Lucru cu barca la Trimaran Dawn, numărătoarea inversă până la Sailing 9…la 0

Lucru cu barca la Trimaran Dawn, numărătoarea inversă până la Sailing 0

Acest Dingy foarte ușor este acum utilizabil din nou, cu partea inferioară întărită în interior și în exterior, acum suporturile rowlock sunt foarte rezistente cu întărire din fibră de carbon. Acum toate lucrările acoperite în Peel-ply, pictura de finisare poate aștepta. Salutări Camino, Cheryl și Arie #LivingontheOcean #Trimaran #Living on a Trimaran #trimaran navigating Mulțumiri GoPro info@livingontheocean


8 thoughts on “Lucru cu barca la Trimaran Dawn, numărătoarea inversă până la Sailing 9…la 0

  1. Are you going to be able to put that big dog in that little dingy. I'm having to come up with a solution for myself. If my dog falls overboard. I was thinking about making a floating board or small raft. Something in case of emergency in case my dog falls off the boat and I'm not around. Or even if he's just swimming and have a way to get back on board by his self. Love y'all keep making your world a better place

  2. Short sweet and to the point. Great music,
    And glad to see the post. Looks cold and breezy. Does the epoxy dried properly in that weather?

  3. I know messing with the videos takes alot of your time and patience but I personally have really learned alot from watching your videos. You're an amazing and creative craftsman.

  4. Top! Almost to fly that sea bird! Great short, take care and fair winds. Camino is a very smart Dog! And even a pupie.

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