish I could adopt such a cutie but sadly I can't. I hope he finds a great home soon. 

Hi Brittni, I can’t see those lovely necklaces in you shop. When are they going up for sale?
I'll take that lil fella off your hands if ya sail on over to Atlanta George & drop him off!? Ha! Love all the sailing footage in this one! Ps I'm Huge Mr Jackson Fan!! <3
Really enjoyed this week’s episode with hearing a lot more from you Brittni!! I’m gathering its because Ryan is away. Nice to hear your thoughts on your travels too! And love seeing Jackson and the puppy!
kicking goals awesome
Great idea for the necklace…beautiful lifestyle you 4 are living….1 day soon …I be a solo sailer

I have been binge watching all your videos over the last two weeks. I love what you do and finally caught up. We are so inspired and also buying a yacht. Which sailing school did you use in Whitsunday to start your sailing adventure?