Care este cel mai bun lucru în a avea o barcă cu remorcă până acum? Lucrăm la asta în PROPRIA NOASTRA CRATĂ. Având acces la toate uneltele noastre, să putem face mizerie în barcă și să nu vă faceți griji să o curățați înainte de cină sau să mergeți la culcare, să o lăsam pe Renata să o ia de cap — este CEL MAI BUN. Ne dorim să lansăm, dar avem de finalizat o listă generală de proiecte. Cu puțin ajutor de la părinții lui Kirk pentru îngrijirea copiilor, suntem capabili să eliminăm lucrurile de făcut și să pregătim barca să lovească apă. Sper sa iti placa! Lauren, Kirk & Renata FILMAT: august 2022 *PRODUSE DEZULTATE* Baterii cu litiu Battle Born —
Panouri solare BougeRV CIGS — we-love/bougerv-200w – 15% REDUCERE Cod de reducere *Sailing* la BougeRV *SOCIALE + BLOG* Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Site: Instagram-ul lui Kirk: *MUSIC* Melodie tematică: Adventures by A Himitsu https: // Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Muzică lansată de Argofox Muzică promovată de Audio Biblioteca Toată cealaltă muzică: ARTLIST — — Folosiți acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUIT de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la CAMERA GEAR #boatwork #sailingfamily #sailing
Bine ați venit în curtea noastră de bărci! | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 119

29 thoughts on “Bine ați venit în curtea noastră de bărci! | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 119”
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Great stuff guys. I'm a tradey but love having "'er indoors" along… Because she's often got good, useful stuff to input, proved in our own house refurb..She's also (annoyingly) right a great deal of the time…the only thing more annoying is getting it wrong when she's not on the job with me…

Great movie, bless you, thank you xx

I think this is the happiest that I've seen y'all fixing a boat.
You seem so happy with the place you are in with your property & boat. So exciting for you guys!!
You guys are delightful! Love watching you and I’m crazy about the solar panels!
ps your boat looks more like an airplane right now.
Great video thank you! We had our Catalina 22 in the side yard of the house next to my cabinet shop and it was really great! The jobs come out better and take much less time. You also don't need to dedicate a whole day at a time working at the Boatyard to make it worth the drive. Can't wait to see the launch!
You have entertained me yet again. I salute you! …Looking forward to seeing this puppy on the water!
I just love the “no stress zone” the way you confront problems are no problems … just a chip off the to-do list. I miss hearing the “quacking”….do you miss that 1-horsepower battery motor for maybe an inflatable launch? – Keith Carey
Happiness is running in for a mallet and a piece of wood.
Glad to sea you guy's "Back" great editing as usual, plus a !!RENAT!! bonus.
Forgot the !A! in RENATAAAAA.
Awesome to of followed your journey from the beginning, now you two have an adorable child as well. Look forward to you sharing your future adventures. From the looks of it we live close, Presque Isle here…
Old solar was still on boat? WTH ? If it is so easy to stick down, why didn’t you?
Sooo close. I'm really looking forward to the launch video.
None for Dada. You're S.O.L.-ianis, Dada. Too cute.
Long time no see, the baby got big and very cute.
You both Rock! Cardamom Balls DaDa? What Cardamom Balls???? Priceless!!!! Loved when she pointed inside for you to get yours!!!! Great boat work, can't wait to see the launch! From your GR Michigander!!!!
Stay positive, don't be negative…get in the flow and let the current take you to far away islands, stay safe guys
The trailer winches with clutches are safer for taking the mast up and down. Lm makes them. It's great you will not have to hoist the big stich very often.
I don’t understand a lot of what you explained about your boat. However it was all worth while to hear how clearly Renata speaks. She has changed so much. I just love seeing how things are going.
I wouldn’t use lithium battery on boat….please be careful. Check out this short to see how reactive lithium metal is to water
Careful with "unbreakable" solar panels, I have never, ever heard of one which survived foot traffic.
The shade tolerance of a panel is determined by how the cells are wired. All other things being equal it means smaller, more numerous banks of cells connected in parallel with bypass diodes.
When you guys get into great lakes use you will doubtless be aware of the heavy presence of the large volume if the Ojibwe as they migrated west from the mouth of the st lawrence. "The People" as they are often called..several branches..Ojibwa, Chippewa. Etc. Living in Michigan you probably know all this. Fascinating early first nation's people in Canada and the n. Usa
Ah yes, nothing like some pre launch preparation. A list which always has unplanned sub tasks involving endless combinations of skills, tools, parts, conditions, etc.
F27 owner / racer here, I know that all the 31's we race have a link bar between their rudder and outboard so that they steer together and stay apart – something I would defiantly recommend. Great work guys
I like the Macgregger twin rudder system that seems as if it would be harder to strike with propellors.
Did soulianis actually sink at the dock during the recent hurricane?
Have you named the new boat yet? Or have I missed that!
Renata is the CUTEST. Does she need another Grandpa? HA.