Hi Cairney just to say I was in the chat last night and really felt sorry for you This sort of behaviour amongst adults is ridiculous. All this he said she said nonsense is like playground behaviour. I come to your channel for some respite from the hell of real life @Incognito and @ Gav B and Vanda were the voices of reason but to be honest with you pal if that was to happen again I would think twice of coming back These drama likers feed off of negativity and drama. All over a spanner? Anyway pal just wanted to say that to you. Stay positive On another note this thing with humble has ran its race and needs to be forgotten about now as it’s wearing thin. Stay positive pal. Love to you and Lisa
Yes lad respect ma boy mr troon troops big up cariney mate
Hi Cairney just to say I was in the chat last night and really felt sorry for you This sort of behaviour amongst adults is ridiculous. All this he said she said nonsense is like playground behaviour. I come to your channel for some respite from the hell of real life @Incognito and @ Gav B and Vanda were the voices of reason but to be honest with you pal if that was to happen again I would think twice of coming back These drama likers feed off of negativity and drama. All over a spanner? Anyway pal just wanted to say that to you. Stay positive On another note this thing with humble has ran its race and needs to be forgotten about now as it’s wearing thin. Stay positive pal. Love to you and Lisa

Yes lad respect ma boy mr troon troops big up cariney mate