Ar fi trebuit să fac ASTA de la START – Ep 126

Ar fi trebuit să fac ASTA de la START - Ep 126

Urcăm catargul barca cu pânze pentru a face câteva ajustări și pentru a vă arăta cum ne măsurăm pânzele. Am încercat să tăiem colțuri și nu a ieșit atât de bine! Avem, de asemenea, echipamente noi la bord, care ne vor face mult mai ușor stilul de viață de croazieră și navigație pe viitor. VIDEO NOI ÎN FIECARE VINERI! Vă rugăm să vă abonați și să distribuiți videoclipurile noastre – fiecare sprijin este foarte apreciat, ne continuă călătoria și conținutul să vină! CĂști FĂRĂ FĂRĂ -Hollyland Solidcom C1 MÂNERELE NOASTRE DE TRILIU – The Flipper by Easysea – Folosiți codul nostru de cupon: JIBSEA10 pentru o reducere de 5%! o achiziție efectuată prin link-ul de mai jos ajută să ne susținem călătoria fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs. 🙂 APARATORUL NOSTRU – SeaWaterPro AC Double Membrane – o achiziție efectuată prin linkul de mai jos ajută la susține călătoria noastră fără costuri suplimentare pentru tine VIZITĂȚI MAGAZINUL NOSTRU DE SWAG – arată-ți sprijinul pentru canalul nostru punând niște lucruri interesante 😎 /jibsea-swag-shop DACĂ VREI SUSȚINEȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRA – primiți actualizări exclusive și filmări bonus ALTE MODALITĂȚI DE A NE SPRIJINĂ – pentru a contribui o singură dată pentru a ne susține călătoria și canal PayPal: Interac E-Transfer: VREI MAI MULT? Urmărește-ne AICI https :// #hollylandsolidcomc1 #solidcomc1#hollyland #solidcomc1review


32 thoughts on “Ar fi trebuit să fac ASTA de la START – Ep 126

  1. What a great, to the point video episode guys ‼️ 👍 Love the head set idea and on our equipment list as we move forward to boat purchase. 😊 ✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝 👙 🌞 ✨

  2. Married couples often yell at each other from time to time.

    A time honored tradition among many a couples who have tied the knot.
    With the new headsets yelling has been reduced somewhat- but be wary
    if your significant other puts you.. on mute. I don't wanna hear you….
    Stress levels, talk normally among married couples… good luck with that.

    Your guys are doing well this winter- in Europe. Yeah, the warmer weather
    of the Exuma's gets one spoiled- but you two know about tough winter conditions.

    Steph works out on the winches routine. Just like going to the gym dear.
    This is why they made- electric winches.

    I see your feet….
    which is better than seeing Travis come down headfirst. I could be wrong about this.

    Doing IT right the first time. Trust me no one gets IT right the first time out.
    Practice is involved- with several positions and varied tweaks to make it perfect.
    This too- is a time-honored tradition among married couples just say'n.

    Stay safe out there Jibsea- U matter to us.

  3. The headsets seem to make nice audio for your videos, hope you discovered all of the exhaust leaks on the diesel heater silencer and exhaust. Thanks for the video!

  4. Happy for you guys to get these headsets! Score! And thanks for the tip on extra rig & sail measurements. We're considering a Passage 42, so really liking these episodes on the boat work! Now that you've been on Jibsea for a while, any regrets or issues we should consider?

  5. Hi guys, great to see you both again , been wondering what you were up to.
    Yeh head coms are great.
    I might have missed it, which country are you in at the moment ? The dock side area looks beautiful.
    Best wishes from brian and barbs in nz.

  6. The radio will also work better with a taller / higher placed antenna, as most radios are not only based on wattage output but by line of sight. So if there are obstacles in the way, or higher distance (antenna set up the mast, if possible) you'll get better range.

  7. Came across your channel a couple of weeks ago. I've been watching the old videos starting at the beginning. Watching Travis' antics I can see how he could get 24 broken bones and I'm pretty sure it isn't from falling our of bed. Anyway, I'm enjoying the videos and look forward to those to come. I'm a retired salimaker and sailing was my life and if my wife hadn't been struck with dementia we'd be out there enjoying that lifestyle ourselves.

  8. I heard another review of the Hollylands that said the mic’s were super sensitive and any wind would be a problem. Can you comment?

  9. guys, were you going up the mast on just one line, without a backup line? If one of you made a mistake and the line fell off the winch, it could spoil your day. You should have a secong line, anchored top and bottom, onto which you put in a prusik not or some sort of fall arrester.
    Another thing; at the top of the mast you call the grey line on which you are hanging – the topping lift. you say that you want to put it over a bare bolt to get more room from the mast and that you never load it so it is not a problem going over a bolt; But you are just now hanging on it. so if you have to do it again you will be loading that line only going over a bolt. What is the green line? it seems that on some shots it comes out straight from the mast sheeve and then it looks like it is going over the bolt, because it is furter aft The viewer is confused 😉 I am just trying to help

  10. Always a good thing when you can communicate without yelling 😆. I also have a Precision Sails Main sail and I love them, the company, not only Canadian is easy to deal with and they are super helpful, most big cruiser channels use them because they make such great products. Glad you guys are going with them. Anything that looks like a toy but serves a purpose is not a toy, or so im told hahahaha, i want those for my 27' sailboat but i doubt my wife will let me

  11. Just wanted to let you guys know that I have been watching for a while and I love your channel. You guys are doing a great job and I enjoy seeing your adventures.

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