Accesați și aplicați astăzi, fără riscuri „În ultimii patruzeci de ani, Jimmy Cornell a înregistrat sute de mii de mile marine; șantierul naval Garcia a construit cele mai emblematice bărci pentru croazieră offshore; și Berret Racoupeau a proiectat la fel de multe. Adunarea celor trei nu a putut decât să dea naștere unei barca cu pânze cu un caracter distinct, care urma să devină Exploration 45. Prima dintr-o linie dedicată navigării pe toate mările lumii, indiferent dacă este la latitudine mare sau tropicală, este evident realizată din aluminiu și este un centreboarder.Cu cârme duble, controlul în mare agitată și manevrabilitate sunt pur și simplu excepționale.Toate manevrele de navigație sunt grupate împreună în cockpit, ceea ce este deosebit de bine protejat de capacul său inovator cu vedere în față. Deplasarea pe punte rămâne deosebit de sigură, cu balustrade întotdeauna la îndemână și bare robuste. Acest lucru permite accesul facil la dulapul pentru pânzele din față, separat de restul interiorului printr-un perete etanș. , complementul ideal pentru camera tehnică din pupa. În interior, îndrăzneala layout-ului devine rapid convingătoare, cu inteligența soluțiilor oferite. Salonul de pe punte oferă o vedere panoramică neașteptată asupra mării: privilegiul de a vă bucura confortabil de peisajele excepționale care vă înconjoară. Siguranță, ținând întotdeauna un ochi vizual asupra traseului, în timp ce îl controlați din poziția interioară de pastrare a ceasului. Disponibil în două sau trei versiuni de cabină, interiorul beneficiază de abilități remarcabile de confectionare de cabinete. Căldura Afromosiei sau strălucirea stejarului deschis – tot ce trebuie să faci este să alegi care.” -Credit pe site-ul Garcia. Ce crezi? Spune-ne în comentariile de mai jos. Sub canalul nostru spinoff, Learning the Lanes! Pentru a recomanda iahturi pentru tur: Pentru întrebări media/sponsorizare: –––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––– MSRP aproximativ, bazat pe opțiuni personalizate: 700.000 USD+ Garcia Yachts: https://www Exploration 45: ––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––– Asigurați-vă că luați o decizie informată cu privire la următoarea dvs. barcă cu acest instrument: bord-a-cumparare-ambarcatiune/ ––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––- Nu -A-Broker Consulting: Facebook: Instagram: –– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––- Learning the Lines este un canal despre noi, un cuplu mediu în 20 de ani, cu vise mari de a naviga prin lume până la 30 de ani. Nu ne este frică să ne aruncăm în nimic, să muncim și să învățăm pe măsură ce mergem. Am început cu Somnium, un O’day 272, ne-am mutat pe Freebie, un Endeavour 32, iar acum ne concentrăm pe excursii cu barca cu pânze și lucrăm cu normă întreagă ca profesori în timp ce economisim pentru următoarea noastră barcă. Vă rugăm să lăsați un like și un comentariu dacă v-a plăcut videoclipul și să vă abonați dacă nu ați făcut-o deja.
Cea mai bună navă de expediție din aluminiu care există [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor
40 thoughts on “Cea mai bună navă de expediție din aluminiu care există [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor”
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1 it has european lines (a bit ugly to us north americans) 2 I dont like 2 wheels. I want 1 tucked up behind a solid splash shield (for blue water protection) 3. Alum is absolutly the way to go with all the part sunk shipping containers with watertite bulhead 4 deck and rig looks good 5. green cushons OMG (NOT my choice) 6. cabin layout would not be my choice either 7. Interior wood ..NICE colour (not light gross euro colours)
Yeah, too small…
Can you please tour a Vancouver 28ft please?
Small thing, but why do so very many YouTubers say “without further ado” and then cut to an intro sequence‽ That’s ado! Just say “after a bit of ado” or something instead…. Or skip the ado.
I do like the video, I’ve watched many of them. Just nitpicking…
I like this boat.
It is my dreamboat since I know Garcia. I will never own it, but at least it would be a real pleasure to be a guest for a week or so.
I also saw the channel with SnowFlake and was very surprised that they sold the boat within a year after buying it brandnew. I also remember that there were issues withbthe Volvo engine.
Thanks for this Video, enjoyed so much
Allthough it is my dreamboat, there are some compromises indeed: The cabin layout is not so mine. If you would merge a Garcia 45 and a Sirius 40DS with it's very intelligent layouts and solutions, you will surely have your nearly absolute dreamboat. To answer your question: Jimmy Cornell does not own one now.
BTW: Sirius has a waiting list of 4(!) years for now and growing.
For “off the shelf” go anywhere I believe Boreal is #1 with Garcia a good way behind… for serious exploration, expeditions or commercial high latitude sailing, for me it would only be K&M
Dipthongs. Tour, not tore.
You’re such a f*cking rookie !
Dumbest boat ever, wow, get a life you sailboat losers! WOW! Idiotic morons from hell!
It might just be the camera but the visibility from the cockpit looks terrible???
,good size to Enjoy the sail AND motor
This is a fixable sailboat because it is aluminum. Just don't eat the boat. The anode is what magnesium? The keel line stem to stern academic keeling design reduces heeling over and increases speed of sailing. The deepest point should be between the mast and forestay. You could put the trapezoid keel plate from the mast to the bow. The mast at one and the bow at three or four. Then clear the boom and ballast the boat. The center board stays up. The mast and headsails are keeled
You guys need to change your channel name to boat brokers
Wow! This boat is Beautiful 😍
Nice good all weather sailing round world
Absolutely the ugliest boat I have ever seen.Those greens make me want to puke!
What's wrong with Taupe?
Oh, I just know I could never like anyone who likes the ugliest of ugly greens.
Please tell me the sails are not an even uglier hugh?
this was a beautiful well done and thorough tour of this beautiful boat. thank you thank you.
I kinda wish there were electric winch controls are the nav desk. So if you need to tack you can go outside and get it done and just lace the jib sheets on the winches snug and get inside out of the weather and do the fine trim from inside. Maybe dare to dream
Stunning world cruiser…however, two things struck my about the design. As you mentioned, the engine access is not ideal, and there was no mention of a bow truster. She is built for extreme open water, but what about tight docking/marina conditions, especially in strong crosswinds?
Lol…..700,000 dollars? Way to expensive for most. Crazy what some people have.
Nice to see another video about the Garcia. I have the specs on this boat memorized. I have read everything I can find on this boat. This is the perfect boat IF you are a true bluewater sailor. I'm typing this comment before watching the video, so I hope the uploader mentions that this vessel has a swing keel, so you can sail ANYWHERE in the bahama's and never ground out. Those mooring spots that are too close to land that no one else can use are all YOURS if you are helming a Garcia.
This sailboat is not designed to have a cupholder every five feet from you, it's designed to get you there, and then get you back safely. Never will you worry about semi-submerged shipping containers ever again if this is your vessel of choice. I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, so my first voyage with this piece of perfection would be to navigate the North West Passage. This boat would feel at home on The Baffin Bay.
THank you for the tour. One item that needs to be talked about more on these type of tours is how well the boat sails….what is its performance on the water.
Bestevaer for me.
Swimmers platform = pirate access platform
Generally, I very much enjoy your boat tours. I really enjoy the variety of boats that you draw our attention too. One thing that I find annoying however, is the ever constant Storage, storage, storage. Enough already, please continue to highlight the living quarters, galley, engine room and
how the vessel navigates. Tanks.
The helm stations are a confusing design choice. Seems like a waste of a well-protected cockpit to leave to helm stations exposed.
Get a haircut, please
howmoooch ?
Hi how do? Been watching your channel for some time now. I'm interested in exploration vessels w/sails..One thing I've noticed..most boats/yachts don/t show or have a wet room berfore or entering a dry cabin…do any of the manufactures of the vessels you've showcased have a dry room?
howmuch is it?
can u add around view camera and volvo ips?
lord….. in this video you look so hot with that long hair it's a wonder my head doesn't explode
Absolutely lovely boat for it's supposed purpose: All seas expedition boat! If you like this kind of boat, also do consider Allures and Alubat. Allures is actually build by Garcia, also have high grade aluminium hull, but typical a grp deck and couch house. Build more to cruising standards, but also slightly better priced, for instance do their new 51.9 model (a class bigger than this one) cost about the same brand new. Alubat is also build in high grade marine aluminium and are essentially Garcia boats at a bargain, for instance do the 38 feet brand new have a base price of 280k Euro, with lifting keels and ability to dry fall and all. Alubat is less focused on beauty of exterior, but is every bit as functional and solid, and the interior is very beautiful and practical though. I honestly believe, that the Alubat 38, though that much smaller, would be a better couples circumnavigation boat really.
Are they electric wenches??
This vessel looks wonderful! That layout breaks the rule that "nothing is perfect", and looks perfect! Lol I love it!
This boat, along with the Kraken, are my dream boats… nothing compares.
Engine has 3 accesses… Aventura II was an Alubat Ovni 43.