AM REUSIT! Acesta este începutul a ceva mare!!! [S3-EP21]

AM REUSIT!  Acesta este începutul a ceva mare!!!  [S3-EP21]

În episodul din această săptămână am pornit de la Noss Marina, pe râul Dart, pentru a ajunge la Fowey în prima etapă a călătoriei noastre spre casă. Este un lucru cu adevărat uimitor să fii pe apă și să te întorci în portul nostru natal, astfel încât să ne putem urca la bord și să facem ultimele pregătiri pentru a pleca cu normă întreagă. Mulțumim foarte mult prietenilor noștri minunați care au oferit timpul, cunoștințele și abilitățile lor pentru a ajunge la acest punct și mulțumim familiei noastre Patreon pentru contribuția la a face toate acestea posibile. Vrem să le mulțumim HUUUUUUUGE tuturor celor care au contribuit în orice fel și iată link-urile dacă doriți să ne ajutați cu totul în această călătorie uimitoare. Pentru a ajuta la realizarea proiectului, puteți face o donație regulată prin Patreon și puteți obține acces din timp și aveți posibilitatea de a ne trimite un mesaj direct. Veți primi, de asemenea, actualizări numai Patreon. Pentru doar câteva lire pe lună, aveți acces anticipat la episoadele noastre și o mulțime de conținut suplimentar, inclusiv actualizări în timp real de unde ne aflăm când ne aflăm și contact direct pentru a ne vorbi în persoană. Pentru a ne sprijini pe Patreon și a deveni parte a echipei Melody, accesați Sau faceți o contribuție o singură dată prin PayPal sau Ko-Fi folosind aceste linkuri sailingmelody Avem și o listă de dorințe Amazon MARFĂ NOUĂ! Tricouri și căni și altele în curând. Pentru a cumpăra albumul lui Andy, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la, astfel încât să putem primi plata și să vă trimitem un link de descărcare Linkurile noastre Susține-ne pe Patreon : https :// Urmăriți-ne pe Instagram: Vino să ne vorbești pe facebook: Consultați lista noastră de dorințe pe site-ul PRO MARINE STORE Card cadou Lista de dorințe blog/pro-marine-store-and-sailing-melody Our Gear Sony a6400 Feiyutech a1000 gimbal GoPro 7 Hero GoPro 3 Hero Rode Studiomic pro Rode Studiomic mini Rode Wireless Go-2


49 thoughts on “AM REUSIT! Acesta este începutul a ceva mare!!! [S3-EP21]

  1. …YT sailing – it got to be a nice boat – and you got one…. get good sails and make it sail well – looking at sailing vids where the people really dont give the rats ass about sailing is pure pain… get used sails if you dont get sponsorship…. big market – work on the sailplan – what is possible – get powerful mainsails as a base – then some for the lighter stuff in front.

  2. Beware of the weather in the Irish Sea in February and March. I worked on trawlers for a couple of years and there are many days when the wind is gale force and more. I know it’s expensive but you really need new sails to cope with the weather during the winter there. There are particularly fierce tides around the Isle of Man with big seas north and south, where the tidal streams meet. The weather can change very rapidly so hope you are skilled at reefing your sails. Personally, I would stay clear of the area until spring.

  3. After such perfect footage some disturbing news about the pregnancy, I hope everything works out fine, with being on the water you loose a lot of stress I think, can forget about everything. Just the relaxing sound of the perfect ship sailing through the waves. Dis look at google earth where you were sailing, nice to get a good idea about the area, the harbors are looking great with the houses spread around on the hills. You don't have that here in the Netherlands :-).

  4. Great vid Team. She seems to be a nice Hull cuts through the water very nicely. Good ya got a sail in for a few hours and also good the engine got a nice decent run as well. Mel looked to be in happy place at the Helm as did Andy. Yes a solid Doger be the way to go with extended roof keep the sun off and room for more solar panels. Also good in a heavy sea as ya won,t get wet as ya might with current Doger. Keep at it and Mel just chill things be alright. ;0)

  5. Hi, like everyone we hope Melissa is ok. Has Ocean Melody not got an autohelm?? a lot of steering for you if not? Have you thought about Steel M?? a lot of work! perhaps Ebay might be better option with baby on way.

  6. Don Pye and David Cooper of Holman & Pye in the mid 1970’s knew how to design quick boats! Our Bowman 47 (the Australian version of the Bowman Corsair 46) goes along very nicely as well. We often have people comment at how quick we are.

  7. What a wonderful day for you all. Wow your new boat is impressive under sail! All the best for you all and especially for Melissa and the baby of course!

  8. Mellisa at the wheel during golden hour made me smile. You earned every bit of that! Your boat needs some work, varnish and canvas and an update on the dodger but she's got great bones and she's fast!

  9. Do some one on ones live streams with other yachties or the crew that helped etc like james on sailing zingaro does, anyone except a pollie, easier to shoot in one hour. While melissa gets better with bubba – good idea to keep some content and I am sure your patrons and subs will cut you some slack – just don't go totally black and offline for over 3 months like millenial falcon and then total silence and rude, ignorance, to then announce we're back as if nothing is wrong with that sort of behaviour – not even a short video or a post for an update – extremely rude and sadly they are australian like me. not a good look especially when a lot of youtubers are busting their guts out and these two just taking supporters for granted – disgusting

  10. Best wishes to Melissa and baby from your viewers. This video marks one of those rare occasions where no tools where used by Andy!

  11. The answer to the cold is low voltage electrically heated clothing … Works wonderfully ask winter riding motorcyclists and fishermen… You can start with a body warmer gilet and expand to a full body set up if you need ..

    Its good because you can control your own heat requirements and take it with you on or off the boat.. if you use
    The Lithium power packs ..
    Hope Melissa's ok and things settle down.

  12. What a fabulous looking boat. I am so happy for you. It was so nice to hear the noises of the boat for much of the video, without the incessant music that seems to be compulsory on YouTube. I hope everything goes well with Melissa and baby. Best wishes to you all.

  13. i used to watch you guys consistantly, annoyingly at times, would start a job, but finding the ending nightmare,….as a boat owner would take your advice on board, whats happened to the restoration, or is that a now a bygone…or is your advice aimed at want to be boat owners,,,,just asking,,…for many….

  14. Seeing mom and baby well and full term! Great the boat is close to home and things are moving along well for you all.

  15. Get that bloody smile off your face…LOL I am jealous, but super happy to see you as a family and zipping along smooth a happy…Happy Days guys….Cheers.

  16. Really enjoyed the sailing . I'm not much of a motoring guy . Although I've to do a lot of motoring where i'm at . Waiting eagerly for more sailing footage .
    Please do keep Melissa and her "passenger" safe .

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