Eticheta drapelului cu Tom Cunliffe

Eticheta drapelului cu Tom Cunliffe

Te-ai întrebat vreodată de ce unii marinari își aduc însemnele la apus? Este mai mult decât tradiția. Și cum rămâne cu steagurile de curtoazie, steagurile casei și restul? Le înșirăm și le lăsăm până putrezesc, sau există o modalitate mai marinară? Totul este aici în acest scurt videoclip, condimentat cu o fire sau două, ca de obicei. #Tom Cunliffe, #drapel, #ensign, #navigație Dacă ești interesat de navigație, lucruri maritime și drumul sărat către libertate, te vei bucura de canalul meu, așa că toarnă-ți un pahar din cele mai bune și stabilește-te cu personalul meu amestec de fire și material didactic util. Când sunt plecat în croazieră, nu știu niciodată când voi avea ocazia să încarc. Dacă abia așteptați, de ce să nu deveniți membru al clubului meu de site-uri? Veți găsi o mulțime de videoclipuri și articole numai pentru membri, care nu sunt disponibile în altă parte și veți avea șansa de a vă alătura unui forum online obișnuit. • Site web: – • Deveniți membru: – MODALITĂȚI PENTRU A VENI CONTACT CU MINE și ÎNĂRĂ-TE ECHIPULUI • Site : – • Twitter: Alăturați-vă conversației – • Facebook: Să ne întâlnim aici – ALTE PRODUSE • Articole: – • Cărți de vânzare: – • Cărți audio: – https:// Urmărește-mă pe YOUTUBE Apăsați butonul ABONAȚI-VĂ. Aș aprecia dacă v-ați alătura canalului meu „Yachts and Yarns”. Apăsați butonul LIKE când vă bucurați de un episod – este gratuit și în felul acesta voi ști ce fel de conținut vă place. Atingeți pictograma CLOPOTER, pentru a primi un sonerie. Apoi veți fi întotdeauna notificat când apare următorul blog video. Bun venit la bord! Tom Copyright Tom Cunliffe 2023


33 thoughts on “Eticheta drapelului cu Tom Cunliffe

  1. Interesting but this will cause palpitations amongst the pink gin set! I fly a Welsh flag of course. I raise the St George’s cross as a courtesy when visiting England.

  2. I enjoyed this. Back in the day American friends of mine entertained themselves by sailing their 25-footer past anchored ships of the US Navy Pacific Fleet and dipping their ensign in salute. For many years they have dined out on how all the warships, including the mahoosive USS Nimitz, returned the courtesy.

  3. Bless you Tom. Your ensign is super but not as super as the beauty at 1:40!! Now THAT is an ensign!! Your courtesy flag is fab…I've seen courtesy flags being flown that are dismally small…the size of a packet of cigarettes….I call them discourtesy flags. Best wishes from a misty Lulworth, Dorset.

  4. You have to flag if you have gest or crew of a nother nachalty then your flag in the aft downt you. I suppose så that the custard can check passports and stuff. On whit side do you flag the amerikan flag or the Kurdish flag if you have a Kurdish national on board?

  5. Your Culers shows where the ship is from. The Finnish maritan flag has a whit cross in the blu cross on the whit back and it has i interesting history. When Finland was a part of Ryssland ther ships need to flag where they are from so they got permission to flag the marin flag even the national flag was outlawed.

  6. I like flags, tradition and etiquette! Trouble is, that no matter what you do, some old geezer will come up and tell you that you are doing it all wrong! From now on I will refer to this video, as the highest authority. Thanks Tom!

  7. Well done Tom, we must keep old traditions going. I didn't realise you had such a connection to the 'Old Gaffers Association', it is good to see that flag flying. Happy sailing to you both.

  8. A little off topic (yes, I always fly the ensign at the near correct times on board and NEVER a tatty example) is the habit of residents of Denmark (particularly on Jutland) to fly the very long "burgee" from their farmhouse poles. This might be a reaction to the WW2 occupation but I've never asked my hosts. Perhaps you know, Tom.

  9. I thought the reason you leave your flag out, especially in quiet anchorages, is to show that being an English yachtsman, your on at least 5 to 1 of chain. It says, piss off and anchor as far away from me as you can! Cant beat plenty of swinging room.

  10. Hi Tom, I found the video on the Q flag and have to admit that I have been doing it wrong. A simple explanation that makes sense. Thankyou.

  11. What does one do when one's boat has an unstayed mast (ie. no shrouds or spreaders) as in a junk-rigged boat? Is there an "official protocol"? I would be interested to hear what you or your viewers have to say. Thanks very much.

  12. Good video Mr C. I found points I agree with, and points I differ on.
    I do fly a burgee at the spreaders – unless I have the right to fly a flag – ie a flag officer or past commodore. I wish too, that I had the discipline to take the colours up and down – but I find that beyond me every day.
    I agree about ensigns however – and the need for a smart one. I don't see the respect in the "shabby chic" habit of wearing a faded pink ensign with a tatty fly and proudly boasting about its 20 years of service. It's just scruffy!
    …and yes – nothing worse than a boat in foreign waters that doesn't show its host the respect of a courtesy ensign. In response to a question below – in Brittany, for example, we fly the Tricolore with a Brittany flag beneath it. Why not?

  13. Excellent video Tom, very interesting as always.
    But how do us motorboaters (yes, some of us like to do things properly too) fly courtesy and club flags? It's very difficult on a vestigial mast. I would love to see your video guidance on this.

  14. If you take your ensign down, you should also take the courtesy flag down because there is a rule that says that no flag can be flying if the ensign is not flying. On my side of the Channel at least. Cheers. Love your videos.

  15. A friend used to call it "putting the Queen to bed" (or King, I suppose, now). It's nice to have a good quality ensign (and courtesy flags), the same as putting on a pair of shoes and clean shirt when clearing in at a foreign port.

  16. Another great and informative video, Tom, thank you. I was just wondering how and where motor yachts flew flags and burgees. Many years ago, sailing from the JSSTC in Black Arrow, we overnighted in Cowes and took our lead from the RYS. When the white ensigns went down, ours followed within seconds.

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