De ce Ruto navighează pe ape periculoase!

De ce Ruto navighează pe ape periculoase!

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32 thoughts on “De ce Ruto navighează pe ape periculoase!

  1. Welcome to Kigumba Prof. You might speak my language Runyoro. Welcome to Kabalega Land. Remember we gave you Kenyatta so the 4th President might be your relative like he is mine.

  2. For me the chilling thing is that Robert Ouko was picked up from his house in the same way people allegedly came to Matiang'i's house. And Ouko turned up dead a few days later. That's CHILLING! I look at Matiang'i's track record and character and believe him when he says "someone was after him."

  3. 🤣🤣🤣the only thing that Matiang'i proved with that fake raid was that he could be chairman of drama festivals. Ati 200 lawyers were at his house without a picture or video amongst them. Na walikuja aje?? 200 cars bila causing a jam that is visible from space?? ama basi?? Manyora bought baba's whistleblower's nonsense as truth with zero evidence, but is not convinced here 🤣🤣

  4. I remember very well Moi saying after a short time with folk saying Fuata nyayo, Fuata nyayo. He said
    "vile mulifwata Nyayo za Kenyatta ndio sasa mufuate Nyayo zangu" and quickly it became Moi's Nyayo. He was not good to Kenyatta for long if my memory serves me well.

  5. Wali look briefcase iko named iebc officials rig election for ruto. It was in matiangi house. Patia raila that information to protect him. Government will break house tena look documents

  6. Today Manyoria was fabbling trying to justify that indeed there could be possibility that there was a raid. None other than former presidential runner was seen night running to create unnecessary drama that yielded nothing just but hot air. I look far ward when Manyora will be objective and call lies what they are. He never called Uhuru out for intimidating rutos pple. Now he says Ruto is refaging. What a cheap thinking

  7. Nabii ni mkora mi nangoja atoke kama wengine so that atleast we can agree unanimously that he is the worst president Africa has ever produced just behind Mobutu seseko

  8. Professor:"The Vast Majority of Kenyans(80%) are simply waiting for Raila(Real 5th) to give us direction on when(Not if) to "Eject Zakayo alias Fake Nabii from Ikulu using all tools available even if we end up going "Srilanka/Sudan/Somalia/DRC/Way"!!!.

  9. To Prof Ruto can never do anything good.I told him on this channel he is my teacher bit Ruto will be President.I maintain Ruto will accomplish things that will turn Kenya Around.

  10. I really don't know what to say. If an OCS within jurisdiction heard there were some people at the former CS's house under unclear circumstances, at night, he could not dispatch officers to find out what the matter was? He could simply sleep till morning report to office just to tell us that there was no one there? Demanding evidence from the former CS?

  11. I have a big problem coming to terms with political reality in Kenya. Ruto came out openly insubordination of the president by opposing the handshake then as DP. He did not resign, making it difficult to run the same government he deputised. There were other people in the same government who were simply following instructions without insubordination the likes of DCI in Kinoti, DPP and Matiang'i among others. Ruto is happily working with DPP who has publicly confessed to failing in his oath of office to the whole nation. What a world this is. But not happy with Matiang'i, Kinoti etc who stayed true to their oaths of office being loyal to the appointing authority. Why? They were simply following instructions in order for Uhuru and Ruto cohabitation full course second session. Why selectively vilify those who helped the same Ruto finish together with Uhuru? Some stubborn bad dreams have refused to go away, how else can one explain what is happening? What scenario could unfold if the entire civil service disobeyed the president and obeyed the deputy president? Is disobedience to be rewarded and applauded in the manner it is?

  12. Okinyo your posture is wanting. You move your hands a lot. You ask long questions, you compose your question for 7- 10 minutes. You move your hands a lot. You are a weak journalist. 2/10. Improve your skills. Get training from Jadiel Kabiro.

  13. First of all prof thanks for clarifying your tribal leanings, you are trying so hard to justify matiang'is lies to suit your ongoing narrative against ruto but the fact that you are an eminent azimio consultant means that everything you say about ruto should be taken with a bucket of salt.

  14. If the government thinks it was fake why did they not go and arrest those who stage managed the arrest. Otherwise is like saying there is no govt or security in Kenya. Where I live in America it that happened police will respond within 3 min. In Kenya that took hrs then the government which claim to be in charge is asking for cctv? That's normal only in Kenya

  15. There is nothing logic Manyora talks about when it comes to the side of President Ruto ….he always talks negative about our current President. He just wanted Raila to be the president and it never happened. Nothing comes true to all what he talks about ….agood prof is the one who about both sides….Bure sana prof Manyora

  16. Okinyi I get the feeling you are doing a little too much of explaining your questions. That eats too much into Prof's time. He's an intelligent guy. Just be precise with your questions. Kindly.

  17. This government is weirdly funny, unnecessary petty. I thought a wise would have said, "let's investigate" but they foolishly deny, which raises an alarm all over.

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