Toate lucrurile bune trebuie să se încheie… S3EP18

Toate lucrurile bune trebuie să se încheie... S3EP18

Călătorește cu mine: În acest episod ne oprim în insula magică Dominica, în drumul nostru spre sud, spre Grenada. În cele din urmă ajungem în Grenada sănătoși și siguri, exact la timp pentru data de plecare. Împachetăm barca și o pregătim pentru sezonul uraganelor pe hard la Spice Island Marine înainte de a ne lua rămas bun de la Gypsy Moon. Multumesc pentru vizionare! Dacă v-a plăcut acest videoclip, asigurați-vă că dați un like/lasați un comentariu. De asemenea, nu uitați să vă ABONAȚI! TAYLOR’S TRAVELS SHOP: Dacă doriți să susțineți canalul meu și să primiți acces anticipat la videoclipuri, reduceri la produse și conținut exclusiv, deveniți un Patron: Sau dvs. poate contribui la cheltuielile de reparare a cârmei printr-o donație unică prin PayPal:


19 thoughts on “Toate lucrurile bune trebuie să se încheie… S3EP18

  1. I just discovered your channel and now its the off season =(
    Do like how brisk you were about the netting on the prop, a lot of channels would have made a bigger deal about it or made it an entire episode. I feel that this style gives a better representation of the cruising life. Just fixing it and moving on to enjoy your time.

  2. Turkey is incredible! Went to Istanbul last September and had an incredible time. The food is to die for, the sights are astounding, and the locals are so welcoming. Highly recommend!

  3. I was in Egypt in 1997 on a 3-week trip that got cut short. We were visiting Luxor when things went horribly wrong. A group of Islamists opened fire on us with assault rifles, killing 62 people, many of them I saw getting hit and dying. I got very lucky and managed to remain hidden while they went through the place, systematically hunting people. Only 26 people survived, many of them injured. I'll never go back to Egypt.

  4. Taylor , good luck for your trips but if you make it to Egypt be aware of the scammers and the lack of hygiene regarding street food! Otherwise you will be just fine!

  5. Hi Taylor's im your pan.from Philippines. I like yours all videos. Because beautiful like you.and you are very super sexy i like to the girl is a sexy.god blesse saut out me

  6. Uhhh…. which hurricane season are you targeting? Maybe you are spending an uncharacteristic length of time off the boat so you won't be back before the hurricane season of 2023 in the North Atlantic? So that means you will be returning in October 2023?

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