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31 thoughts on “PRIMILE NOSTRU ÎNTREBĂRI LIVE (întreaba-ne orice)

  1. @NautiGuys,

    I have an idea for a green, alternative power to your boat – if Bering thinks it's possible to implement. As you already know, the 145' top model have an electric motor that drives the propeller, which is connected to batteries, which in turn is charged by generators, powered by diesel motors. Your boat may have a similar setup.

    I suggest that it may be technically possible to replace the diesel parts with water, connected to Hydrogen generators and fuel cell motor(s). Both Hydrogen generators and fuel cell motors exist today. A fuel cell motor has only water as its "waste" product. I guess it could even be used to refill the water tanks instead of emptied out to sea.

    I've seen H-generators available on Internet and fuel cell motors for cars, but I'm uncertain if these will be suitable for a large boat like yours. You may want to investigate further.

    You could then fill the tanks with water instead of diesel and thereby have a large repository to feed the H-generators.

    It may even be possible to fetch seawater directly in through pumps, filter and clean it for debris and algea etc., before refilling the water tanks that are meant for making Hydrogen. This way, the boat could have unlimited range and you'd save a lot of money not buying diesel. Plus, it'd be a 100% clean and green propulsion system.

    Bering and Alexei would get a lot of attention and free marketing too, if they could make this work in their boats. 👍

  2. I don’t comment often on you tube, but bearing it all was an awesome suggestion for the name!!!! Between Bearing boats and your you-tube channels it fits.

  3. I have a name suggestion for your Bering vessel. Cleopatra. I really enjoy your channels. Glen Christiansen, Ontario, Canada

  4. Don't know whether someone else has already come up with the name VITA for your vessel. I personally find VITUS (suggestion by Larz Beresford) a fine name, however, firstly Victoria is in favor of a female and secondly vessels sound better having a female denomination (like black powder guns do). One can imagine that VITA may be the daughter of Vitus Bering (which was in real life not the case…). Instead it is definitely the daughter of Bering company. And, of course, it has a translational meaning. It is life itself. And it is a short name.

    And now for something completely different. My second suggestion is ABOYA, which has no translational meaning for the most common languages (with the exception of French). But it sounds smooth and elegant. Downside: There is a 28-meter traditional Phinisi Schooner named A'BOYA… But you may choose any name, there will be already a vessel with this name.

    Ansonsten wünsche ich Euch ganz viel Glück und Erfolg mit Eurem Flugzeugträger (gefühlte Größe) und immer eine handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel!

  5. Names: Will Power, Repertoire, DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), Backend Deal, Freemium, Cross Collateralization, Downward/ Upward Compression,Fair Use, Joint Work, Stinger, Venue.

  6. Nauti excursions would be a good name for the charter listings or company but not at much for the boat itself.

  7. Hi Victoria and Rico, I have a couple of name proposals for your Dream boat: MV Hayal: This means “dream” in turkish and is fitting since the Bering is build there. MV Diomedes: This is a reference to the small Island group in the middle of the Bering Strait.
    Finally: to your question about shrouded propellers for displacement boats: Check out the steel boat Stentor 1800 build in The Netherlands. It is equipped with shrouded propellers which apparently increases efficiency and protects the propellers.

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