După ce am lucrat la motor, am părăsit portul de agrement doar pentru a găsi câteva minute mai târziu, motorul s-a oprit. Fiind remorcați înapoi la portul de agrement, începeam să ne simțim ca un bumerang. Filtrele Racor au fost curățate și reconstruite, combustibilul și rezervorul nostru au fost lustruite, conductele au fost curățate, pompa de ridicare a fost înlocuită și nu există aer în conducte. Ne-am gândit că suntem gata să mergem. Încercând să ne facem ceva timp și să învingem furtunele, ne-am deplasat cu motor și, spre disperarea noastră, trei ore mai târziu, motorul s-a oprit! Am ridicat pânzele pentru a ajunge cât mai aproape de următoarea noastră destinație, înainte de a suna din nou pentru a fi remorcate. Problemele noastre de livrare a combustibilului încă există. Ne puteți urmări și pe: www.instagram.com/sailingintermission https://linktr.ee/sailingintermission Atribute muzicale: North Sphere – Head Spin Oman – Sun Melt Waves Chris Coral – I Hold On
Legați-vă mâinile peste motorul meu Ep104

24 thoughts on “Legați-vă mâinile peste motorul meu Ep104”
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Oh no, that stupid engine. I'm so sorry that you are still suffering with a problem. You are certainly more capable than most, to deal with the situation. The plus side is that you are mentally stronger than most. Lets hope that there is a good answer coming for the a good solution. Hang in there and don't despair. You are looking good Karen.
Did you get bad fuel that continues to put you down, sorry you are going through this, missed you for most of the winter..
Change your Fuel Filters! The polishing of tanks only gets the sludge out of the floating, then theres the sludge caught behind the tank baffles.. buy a dozen or two Racor's and Balwin primary filters and change the filters! The racors may load up often of you just finished polishing fuel – 2 minutes to change them….
So sorry to hear of all your problems here in England it's a typical spring day snowing heavily so seeing the weather there is a bonus and of course seeing you really warms me up keep cheerful lovely Karen xx
Sorry you guys are having troubles there is nothing more frustrating then paying to have things fixed that aren’t. If you guys catch up to us I have a couple inflatable life jackets I will give you then Steve can be properly tied in to the jacklines.
try using the full head sail and reef the main if over powered the boat should sail better
Well sending an extra prayer all gets fixed correctly and you guys can get back out there
Awww, sorry about your engine. You spent so much for repairs that were guess fixes, u should get some credit. That's why I'm afraid to buy a boat with an internal engine even though it would be nice. Seems like a lot of people have problems all the time, is this normal? Thank you for the video, Luv Ya's… Can u mount an outboard for emergencies like this so u can go into the harbor?
Ohh crap, you not having much luck, maybe let the full moon good away, looked lovely out there, and Karen in cockpit, ♥♥♥ damn only a couple of quick glimpses, maybe more next time
Hi beautiful Karen
hope you're doing okay. Wishi could see more of your

Feel really bad for you guys!….but….I see your still dancing….THAT would take something special….david
I bet your engine purrs Karen

so adorable
Sound like trash in fuel have u check your filters
U sucking air some where check all
Missed you folks.
Beautiful and sexy as always Karen. Great video you two……wishing you both the very best !!!
baby we we're born to run.
You guys are awesome!!!! That is all!!!
It sounds to me like you need new fuel lines, they can collapse on the inside especially after getting some age on them, I'd do that before doing anything more to fuel system.
Please keep safe
Replace the Cummins diesel engine with a Detroit diesel engine
Your vids are the BEST. They remind of PRECISELY WHY I no longer own a boat
Deve ser maravilhoso velejar nessa embarcacao ao lado de uma mulher maravilhosa.parabens rapas você tem bom gosto.