Episodul #281: Sezonul 9: Pacificul de Sud Salut Prieteni, În acest episod facem loc legendarului bar „Bloody Mary’s” și apoi explorăm plaja uluitor de frumoasă Matira. După câteva zile, pe o minge de acostare, călărind în afara vremii, alunecăm liniile și navigăm de pe minge prin câmpul de acostare. Dacă vă place canalul, vă rugăm să „Like” videoclipurilor și să vă abonați pentru a nu pierde niciun episod viitor. Dacă vi se pare că videoclipurile sunt utile sau distractive și doriți să contribui, puteți deveni Patron la: https://www.patreon.com/sailorjames sau dacă preferați să faceți o contribuție o singură dată, o puteți trimite prin PAYPAL la jamesthesailorman @gmail.com Fair Winds, James ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI PATREON: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailorjames Site: http://svtriteia.com Tracker: https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display /Triteia Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/james.the.sailor.man #borabora #bloodymarys #matirabeach #solotraveler #solosailing
Vizitarea celebrului Bloody Mary’s Bar din Bora Bora și vizitarea plajei Matira

26 thoughts on “Vizitarea celebrului Bloody Mary’s Bar din Bora Bora și vizitarea plajei Matira”
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And its not stupid, its a genuine expression of peace of heart/mind and joy of living!
I am almost as old as your boat lol but I have enjoyed watching every episode and getting to see all these special places. I love your videos and I hope your never stop sailing. Thank you so much for your story and it is a inspiration to many of us.
Fantastic video! So amazing to see these beautiful islands. Thank you, James.

You have become the most interesting man on YouTube. Have loved being along for the ride since the beginning. Fair winds
Bora Bora is incredible
I hope you’re all safe and well James, given the weather that’s currently smashing the South Pacific. Are you still in NZ. Hopefully at safe anchor somewhere.
Awesome! Keep the content coming.
I am so jelouse, James wish I was there.
Living the life I want to live, but can't right now. Love your channel! Do you get lonely?
Hi James, you are going to really love American Samoa Pago Pago , out of all Pacific Islands, I think it is the most pictures of I ever seen , Cliff from Logan City Queensland Australia
from the big island 
OMG that water
Good stuff James.. Always a chicken in the background
Thanks James
Hi James thank you again for another great adventure!! So incredibly beautiful and you always make me laugh! Thank you
music is FARRRRR to loud
How long can you go on these jerrycans? Two or three months?
My fave thing is when a sailor interacts with another human-you never seem to be interacting with other humans…
I’m learning HEAPS frm you re sailing..
But, I DO look forward to seeing your interactions with CULTURE an the peoples that belong to those islands
Hope you are ok in NZ at the moment
How did you survive the storms in NZ this week
Hope all is well
Hey James amazing vid as always
Are you still in NZ ? Hope you missed the cyclone
Email that place back and let them know the digital copy was not excepted by who, what time and date and ask them if they could get you your money back and given back to you because of not excepting the digital copy. If they have an excuse just to except it smile and take your hard earned money back.
Do any cruisers bring backpacking backpacks and camp out on the beaches or have you seen something similar before?
My new favourite channel
stay safe out there man!!!
And by the way. Thanks for not overproducing your intro. It's calm and repeatable. So many channels beat you over the head with their sweet productions skills. I like that you keep it simple. It's one intro I don't skip. Well, it's the only one. Thanks!
Thanks from Sydney for your updates .I think you are still in Russell & hope safe from the storms.