KPMG Australia Sail Grand Prix | Sydney – Furtuna și consecințele ei

KPMG Australia Sail Grand Prix |  Sydney - Furtuna și consecințele ei

„A fost toate mâinile pe punte… dar în cele din urmă Mama Natură a câștigat”, a declarat CEO-ul echipei United States SailGP și pilotul Jimmy Spithill, vorbind despre evenimentul meteorologic major care a avut loc prin Baza Tehnică SailGP după cursa de sâmbătă de la KPMG Australia Sail Grand Prix | Sydney. Din cauza daunelor rezultate din flota SailGP F50, cursa a fost anulată pentru duminică. Din fericire, nu au fost raportate răni grave.


22 thoughts on “KPMG Australia Sail Grand Prix | Sydney – Furtuna și consecințele ei

  1. That storm was so obviously approaching (I live in Sydney) that I was amazed that Canada's wing was left dangling from the crane as the storm hit. The boats that were left moored out in the bay withstood the winds so much better.

  2. We were getting weather warnings hours before the storm. Sydney radar which is accessible online was accurate within 5mins. The crane driver should have been checking as per health and safety. Poorly managed all round.

  3. I was there. I had been out on a boat all afternoon. The storm clouds were there as the race ended.

    I walked from Darling Harbour down past the Casino to watch the lifting of the boats out of the water.

    On the GB boat I saw a crew member pointing frantically at the looming black clouds and making hand signals to get his boat lifted as a matter of urgency.

    They were just attaching the crane to the Canada boat.

    People seemed more interested in media and photo opportunities than getting the boats out.

    My wife and I walked into the Skyy Vodka bar and ordered a drink. EVERYONE in that bar was pointing at the storm clouds and saying it was going to wreck the boats. Security ordered us to drink up and get out as the wind may blow the entire bar away.

    We walked out as the storm hit, and saw the chaos as the sail was swinging around, and hitting the tents. NOTE – this was the cause of the tent blowing away. All of the other team tents remained unscathed.

  4. What were they thinking? Hinckley won’t even step my mast (no sail), if wind is over 15kn or so. Trying to step a foil in a gale??? Irresponsible and very dangerous.

  5. Oh look….Mother Nature has just entered the woke ridden, climate agenda, carbon footprint, executive SailGP village with a message of its own.

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