Acest COLin Archer SOLID are nevoie doar să fie pus la loc | Sălbatic Sailing

Acest COLin Archer SOLID are nevoie doar să fie pus la loc |  Sălbatic Sailing

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41 thoughts on “Acest COLin Archer SOLID are nevoie doar să fie pus la loc | Sălbatic Sailing

  1. this is the one , I can never sleep in a v berth , either the the aft cabin or the center berth is good . anything can be repaired , put an old perkings in it -done deal

  2. In a lot of cases you launch the boat then step the masts from a slip with a crane. Your father is right, what you saw as a concern on those main caps wasn't really anything, but crank or the bores are what would matter. If they're heavily pitted often times you can just change the sleeves. It could also be just a matter of tearing it down completely and polishing every surface.

  3. I worked on a 1953 steel ship with black pitch paint in the bilge, it was rust free. The topsides were rotting away.

  4. Nice boat. But I think you should take another serious look at melody. Those people would look after you. Just saying ☺️.
    SV Kiwi Lady Opua Bay of islands New Zealand 👍

  5. Nice looking boat.
    The corrosion near the anodes may need investigating?
    The varnished woodwork looks very nice but will need a lot of maintenance to maintain.

    Steel boats though, the car ferry says it all, sturdy vessels.

    Cold weather buy yourself some thermals "woolen long johns" a scruff for your neck and woolen socks, combined they should keep you toasty warm.

    Happy hunting.


  6. I’m enjoying your boat search videos. I like your approach of not rushing into a purchase. I feel like I’m boat shopping with you. Best of luck.

  7. The Archer before makes a much more usable impression. And it got a much better masts, better heating system and has got a working engine. Had a knowledgeable refit?

  8. Wonderful sea boat but nightmare in a marina, big turning circle and no chance of reversing. A bow thruster would help. Hope this helps, good luck.

  9. Heeey sexy! 
    I'm an ocean sailor myself and have restored three (3) great sailing yachts to immaculate condition.
    I permit myself one small advice: I would never want a sailing yacht, ment to travel around, with a galley in the front of the boat. High on the wind, wich you will sail for half of the time, this will be an impossible place to cook in. The pounding of your boat will even turn the mil to butter……
    Keep on looking!

  10. Mark I can see pitting under that fresh paint in quite a few spots. If you want to see what a nightmare old steel yachts can be check out Sailing Lahakai. That thing is sending them broke. Plus that v berth galley has to go or how are you gonna cook at sea without wearing all your food. If you want a real bargain yacht fly to NZ. There are thousands of cheap large solid glass yachts. The economy here's going down fast and boats are first on the list of things to sell in tough times.

  11. i enjoy your updates, we spent 2 years plus looking at boats, sleeping in cars, hotels you would normally avoid, un-godly cheap out of hours flights its a good insight into whats out there…, when you are looking for something to invest your life into, got to get it as right or at least what you feel happy and confident with…great videos and content….

  12. Nice boat. Cranes are around 450 quid in the u.s. for 3 hrs. Get the standing rigging on and ready to stand all the lines and lights ready then go for it. Should be able to get it done swiftly. Engines aren't my thing, but at 24k sterling that's not much boat if it still needs an engine and exhaust. Plus a fitting out for being offshore for a while unless you plan on running a new engine some 100 hrs a month. Which isn't the worst thing in the world mind you. Didn't get a look at the sails. What a strange galley though. Those Colin archers remind me of Bruce Roberts. I enjoy seeing the different layouts that people have built. There is a rather intriguing Bruce Roberts named messy Monique. She isn't pretty, but always sells for pennies. I think I've seen it for 5 years now. Maybe a rusted tub on its last, never have seen the bilge's. Anyways fun to look that boat up. Good luck, finding a boat is easy, finding your boat isn't.

  13. Nice to hear your dad' s thoughts on the engine . All depends on how long the engine ran with the water ?
    So , go with worst case scenario as per your dad and get a quote .
    I think you might get lucky , strip clean and rebuild .
    Then as you say, getting it in is not easy .
    the mast looks cool plenty of rigging , wood work looks great .
    Have a good time in Amsterdam , not near Canalstrasse 🙂

  14. So, what are you waiting for? The "perfect" boat for almost free that you will never find? Please, stop this "mental masturbation" and pull the trigger and get on the way back to sailing again, unless you prefer wasting your time wandering the world just looking at run-down old boats.

  15. Move the stove and sink to the area by the chart table bench. The boat will have the storage and refrigeration in the forepeak and put a hideaway platform bed over the top of the soon to be storage cabinets. Boat value $12,000. Did mast break and get resized, was the engine submerged?

  16. Don't let the impatient viewers pressure you into buying before you're ready. THEY are not buying the boat. THEY will not be fixing the boat. THEY will not be living in the boat. You will.

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