Urmăriți recenzia mea Carnival Luminosa aici: Alăturați-vă grupului meu privat de Facebook pentru oferte de croazieră, sfaturi și sfaturi – cu cât avem mai mulți membri, cu atât vom primi mai bine! Urmărește-mă pe Facebook și Instagram: Susține canalul cu un tricou cu slogan: Site-ul web pentru oferte grozave de croazieră și călătorii: Vino cu mine într-o plimbare completă prin turul navei Carnival Luminosa. În acest tur, vom începe la nivelurile inferioare, începând cu Teatrul Luminosa. Vom trece la Ocean Plaza, urmat de Casino și Bonsai Sushi. În continuare, vom inspecta The Warehouse Arcade, urmat de Supernova Atrium, complet cu statuia de 1 tonă numită, Donna. Vom continua până la clubul de noapte Altair pe două niveluri, Piano Bar 88 și apoi Archipelago, unul dintre locurile de luat masa specializate. Restaurantul Vela pe două niveluri ocupă capetele din pupa ale punților inferioare 2 și 3. Barul Alchemy ne conduce la nivelul superior al Atriumului Supernova, urmat de Galeria Foto Pixels. Intrarea în Clubul pentru copii Circle C este situată lângă lifturile din mijlocul navei. Magazinele Galleria fac loc pentru Java Blue, iar în cele din urmă Limelight Lounge (Punchliner Comedy Club) completează turul de nivel inferior. Până la puntea 9, ne vom uita la zona Lido Pool, la Dive-in Movies și la Redfrog Rum Bar. Barul de burgeri Off the Grill și standul Tacos & Burritos marchează intrarea în bufetul Lido Marketplace, amenajat ciudat. Deli și Pizzeria del Capitano sunt situate în bufet. Serenity, exclusiv pentru adulți, ocupă întreaga secțiune din pupa a punții 9 și include acces la Ol’ Fashioned BBQ, un alt loc de luat masa gratuit. Până la puntea 10 vom traversa Sunset Bar. Terenul de sport este deasupra, pe puntea 11. Pista de jogging se află și pe puntea 11, deși poate fi cea mai mică pe care o veți vedea vreodată! Există un Putting Green și o secțiune pentru fumători pe puntea 10. Clubul 02 pentru copii cu vârsta între 15 și 17 ani este, de asemenea, situat la puntea 10 la pupa. Pista de jogging lasă loc punților superioare de la bord, care își fac drum în jurul întregii secțiuni din față a navei. Prin „scările secrete”, putem accesa Puntea 10, zona superioară Lido. Tot pe puntea 10, dar de data aceasta înainte, veți găsi clubul pentru copii Camp Ocean, precum și acces la sala de fitness și centrul de fitness de la bord. Puntea 9 din față este locul unde veți găsi Cloud 9 Spa și suite termale, inclusiv piscina cu hidroterapie. Până la puntea 10 la mijlocul navei, veți găsi Fahrenheit 555, steakhouse-ul de la bord. Acesta este unul dintre cele mai bune restaurante de care să te bucuri la bordul Carnival Luminosa. În cele din urmă, unul dintre lucrurile mele preferate despre Carnival Luminosa este puntea sa extinsă de promenadă. Multumesc pentru vizionare!



  1. I'm excited for this cruise,Because I'm going to Alaska from Seattle in July, this is a very clear video but, this is the first carnival cruise I'm not excited about. Because, of the ship. I will update once we get back! Really enjoyed your video thank you 😊

  2. I just got home a few days ago from this Cruise 🚢 was absolutely beautiful. It was my first cruise sadly we encountered some problems mainly the staff. Worker at the bar knew we where new I was trying to buy drinks for my wife with my money so she could just have fun without using her money asked him how do I pay or switch the card so she don’t have to keep using her keycard and getting charged he says you can pay me cash so I go get cash out the machine come back a different guy waits on us I pull out the cash he says no I can’t accept that so I looked back at the other guy who told me that asked him why he told me to get cash out if you don’t accept it according to what this guy is telling me he denied ever saying that causing a odd situation where his boss had to calm the situation down because I wasn’t backing down I don’t tolerate lying and making me look like a fool in front of everyone just so he could lie and save his job.We soon realized he was trying to pocket the money for himself which I personally honestly didn’t care if he did that put a little money in his pockets they work hard on those ships but the fact he made me look like I was lying so that was the problem I had with the situation and 3 different people heard him tell us to get cash out.Then on my wife’s b day we come back to are room around 9:45pm and it’s flooded asked them 6 times what happened nobody would tell me until I got really mad finally guy says a pipe burst from the plumbing. Then they move us to an extremely loud floor 8 which is right under the breakfest lunch eating area they give us new key cards to are rooms we get up there with clothes and got are hands full carrying crap from are flooded room and the damn key cards didn’t work. So my wife had to go back downstairs and get them to activate them then we get inside are new room and the entire USB light station doesn’t work so we couldn’t charge are phones they had to come back and replace that. Then I got kicked out the gym while I had already been working out for 30 minutes guy claimed I had the wrong style shoes on. I had all I could take with some of there staff I was so pissed so finally I tell them my mom works for carnival and royal carribean which she does she’s a piano bar player and how Im surprised on how I’m not having a good experience with some of the staff here been a rocky start then ohhhh everyone’s tuned changed quick the guy in the gym starts telling me where I can find and get the right shoes and then I can come back and train then they start making phone calls to my room from guest services managers where gonna provide you a free meal anything you want and drinks which they did but man that was really disappointing with some of the staff that it had to get to that point I had just got out the hospital not to long ago from surgery I just wanted a stress free experience on the boat but that didn’t happen .The trip itself the scenery the places we went was absolutely amazing beautiful so I just took in all the positive out of it and enjoyed it but I still highly recommend others to go on this trip guess we where just unfortunate to run across a few bad apples of the staff members but the rest of the staff on the ship where great hard workers nice doing everything they could to help out and provide good services. The places we saw the towns the people where nice at the towns we visited the food gets 5 stars the ship experience give it 3 stars would have gave it 5 stars but encountered to many problems.

  3. How annoying. All I wanted to see was what the toddler pools and what things for kids looked like as we’ve never been on a cruise. Instead I got a run down of every single place you can get smashed on board and where I can go gamble.
    I don’t care for dropping off my child like he’s some sort of hinderance to my life so I can go enjoy sErEnItY aDuLt only dRiNkS 🤨🤨

    Where were the pools, the slides, the kids activities.
    Next time maybe include that. I watched 20 mins of talking for absolutely nothing. 😂

  4. Thank you for the Tour of the ship My Husband and I will be going to Alaska on this Ship on the 10th of August. can't hardly wait until then.

  5. We're going on Luminosa for a New Year cruise out of Australia. Great presentation, but looking at it from our Carnival app it looks a bit different and we couldn't find one of the restaurants (Bonsai Sushi). So we're now a bit confused! Will stay tuned though, great presentation!

  6. After being on the Panoroama, this ship looks small, and dated. I was considering it for the cruise from Brisbane to to Seattle, but 29 days on this ship could yield cabin fever.

  7. Just got off my first ever cruise with the Glory, and I was looking into this one for the next cruise with my wife and stepdaughter, since my bucket list is technically complete (they both want to visit Alaska). It’s kind of crazy the visible differences the size difference creates (the most obviously noticeable one being the lack of water slides – though that also could be due to where this ship would frequently find herself). Some things are noticeable improvements (more specialty restaurants, improved aesthetic of the night club + general overall ship aesthetic), but there are definitely niceties about the Glory I like better (the Ebony Cabaret – where the punchliner location is, Alchemy Bar as you noted, among a few other examples). Having a proper pool as opposed to just hot tubs on the SL is nice though, as the rest is purely a matter of perspective (sushi restaurant location, burger place being Guy’s Burger Joint – a difference perhaps in name only, though I can’t confirm, etc).

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