Copilul la bord | S08E02

Copilul la bord |  S08E02

Când am început să explorăm Caraibe cu barca cu pânze în urmă cu aproape 8 ani, aveam multe de învățat. A trebuit să ne dăm seama cum să trăim într-un spațiu atât de mic, cum să ne simțim confortabil în țări străine și cum să ne confruntăm în mod constant cu pericolele navigării de la un ancoraj îndepărtat la altul. Primul an de navigație a fost plin de experiențe intense, atât intens bune, cât și intens rele. Și prin acele experiențe am învățat că, uneori, a face lucrurile pe calea grea și a învăța să devenim competenți în ceva dificil, poate culege recompense dincolo de cele mai sălbatice vise ale noastre. Și, din multe puncte de vedere, simt că alegerea noastră de a ne crește nou-născutul pe o barcă cu pânze ne-a readus la primul loc. Am ales din nou să facem lucrurile pe calea grea, un mod care poate părea uneori ca doar ne lovim cu capul de un perete, dar un mod care cred că poate duce din nou la recompense pe care acum nici măcar nu le putem înțelege. . Dar toate acestea sunt departe în viitor. Acum trebuie să ne dăm seama de fiecare aspect al creșterii unui copil pe o barcă și să sperăm că dorința noastră de a naviga prin lume supraviețuiește acestei tranziții nebunești.

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Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Amplificator pentru telefon mobil, Weboost Drive X RV: /wilsonelectronics/51785478 Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:

Sunete epidemic


28 thoughts on “Copilul la bord | S08E02

  1. There are no books required reading for being a parent. Everyone is different, all are a challenge, and It is obvious you three are figuring it out. As others have said here, you are experiencing the time of your lives and will remember this forever, Remember, one day Isa will ask to borrow the keys to the dingy and go off by herself. Everything else is window dressing. Love every minute you have together.

  2. Try this Jordan: "Your not going to master the rest of your life in one day. Just relax. Master this day. Then just keep doing THAT every day". As the father of twins, I know what your talking about. Your waiting for almost a year for her arrival and then BAM, your life just changed dramatically! Roll with it and take each challenge as a learning experience. It gets better……

  3. You guys are smashing it! 👍 Life is never the same again, and all those feelings y'all are/have had, they're totally natural. But even though life has changed, things are harder, sleep is like gold and all that, you will adapt and you'll never want to go back to how it was before. Weird but true. The next thing you know she will be three and given you lip😊💪❤️🙏.

  4. Hey Jordan,. I'll tell you what Isa is really thinking…"How did I get so lucky to have 2 amazing parents that are taking me on this awesome adventure?". Luckiest little girl ever!💖

  5. “I think you’re going to need a bigger boat”! Congrats guys. You’ll figure it out like every parent. It can’t be any different than figuring out your solar power, right! You got this. Thanks for sharing your life with us. All the best to you all.

  6. Our family have enjoyed watching for the last few years. So happy for you and praying for you and the baby girl and excited to see what the future holds.

  7. Your doubts are quite normal. Jordan, hang in as eventually you will see a routine. Of course that will likely get wrecked and a new one worked out. But it will happen. And for the record, the two of you will often have different views of routine with the kid.

  8. I have 4 children my wife and I were always running on little to no sleep with all 4.
    They were all like a year apart, I had to get up at 4:30 am and leave for work and lots of days I didn’t get home till 7pm most days and worked 6 days a week. One of ours had lots of gas and cried a lot.
    I went with no sleep or not enough I couldn’t set down and get still without falling asleep.
    When they would finally get easier to take care of and sleep all night we would welcome another in the world and our last was born with problems and he was lots of work to get raised to where he wasn’t a full time job.
    You guys will through all this also, you may think you will die from being so wore out but you will make it.

  9. We have watched y'all from the start . Child raising is one of the most daunting things you will ever do in your life. I understand being overwhelmed, but I promise, this is the best investment (and the scariest) you'll ever make. Y'all got this. Meanwhile, we'll just watch, feeling like secondary grandparents and cheering you guy on from a distance. Our daughter is y'alls age and we're blessed with two grands. I'll tell y'all the same as we told her and our son in law, just do the best you. can and lead with your heart. If you do that, you'll raise humans as good as you are.

  10. Your experience is yours.. you already share sooo much, negative experiences are normal but as you say, you are all fit and well and that is what counts. Your intro to fatherhood I think is pretty common too. it does get easier in my experience..

  11. Welcome to parenthood where every plan u think u had gets chucked overboard hehe. You 2 are amazing and will be amazing parents! Just do you and it will all work out! Congratulations again!! Isa is just beautiful! ❤️

  12. !!CAUTION!!
    Congratulations wish you the best with the baby. Continue to do your great videos and include the baby.
    Please don't make your Channel a baby daycare Channel. Some other channels have ruined their videos to the point I don't want to watch them because they've lost their Direction. If I wanted to watch a baby channel that's what I would do. But please include the baby in your videos and not make your videos all about the baby. With all respect congratulations and continue

  13. You guys are awesome and will figure it out for sure. My grandson just turned 11 months and my daughter just passed thru all this stuff recently. It only gets better every day. Just hang on there. 🙂

  14. We also had a "Colic" child. Usually it lasts only for the first 3 months..Ours was a little longer. "Gripe Water" is your friend. I laughed when "D" said that "Isa"(sp?) was taking her soother with "Rum"… We once ran oput of Gripe Water and used "Jack Daniel's" 🤣🥰👌

  15. You guys appear to be doing great! In the next months and years to come…into toddler time…when you are exhausted and everything seems to hitting the fan all at once and anything you try doesn't work to console her…just hug each other and cry…and then look at each other….AND LAUGH! Eventually…it all works itself out. 🥰

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