Sailing Liberty- OUCH! REDUCEREA LA 5 ZILE în șantierul naval – O putem face? / Fixare Garnitură

Sailing Liberty- OUCH!  REDUCEREA LA 5 ZILE în șantierul naval - O putem face?  / Fixare Garnitură

* SPRIJĂ-NE PE PAYPAL: Magazin de cadouri Sailing Liberty:


33 thoughts on “Sailing Liberty- OUCH! REDUCEREA LA 5 ZILE în șantierul naval – O putem face? / Fixare Garnitură

  1. I just found you guys yesterday and have binge watched your episodes the last two days. I am really enjoying your content and am looking forward to your future videos. I wish I knew you were in Tampa, I would have been happy to help with your refit. Let me know if you are still around Tampa and I will help. Dave

  2. …. she sure is going to be pretty below the waterline and all in just 5 days …. sonar would also be at the top end of my list of navigation electronics … electronics are great, but knowing how to use a sextant is paramount, learning while you have electronics to check your skills is the best time to learn ….. great episode, could almost taste the Greek lamb and octapus .. great reward at the end of a busy day … thx for the share, .. as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans ….

  3. Another fabulous episode. The accomplishment's in just a short time span should be commended both by the yard and the owner's. The food looks scrumptious and seated on the river was beautiful. High praise to both the content and informative material. You guys ROCK! Enjoy your sail together and can't wait for future episodes.

  4. Very professional removal of old bottom paint. Regarding the loose steering cables- The chain has jumped the sprocket that is attached to the axle that the wheel is attached to. To fix, remove the 4-6 screws that are holding down your compass. Directly underneath will be the axle and sprocket. The chain will be there maybe 2-3' long in total, and you put chain back on the sprocket the same way as you do for a bike. Make sure the rudder itself is centered before you reattach the chain and try to have equal lengths of chain on each side of the sprocket. If you don't you may not be able to turn full port or starboard. Where the cables attach to each end of the chain there should be a mechanism to adjust the tension a small amount. Major adjustments of cable lengths is done via the cable clamps on the cable down below.

  5. Wish I would have known sooner that you were so close. I live about 15/20 minutes south of you. Was going to bring you a bottle of Champagne and wine for your future Equator crossing. Also, would have assisted with any electronics you may have needed help with, or the motor as I used to rebuild my race car engines. My last project was a 1965 Mustang totally redone from the ground up. Good luck with your adventures.

  6. Finally a sailing show where nobody complains. Love you guys! Get her done! More cleavage please! And let me know when dinner is ready!

  7. This is going to be a fun ride, I can tell already! I’m glad to have found your channel a couple videos ago and subscribed!

  8. Hey Guys, great episode once again. What version of Whiskey In The Jar is played in your intro if you don't mind me asking? Shazam can't detect it, lol.

  9. I had a wooden Tahiti Ketch, now have a Grand Banks 42. Miss sailing but my wife loves the Grand Banks so I am happy too……love your videos!

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