Cum se antrenează marinarii marinei pentru a lucra pe submarine de 2 miliarde de dolari | Boot Camp | Afaceri din interior

Cum se antrenează marinarii marinei pentru a lucra pe submarine de 2 miliarde de dolari |  Boot Camp |  Afaceri din interior

Am avut o privire din interior asupra modului în care Marina Statelor Unite antrenează marinari să lucreze pe submarine în timpul cursului său de opt săptămâni la Școala de bază de submarine înrolată de la Naval Submarine Base New London, Groton, CT. Elevii se antrenează pentru a combate cele mai defavorabile scenarii la bord, cum ar fi inundațiile și incendiile, în simulatoare realiste. Ei învață, de asemenea, tehnicile pe care trebuie să le folosească dacă trebuie să evadeze dintr-un submarin și să urce la suprafața oceanului în interiorul unui antrenor cunoscut sub numele de Pressurized Submarine Escape Trainer sau PSET. Voluntarii pentru serviciul submarin trec printr-un screening de sănătate mintală și, potrivit Marinei, pot fi descalificați dacă sunt diagnosticați cu depresie sau tulburări de anxietate – probleme medicale care nu îi descalifică neapărat pe candidați de la alte roluri în armata SUA. INSIDER a petrecut 6 zile în interiorul Școlii de Submarine pentru a observa diferite clase de elevi la diferite etape de antrenament. 0:00: Introducere 0:26: Prezentare generală a antrenamentului 1:36: Înrolare și cerințe 3:23: În interiorul unui submarin 4:11: Simulator de control al daunelor 8:39: Misiunea forței submarine 9:39: Simulator de stingere a incendiilor 13:34: Antrenor de evadare submarin presurizat 20:42 Absolvire MAI MULTE VIDEO CAMPĂ DE BOTĂ: Cum sunt pregătiți medicii din armată pentru a salva vieți în luptă | Boot Camp | Afaceri din interior Cum sunt antrenați lunetistii, tancurile, marinarii din marina și altele din SUA | Boot Camp | Afaceri din interior De ce armata schimbă modul în care sunt pregătiți sergenții de foraj | Boot Camp | Business Insider ––––––––––––– ––––– #USNavy #BootCamp #InsiderBusiness Business Insider vă spune tot ce trebuie să știți despre afaceri, finanțe, tehnologie, retail și multe altele. Vizitați pagina noastră de start pentru cele mai importante povești ale zilei: Insider Business pe Facebook: Insider Business pe Instagram: /insiderbusiness Insider Business pe Twitter: Insider Business pe Snapchat: Insider Business pe TikTok: https://www.tiktok .com/@businessinsider Cum se antrenează marinarii marinei pentru a lucra pe submarine de 2 miliarde de dolari | Boot Camp | Afaceri din interior


37 thoughts on “Cum se antrenează marinarii marinei pentru a lucra pe submarine de 2 miliarde de dolari | Boot Camp | Afaceri din interior

  1. What is the US Navy even doing on submarines right now Like what are we doing are we just doing exercises or are we sneaking up on people

  2. We calculated that at 800 ft you had less than 15 seconds to get to the surface before the bends kicked in. You don’t submerge until you reach the break waters at that depth. All of us under stood if something happens and there is no DSRV we ain’t making it back. Still proud to be a fast attack sailor.

  3. The problem is that submarines don’t have the right amount of escape suits for everyone, so not all of them are going to make it.

  4. This is what I want to do when I touch 18 cause it has been my childhood dream and now I'm 17 but problem is I am not from America nor do I live there

  5. I served HMS submarine service and the money isnt worth it at all!! Horrible life. Scary, risky, hazardous and now in current global situations, i would recommend against joining any Military service

  6.… in about 1960 i was in Honolulu ..pearl , ford island and saw the training tower for submarine was about 60 feet tall with bailout , escape hatcthes on the side..the sailor would go in at the bottom and ascend to the top..yikes..!!!..

  7. I find it amazing how modern submarines can give there nation the advantage weeks in advance before the people on the ground and air get involved.
    the fact submarines can also demolish gigantic ships and massive areas in seconds.
    this is all so interesting to me
    Love from Sweden

  8. Ill never understand why there isnt a trainer inside the casualty space for the pipe patching training. Chubby boy doesnt want to get wet?

  9. Would it be feasible for every sub to carry a DSRV on board all of the time? Or maybe design the sub so part of it can detach in an emergency and float to the surface?

  10. Attention all Military Personal, Gorilla Glue Tape helps to seal up holes. And you have perfectly good men and women without mental health issues that come back worse than some people who would serve the military who have mental health issues!
    I would never pass an ASVAB but, I am as smart as a whip!
    Thank you for serving our country, I greatly appreciate your service and welcome home!

  11. Admiration, love and my highest respect to these submarine sailors who give everything for all of us to continue having this freedom.

  12. I would never volunteer to be a sailor working in a submersible. All respect for those who do!
    This reminds me of my SCUBA Training, when we learned about 'Atmospheric Pressure (Depth)' and how to ascend in an emergency w/o blowing out our lungs. It's damned strange when you're three atmospheres deep (One atmosphere is 33' of depth), take in one regular breath, then remove the regulator and as you exhale and SLOWLY ASCEND (Letting your air bubbles rise faster than yourself!), you make it all way to the top, yet never run out of air! At three atmospheres, you're 'One breath' takes 3X as much air to fill, so as you rise and the pressure decreases, your lungs and the air inside them adjust accordingly.

    In a sub? If you go down, you're almost certainly way below a few atmospheres. I can't imagine surviving 'Exiting: Stage Right' from a sinking/resting sub, at depth? Scary stuff!!

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