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Ce se întâmplă când motorul electric rămâne fără curent? | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep49]
![Ce se întâmplă când motorul electric rămâne fără curent? | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep49]](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/1676915740_maxresdefault.jpg)
23 thoughts on “Ce se întâmplă când motorul electric rămâne fără curent? | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep49]”
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Thanks guys love it
1:45 corgi butt.
Sailing to gentle tunes.

An other nice adventure, and heading to the Great Chesapeake Bay. Hope to see you travels thru Norfolk to see the Navy ships .
In 10 days you’d have a full tank
Love them Scottish bag pipes! It's so relaxing, sailing. I can imagine, with Morti.
It's expensive to do but I've heard that these boost controllers will increase the output of shaded panels by 3% over the course of an average day. Great for any mobile vehicle. The
GVB-8-Li-56.8V- For 48V (16S) LiFePO4 batteries will boost a shaded panel producing just 12 volts up to 56.8 volts. Obviously, it won't work in series wired arrays but I think it is perfectly suited to run in parallel along with a series wired system.( The 56.8 volt output can go directly to the battery bank while the series panels go through the traditional MPPT Controller) I suppose in severe shading conditions ( sailboat) it would be best to parallel every panel through one of these – expensive but much more power at the end of the day.
Could watch Rigging Doctor all day this time of the year. Been on a Battle Ship there in '67, (5Y.O.) lots of grey paint and those long things that spit bullets. Fell through the thin ice and stuck in the mud. Fire Department had to come and get me. My brother did go to Deale elementary for a year. grew peanuts in the back yard, rode a bike for the first time there for a few feet, had several crab partys on my street, dad caught a stripped bass and first time had fish with lemon on it, a beautiful start to childhood, but relocated to Chula Vista Ca. and started first grade. The "beat goes on" Sonny and Cher.
Saw The Love Bug and Jungle Book right after getting to CA. What happen to crabbing and my life? Now its skateboards, sunshine and Schwinn Sting Ray riding. Dad showed me the blue flame when he changed the muffler on our '67 green bug. Just a little flashback Herbie as you head home here in this video.
Hi guys not sure you are aware but one of your cameras "starboard side"taking outside shots has dirty marks on the lens, hope this does not offend as I like you guys.
I like and applaud the self sufficiency of solar and wind. But Can't quite abandon the reliability of torque on demand. I have been patiently waiting for some real world feed back from Sampson Boat. Simon has a brand new diesel electric w/regen. A scratch up system. I kind of like the hybrid solution backed by fixed or deployable panels. Wind gens literally grate my teeth.
Patiently waiting for that refit and some sunny micro cruising. 
Morty is such a sweetheart, he's lucky to be yours and your lucky to be his…
We sail with two dog and trained them to go on a 4 by 4 canvas box with fake grass. We put it on the bow. Just tied a rope to it and tossed it overboard,to clean it.
Yep Herbie you're preaching to the choir… I have yet found a way to kill my 48v bank except to run the Dometic for 30 straight hours in the dead of Winter… Today I motored in the marina channels with a couple of 360s to help ablate the hull for about an hour varying RPM (500, 600, 800, 900) got back to the slip and in midday Sun the battery monitor showed 100% on all 8 batteries… I just can't wait to do at least a short cruise (motor-sailing) for a real test… At minimum I have been off shorepower now 34 days… Electric all the way never looking back…! Fair Winds…
Hey look at our electric motor! Did we tell you about our electric motor? Hey, you'll never guess that we have an electric motor! Here is some click bait about our electric motor! hahahahaahah. You two are funny.
I always thought the whole reason for a sailboat was to relax, enjoy life and nature.
If we all motored everywhere, we'd be in the wrong style of boat.
great video love you guys
We spent quite the night in that impressive Alligator River chop – UGH! Never again!
I like your electric motor ..the other advantage of your system is (I guess?) that you can totally discharge your system. Also if I had a system like that I would engage the motor for short periods like when you went through that drawbridge. When others are waiting to use the bridge they do not appreciate slow boats – so I imagine you do to. Of course when racing it is perfectly acceptable to engage the quiet electric engine to make a mark if you are having trouble as well.
I like that electric outboard motor on your dinghy… was going to ask about it after this video and you must have read my mind since you mentioned it

Have you done a separate video on it? Haswing Protaur G 24v…? What battery do you have for it? I’m running a 12v solar array…Looks like it works well on your inflatable…
I have a 32lb thrust motor for my dinghy but it's so slow. Maybe I'll look into a spirit 2.0 or a torqeedo
But a 9.9 would be useful as a auxiliary motor if all else fails..hmmm (analytics comment) 
Great video Maddie didn't cook much this time, sad:(
Man that got to be a pain to run Morty to sore all the time.
But most boats will have 2,000 miles with a full tank fuel, a electric will go what 100 miles at best. How come no one is using hydrogen technology like what they wanted in cars, you would have unlimited range.
It's interesting contrast you style of cruising and a lot of the 'noisy' sailing you tube channels that are 'got to have a performance cruising boat'.
Did they forget they are cruising? I getbtheir point but I hope they like what they find…..
You lucked out with the alligator river, anytime I've gone north thru there it always on the nose at 20-25 knots
Cheers Warren