Ultima mare împingere a carenului?? (MJ Sailing – Ep 272)

Ultima mare împingere a carenului??  (MJ Sailing - Ep 272)

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26 thoughts on “Ultima mare împingere a carenului?? (MJ Sailing – Ep 272)

  1. Launch a go find me page to pay for a team to do the sanding and preparation. You guys can get back to the interesting stuff. It will also help your content and keep viewers interested.

  2. Wouldn't the use of wall coverings in decent places save a lot of work and thereby time (sanding, fairing, sanding, fairing, sanding, fairing …. then two or three layers of varnish ) plus adding some vibration and noise damping.

  3. I was taught to always keep my hands and body behind the cutting edge of any tool. If you use this as your standard it provides a safer working environment. When sanding use a contrasting pencil colour and apply crosshatch lines to the area being sanded. Once the lines disappear do not go over that area again until the entire area is sanded. There are many instructional YouTube videos on this method. Johnathon Katz-Moses has one which is very good.

  4. I have to be honest. I continue to cringe every time you cover up an area that could be made into storage. The stage is one of those areas. A perfect space for canned foods or beverages. Stuff you really don’t want to fall out of higher storage areas and keep the weight as low as possible. Anyway the boat is really taking shape. You guys are really making good progress. You’ll be back sailing before you know it. Looking great!

  5. Great video guys. I think you deserve a big party once all the sanding and fairing is all done! It is definitely deserved. One question about the platform for the table, I was surprised there was no backing plate installed in the underside of the top for the table. I was expecting to see one.

  6. Matt’s fast becoming a gun Fibreglasser. Waaay, waaay faster then when you cats first got into the wonderful world of boat building. Oh, and the pretty lady is a mighty mean fairing machine…..;D

  7. Did the factory offer panel stock that was smooth on both sides? So that you might have been able to just rough the bonding edges as reqd and possibple reduce some of the fairing on the flat panels?
    Does total boat have a hi build primer like the Duratec products we use? (there is an automotive eqv too)
    Cheers Warren

  8. If it's a fraction of the work that it looks, it is a crazy amount of work. It's still hard to get a feel for why fairing is the best way to go. You're going to have to show us a finished product soon and compare it to options like snap-on cloth wall coverings.

  9. You might have covered this apologies if so but why did you choose premade fairing compound vs using epoxy thickened with microballoons mixed to sour cream consistency and then applied with roller? It's then left to settle out on horizontal surfaces or thickened slightly and squeezed on verticals after rollering . You can cover a large area quickly.

  10. Matt, I’m not a boat person but I was surprised you said you didn’t need more storage. I guess I just always assumed any extra space is used in that capacity on a smaller sailing boat. I get that what you’re building looks cavernous as well, but I thought just every square inch that you could store stuff might be prepped to serve as storage. The few boats I’ve been on had stuff in every compartment. PS You guys did look a bit tired. Happy to see you get away and decompress a bit. Amazing work you’re doing.

  11. I DID IT! I went back and watched every single catamaran build video! You two are some awesome hard workers. I'm going to try to channel your energy into myself to help with my airplane build. Keep up the great work!!!

  12. So glad you are able to acquire a set of broad knives from a drywall taperer. For the amount of filling & levelling you have taken on, these tools are the ONLY way to go and make time. With practice you can become so proficient , the sanding will be minimal. But by that time the boat will be complete and you will never have to use those developed skills again.

  13. 1)Use an old broad knife to scrape clean your best filling knifes,then whatever the product thinner is, use that on an old rag to wipe the blade spotless clean (at the end of the work day).
    2)You might try adding a few drops from a squeeze bottle, of thinner to the final fill (6:15) to get it to a buttery consistency for easier spreading. It can accelerate the set up time on your knife but you are getting quicker now, so this should be not a problem. You are really improving and making good headway.👍

  14. Yeah, I used to work for Boeing as a plastic bench mechanic which meant I applied fairing compound, baked the part in a big oven, and then sanded it, rinse and repeat every night for years on end. I do not miss it…

  15. They make orbital sanders longboard style that use the same paper as your hand board. From my body shop days I have one that runs on air. I'm not sure if they make electric models. With all the fairing it might be a good investment.

  16. These videos are so informative for how to build a boat from scratch (kit). My question is why don’t you use sprayable fairing compound? It seems it would be so much faster and easier. I would think spreadable compound would be the product to use for repairs.

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