Săptămâna aceasta ne retragem în PDP Marina situat în Sint Maarten pentru a face câteva slujbe cu barca în timp ce lucrăm cu SXM Paws, care fac o muncă uimitoare cu animalele străzii! Consultați noile bijuterii Brittnis pe site-ul nostru https://www.svsunday.com PDP Marina: https://portdeplaisancemarina.com/ SITE WEB SAILING SUNDAY: https://www.svsunday.com SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: https://svsunday .com/online-shop-home/ DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: https://www.paypal.me/jacksonstreats PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/sailingsunday SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingsunday TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub
201. Locuri de muncă cu barca în locații exotice | DUMINICĂ CU VAVEGA

31 thoughts on “201. Locuri de muncă cu barca în locații exotice | DUMINICĂ CU VAVEGA”
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wow you're almost a day early
Brittany, shout out when Ryan boards the plane and I'll get you a good deal on the yacht. 20/80 split yeah
Oh what cute puppy's. Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid. xx
Hey Aussie !!! Now that is a braai the South African way !!!!
I'm confuse is Ryan in Aus or on the boat
You guys are awesome
send me a link so I can assist
Have Another Best Day Ever!
I love what you guys are doing. It's spectacular.
Can Brittany Start the Outboard??
Always a great watch and helping stray dogs as well. What a great channel.
More lost puppies??? Your hearts are bigger than your sailboat. Lucky dogs are the ones who find you guys; such caring sweethearts. PS Why would anyone want to stand on a bed of nail? Is that more fun than putting your ringer in a hot light socket? LOL! Groovy show. Stay safe and far-out.
Tip is to use an umbrella hung underneath the prop to pick up anything you drop.
It would be awesome if you went on a cruise on your own without him. He'd be shocked
7:15 Quote "Blow Jobs are never fun. And they are never as easy as you think they're going to be And famous last words is; – this is just a quick job as Ryan sweats and scratches his back…."
WTF Ryan! Maybe a shower first, and stop scratching!

Hi Ryan and Brittni
2 more puppies, awesome! WOW! That steak dinner looked fantastic.Hope you had a safe journey home, Ryan
Good job Brittny!
…super happy sunday,thanks for your Video

….so amazing dog rescue Job that you both do under the chief inspectors eye Sir Jackson with Oliver,the new assistent
…great Steak diner,I love your way of food presentation…safe trip to you Ryan and a lot of good time for you in the marina Brittni….all the best…Peter,Britta and Abou

You will have a hard time finding that bolt.
Do you have a magnet?
Your rescue work is Awesome. I had rescued wolves and hybrids in usa for about 5 years out of love. Enjoy seeing your family bro. Britney will busy soaking up the luxury of the marina while holding the fort down.
Love you both.
Cheers guy’s! Thanks Sexy legs & Brittni
Having certified scuba people on board and requisite equipment should be a given on a sailboat. Why haven't you two got your scuba certification yet? You're missing so much!
Worked on 2 Yachts' made in 1929, one German & the other made in the US. The German far more complicated & detailed. Have fun at home, and Brittni with the pumps.
Britney don't worry I'll come keep you company
I too Britt am in a Marina solo while Ben goes back home to NZ for a month!
Lol, Brittney, by the time Ryan gets back, you'll have a boat load of pups, Ryan will have to sleep on the dock.
Yay, New pups!! I'm so excited to see more of them. You two are the best. Love you guys

We enjoyed watching. Ryan seems to always be smiling! You guys are great!
This is one of the only videos that Ryan isn't talking about drinking, drinking, getting drunk or having a hangover and you aren't cursing. Keep it up and you'll start getting the subscribers you deserve. GREAT VIDEO! GOD BLESS.
Closed captions showed "blow" instead of "boat" .Boat jobs are never fun and some boat jobs are hard. I had a good laugh!
Hi, I wanted to ask: What breed is your dog? Thanks! Great video as always
Another two puppies, you are great taking care of the poor fellas
Have a great trip Ryan