Să vă ridicați barca cu pânze: Ghidul unui crucișător | Navigare Ep 339

Să vă ridicați barca cu pânze: Ghidul unui crucișător |  Navigare Ep 339

Ne-am scos barca cu pânze veche de 33 de ani, Esper, din 2004 (în Asia de Sud-Est din 2014), așa că avem o mulțime de experiență. Dar cu toată această practică și oricât de competentă ar fi curtea, este întotdeauna oarecum deranjant. O barcă cu pânze ar trebui să fie în apă, nu-i așa? Și odată ce îl pui pe uscat apar tot felul de solicitări și sarcini care nu erau acolo când plutea. Transportul este deosebit de deconcertant dacă este prima dată cu o curte nouă și, în acest caz, cu o nouă metodă. Aici, la Medana Bay, folosesc metoda simplă de tractor și remorcă, o premieră pentru noi. Daca ti-a placut acest videoclip, anunta-ne cu SUPER MULTUMESC! ☝️ SUSȚINEM munca noastră – PATREON | FTBMates | Fondul de rom – https://followtheboat.com/pub/ Alăturați-vă nouă pe DISCORD! https://discord.gg/H9jmztupTx 00:00 Cunoașterea portului de agrement Medana Bay 00:38 Stand greu pe iarbă! 01:37 Remorcare 🎞️ CUM ȚI ȚI PREGĂȚI BARCA PENTRU REVOLȚARE: https://youtu.be/f-RB4Mk5CkY 01:51 Diferite metode de remorcare 04:37 Ziua retragerii 08:51 Cel mai bun antifoul ( am folosit vreodată) 09:51 Spălarea cu jet și noua noastră casă 🎞️ SERIA TOTAL REFIT: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoE3FmplhAXNsNWWZ6iTMzYYwKVtDanCr 12:10 Dimineața devreme în șantier Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Vă rog COMENTAȚI. Și nu uita să dai LIKE și SUBSCRIBE, ne ajută foarte mult să fim remarcați. Pace și vânturi bune! Liz și Jamie VIDURI UTILE 🎞️ CUM AM ÎNCEPU SĂ NAVIZEM – https://youtu.be/lIUB0O5bqRI 🎞️ 5 MOTIVE PENTRU A NU CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ PENTRU VÂLE – https://youtu.be/H7bCn58-_GU 🎞️ 5 MOTIVE VOI – https://youtu.be/H7bCn58-_GU ://youtu.be/NF4dvGuEip8 🎞️ CÂT DE CÂT PENTRU SA VOLVEȚI ÎN PRIN LUME? – https://youtu.be/p35rfFOTqio 🎞️ SUNTEȚI PREA BĂTRÂN PENTRU A NAVIGA? – https://youtu.be/iivHjZYJHCc 🎞️ CUM SE CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ CON PLANIE – https://youtu.be/PQyn02VT1jY 🎞️ CEA MAI BUNĂ BARCĂ PENTRU A NAVAVIZĂ ÎN ÎNTORUL LUMII? – https://youtu.be/atYZTniOI04 🎣 Cele mai bune 3 sfaturi de pescuit ale lui Liz – https://youtu.be/4x3KDBDBUyE LISTE DE REDARE: 🎞️ FIECARE EPISOD DE LA ÎNCEPUT [PLAYLIST]
– https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoE3FmplhAXPXy5tvEO838yS2rFpAfRhp 🎞️ SERIA PODCAST [PLAYLIST]
– https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoE3FmplhAXOldLfhuOabS98hpDoznn9r FTB MERCH https://followtheboat.com/shop SĂ NE CONECTĂM! FB – https://www.facebook.com/followtheboat/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/followtheboat/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/followtheboat Toată muzică de la Epidemic Sound SAILBOAT SY Esper este un 1989 Oyster435 cutter-rigged ketch LOCAȚIE Medana Bay Marina, Lombok – 8°22’00.7″S 116°07’46.6″E URMATĂ-NE ÎN TIMP REAL CU AIS *http://www.marinetraffic.com MMSI – 235026188 #sailing #haul-out #boatyard


31 thoughts on “Să vă ridicați barca cu pânze: Ghidul unui crucișător | Navigare Ep 339

  1. Yeah that's soft ground, that cradle lift wheels sank quite a lot, some boards under the wheels ( thick ones ) would help, looks a very nice place to do boat work and stay, looking forward to the coming video's.

  2. Great seeing you both. Did you find out the cause or purpose of the bird noises? Seems odd. I'm guessing you're in England right now, perhaps not. Hope all goes well.

  3. This looks like a very nice place to be on the hard, which from the tracks looks semi-hard. Hopefully, it remains dry when you're ready to go back into the water. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Regarding the sound of the pigeons. Indonesian attach small whistles to them so they can hear where they are… There are some navigation competitions they love to do.

  5. What a great episode ,and such a beautfiul place to hall out at…so you can stay on your boat or rent an appartment is that correct ?…that bay was like glass strange that it was a bit of swell..i must say the antifoul was impressive with almost none growth ..is that because there isn't much molluscs compared to other places…

  6. I would have thought closer to china where most lines are made things would be more abundant..and cheaper because of lower shipping cost ..whats the reason for lower resupply choices?

  7. What do YOU think about ALCOHOL and SAILING? Is it a problem? Do sailors and rum go hand in hand? We want YOUR comments, stories, opinions and thoughts on this subject for our next podcast. Chuck a reply below to be featured in our discussion. Cheers! Liz and Jamie 🙏

  8. You guys are absolutely the tops 😻…and what a tractor haul system…never used or seen one of them before…sure would be great in BC/Canada. We are so antiquated here in so many ways and think that we aren't compared to other places in the world. We have a lot to learn. Happy that your travels found you safely to your haul out spot in paradise. Enjoy, take time, RELAX and breath in your accomplishments. Cheers

  9. Omgoodness, my darlings, it was totally weird to see Esper propped up in a 'field', but with a clean bottom!😄
    Sooo glad that you made it there!
    All love and best wishes to you both, Claire, Lucy the cat, and Tommi the rescue dog, Berlin 😘😘😘

  10. Considering all the worry about entanglement with fishing gear, I'm surprised that you don't have a line cutter on the prop shaft. That anti-fouling you mentioned 'chigoku'? That sounds like the the Japanese for 'hell'. It sure seems to have given the marine growth a hell of a time.

  11. In March 2000 we were on our way from Kavieng to Palau when we realised that we weren’t going to make landfall on Roz’s birthday to have a celebratory drink. So we changed course for Woleai Atoll and dropped anchor shortly after 1 am local time. The bubbly was beautiful. We do not drink whilst underway, anytime, anywhere. You never know when the fertiliser is about to hit the rotary wind generator.

  12. Hi Jamie and Liz, Kim Philley here Sailboat Philiosophy. Can you remember whether it was 1.5 or 2.5 years between haulouts. I have taken note of your CHUGUKU bottom paint brand.
    Would greatly appreciate knowing that. I especially enjoyed this vlog…Cheers

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