Primul nostru pasaj peste noapte pe noul nostru catamaran, Trade Runner. Pittwater la sud de Eden, NSW are aproximativ 240 de mile marine și am ales un vânt destul de domol pentru acesta. Există un curent bun de alergare spre sud la aproximativ 15 mile în larg, așa că am navigat acolo și am rămas în el tot drumul spre sud. O vele foarte lină, cu ceva pescuit interesant și amândoi am ajuns la destinație simțindu-ne destul de bine fără „mahmureala” pe care o primim în mod normal dintr-un pasaj ca acesta. Câștig mare Enjoi ⚓️Alătură-te ECHIPULUI nostru⚓️ Dacă îți plac videoclipurile noastre și apreciezi efortul depus pentru a le realiza, atunci poate că ai fi interesat să susții producția lor. Un pic merge mult Patronul nostru: Paypalul nostru:… Obțineți un tricou cu noul design Maries aici! SUBTECH Cod promoțional: teamsubtechvernon Reducere: 20% (livrare gratuită în toată lumea) Indiana Paddlesurf: VERNON10X (cod de reducere de 10%) Vă rugăm să vizitați: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK:
Cea mai rapidă trecere vreodată și atât de ușor! (Învățând făcând Ep214)

42 thoughts on “Cea mai rapidă trecere vreodată și atât de ușor! (Învățând făcând Ep214)”
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I tuned back in just in time, I love the new Cat, it’s so sleek and beautiful…It also seems so much more comfortable and it’s quiet, without all the banging and creaking of most of them. Congratulations!
Ve4y good video as always, iam glad you are enjoying your new boat ,stay safe and enjoy
There’d be lots of Aussies keen to see as much as possible of your locals travels! Thanks
Nice video! Would love to see a tour of your boat. I know you showed bits and pieces when you bought her, but I'm interested in all the technical bits as well.
The new boat is wonderfully spacious, fast, and comfortable. Folding props – what a nice boat. 210 nautical miles in 24 hours = 8.75mph, that is really moving over a sustained interval. Congratulations on the new boat.
It's because of your shirt mate, and your sweet wife. Thanks for keeping it real. Love the new boat. Fare winds my friends.
What brand is your new boat?
easy livin'
any details on the cat vernon, design, model etc. shes sails fast. i was on the fence about mono vs cat but not now.
Top la vitesse du Cata ! Ça fait rêver …. Merci pour vos vidéos.
Nice the cat, it is nice and gentle breaking in its new owners, Night sailing is my favorite time. SV Skoiern IV
Congrats guys 👏 I've been fellowing you Vernon since you were single lol ….I like the performance of the CAT, she's sleek and comfy 👌✅💯 The only thing you need is an AIS.Have a good one & greetings from Turkey
We know there are no perfect boats but my last boat was a cat and there are a great many good things about them! Enjoy folks 👍
Wahoo! So glad you guys are having an awesome time on your new boat!
As much as i loved your old mono this new boat is gonna open up many more places, especially thin waters which can only be good for you but also the channel. also a cat is quick which also adds to the whole deal. Seems like a really nice boat, are you converted to the dark side now? I'd love to see you come around to South Australia, no one ever seems to come down this way, it's always east coast down to Tassie and some venture the west coast, but bugger all come down here into the South Oz gulfs or the Bight
I was just watching the video again and was wondering what your power usage overnight was, you would have been close to 100% SOC going into the dark, what did the morning bring with your SOC, interested in what all the instruments consume overnight??
Nice one guys
Really a nice boat and performance. It makes me think about selling my Cheoy Lee Pedrick and look for a cat. Calm sails!
Love your work, and loving learning about your experiences on the new boat.
Bloody Awesome, I've subscribed, love the new boat, great passage, and wow how's ur SOG incredible, she really can move and very stable. One thing I've notice is u need a table in the cockpit and some seating. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. Love the fact ur sailing Aussie, makes me real proud of our amazing Country. 🇦🇺🌈👍🤣
That's the trouble with trawling….you really need to slow down to get them on board and to reel them in. So everyone tells me. 4Knots max.
dried bonito in japan is a very good thing my wife says. she often buys it when she can…. i prefer the stuff i spear locally 🙂 Tas east coast is mental for a spearo
Would be great if you took some patreons sailing with you!
Lawrie 😎🙏😊
love the cat, looking forward to many more videos. thanks
U guys boat something like my dream boat, u can bet i'll be watching you. Nice run!
Great to see that the Admiral is more comfortable on the new rocket ship.
Hi, I noticed at the beginning of the video how your mooring ball was attached, this was new to me, very, very new to sailing, I would usually use 2 lines from my cat to thread through the loop of the Mooring ball, it’s a heavy and awkward process, please let me know your method? Thanks Vernon.
Another great video, but a question, do you have a keel or daggerboards and if so how do you use them? Keep up the good work 👍👍
hello Marie, ferez vous une vidéo pour présenter votre cata car nous n avons eu d'information sur celui-ci, il semble très intéressant. Merci par avance
Hi Guys Glad to see Marie travelling better on the Cat!!! Suggest Eden museum visit a must do if u can.. Many regards from the Swanson team!!!
lovely video, really different and spacious shot framing now on the cat ! your sound mix was varied though and on the quiet side.
Great speed. Keep it up
Pretty good demonstration of the benefits of a good sailing catamaran. Glad to see it’s working for you both.
Trade Runner fits soo well to you two, you seem to have so much fun and everything is were it should be.
She also looks like a real sailboat, with a nice line and much outside space. And you can actually live and sail at the same time.
great video – any new sailor with no idea about boat's should watch this – nice size boat for 2 people to cruise the coast
Love the new boat and content
Got to say i am really expressed with your new boat, i have been online to see if theres any in Europe but it looks like theres none, i am in the hunt for a different type of boat than my Najad,
looks amazing
Great channel guys
Fantastic to see you on your new catamaran! Keep living your dream and let us tag along your adventures thru your great videos:)
I saw at minute 1:55 that you shifted to reverse after the engines were off. If you have a saildrive, this is not necessary, as the gearbox is filled with oil up to the top, i.e. bearings, gears, etc. are in an oil bath and there is no tail shaft that requires further lubrication or cooling as with a conventional gearbox, for example. This allows the propeller to rotate freely because a rotating propeller has much less resistance than a stationary one.