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RETETA PENTRU DEZASTRU! Ne întoarcem pe vela

26 thoughts on “RETETA PENTRU DEZASTRU! Ne întoarcem pe vela”
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Id watch you guys regardless… It's the way y'all live life! And the boat is the DD… no expectations necessary
Love the videos
Your videos are fine. I appreciate what you do!
THANK YOU! I hate videos that are more designed to fill a time commitment than to provide a quality video. I don't care how long a video is so long as it is so interesting that I don't realize how long it is.
The key to good video is to keep the audience so engaged that they don't care how long it is (except maybe the occasional "WHAT? It's over already!?!?!" Keep us engaged in your story, and we will stay engaged in your videos – regardless of their length.
I haven’t read any comments yet, but I’m sure someone already told you that one advantage to being able to adjust your auto pilot to more or less or should I say more or fewer adjustments would be if you were adjustments you make the less energy you’re going to use from your battery bank.
There are so many things I love about your videos but I think most of all it’s the way the both of you interact with your banter and playing off of one another your personalities. So whether that’s 20 minutes or 30 minutes each minute is enjoyable and I’m just happy that you are able to do this and live your dream and help other people live vicariously through you until we can get our boat on the water and live our dream.
You da Girl love you both, wish i was there!!
Anything you want to do is fine. You two just livin that ocean life is more than enough interesting stuff. I wish the world was more full of folk like you. Love watching you guys.
Wow Matt, that's not the way to use scissors by stabbing towards yourself. Hit a main artery and you could bleed out, Chris would go Bonkers. Hell Bro …safety first Mono. Lol
Ok folks, …just let us know the boat is still floaten at the waterline. Lol
We love em… we'll keep coming back… you guys do what you do.
Oh yeah… enjoy enjoy enjoy
I replaced my GoPro with a DJI Osmo Action camera. I love it! It fits all my GoPro accessories and does everything a GoPro does, without the bugs.
Hi K & M. Have been watching for at least 2 years. We watch because you two are freaking entertaining and fun. Just be yourselves for 20 mins, 30 mins, 40 mins. Don’t matter. I’d watch Kirsten chop vegetables and it would be entertaining. Matt you always have something funny to say. Keep ‘em coming we love you guys!!! Ben & Suz.
You two kill me with your lingo. I cant wait for the next video. Great job guys.
The oil that came out looked like 80w90 gear oil but the oil you put in looked like transmission oil. Are you sure you installed the correct oil?
Enjoy your videos. Keep them real!
Matt I'm no sailor at all but I airways wondered why you didn't put your dingy aboard when you sail?
Matty the mechanic needs to build a wench for the dead dolphin to bring up the dingy!
Do whatever the hell you guys want to do!
I remember when I only had one pair of scissors. I always had to go to the Christmas box to retrieve that 1 pair for whatever I was doing. Then a friend showed me the genius of having many pair and leave them where they are used. How did I never think of this??? Now I have tractor tools in the barn, car tools in the garage, etc. I totally see this working to simplify boat life for you. Having all the exact sizes of wrenches, filter wrenches etc velcroed or magnetized to the wall next to the engine. Another tiny dingy tool kit attached to the underside of a dingy seat. Fuses electrical tape etc. In the breaker box location. Luckily now in 2023 we can buy just the wrenches we need individually. Anything that makes squirreling around a 3d obstacle course easier. Love your videos, btw.
DJI osmos. Great little camera. Water proof deeper than GoPro. Better battery capabilities. Seems like a lot more realisable unit. More accessories. Just took one on a two week snowboarding trip and it out preformed GoPros in many ways. Worth giving them a look
Make video shooting changes as you deem necessary in order to preserve your sanity. One famous Youtube video couple's friendship was wrecked by not recognizing the damage being done to their relationship by the grind of the perceived necessity of always keeping up with a video shooting schedule. You are doing the hard work. Your viewers are doing the enjoying. Your followers accept you for who you are. That's the beauty of your video channel by keeping it real!
I think 21 mins would be great. your content is always enjoyable.
No worries you guys are amazing. Keep it up! We were there in December, the swells and winds are very real. We will be back in June and if you are still in the area maybe we can meet up. If you do get to Coral Bay check out Lime out floating taco bar.
Loved Matt’s Double B hand jive
Use the other right