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CAIET ELECTRIC:PLAN A//Mutarea înapoi la doc și trecerea prin planul electric-Episodul 118

33 thoughts on “CAIET ELECTRIC:PLAN A//Mutarea înapoi la doc și trecerea prin planul electric-Episodul 118”
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Tesla Lithium….Fire Fire ! ! Don't do it
And it begins, so looking forward to it.
I can't wait to see how this comes out. I have a few of you Crew shirts and thought that even though you can't make it to the Caribbean, maybe a little part of you could.
Matching hairdos, of course it's a bro-mance.
What a massive project! Ty sure knows what he wants to get done on the electrical systems it is all above my head but find this fascinating. You guys are awesome I love seeing your channel grow and thanks for helping Jason’s mom with her RV they mentioned in todays video. You guys rock keep up the great work love the boat project videos!!
when i get fascist canada govt ads i skip the entire vid
Ty, thank you for assisting (The Wynn's), Jason's mother, Mary. I never doubted that you would/will assist anyone in need. The fact that it's a small world it is only fitting your paths crossed.
they all say 2 weeks
I bet 2 months
Ah yes… Another week and yet another project. Would you do it all over again if you knew? Hell yeah! She's a beauty.
Looking forward to seeing this awesome setup…
Just an observation, but it seems like your videos are getting shorter every week and more “push” towards your Patreon channel. I really hope not because I’ve followed you guys since you started your channel. Thank you!
Let’s get this power party started
Kramer house is where they probably train Coast Guard drug sniffing dogs.
Really enjoy your videos, your spirit, humor and determination. Keep up the good work.
Two nerd walk onto a boat what happens. They light it up.
Good luck, you guys have worked so very hard….
Stella found her place to chill on the new boat
Hi Ty, little suggestion.
Why not putting a small AC unit, connected to the main AC, into the electric hub compartment instead or additional to that tiny fan?
Please take the following questions as me trying to learn and NOT me challenging any of your plans.
Are there any issues with moving the weight of the batteries from where they were previously to underneath the settee? Does it need to be reinforced? Will the boat actually perform better because the weight is more centralized?
Why are you having a 48 volt bank and separate 12 volt bank rather than converting the power when you need it?
You bought a CNC? Just for this project or are you starting another business?
Josh is very lucky to have this project to give him experience to go from land to sea!!! After this, he will be able to tackle any boat system!
You are the King of marine electrical! What percent of the new rework is going to 48V? Cat 6 for lighting is becoming a cheaper safer better alternative for sustainable self-sufficient hotel construction projects. This three-inches of water-penetration estimate is optimistic and there where will be exceptions. If there was an end-to-end wire integrity tester, this would be a much better test than a simpler tone/continuity tester.
Am really looking forward to your play-by-play video series!
Another great video team
I hate to tell you. BUT! You need to chang out ALL THE Electrical! If it got Wet with sea water you need to just take it out and put in New.
I worked on two boats that sunk and helped with the refit on both. On one they just changed out about hilf of the Electrical. And it worked for about 7 months. Thin they started losing power to most of everything. And went back and got the rest of the old wiring out. The other boat we chang all the wiring and they had no problems. Except for the wiring for the radar and lights and vhf antenna on the mast. That was the only thing we Didn't chang and had too.
So Good luck. And Thank you for this weeks video. Can't wait to see the inside of the Boat work.
Until next time, Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii! Aloha
I enjoyed doing the electrical on my Luna. She was a 1979 Catalina 30, and when I took ownership of her she was in bad shape electrically. Too many repairs, poorly done repairs and some "special" additions. I ripped out every wire that was not embedded into the fiberglass and rewired the entire boat. New AC (just 120) New DC, new panels, new outlets, new everything. It was a pleasure to be able to sail Luna and know that everything would work as it should and safely as well.
More and more respect for Ty. I just watched The Wynn's and in their most recent video ("SOLO AND 65, My Mom On Van Life After 4 Years"), she mention some guy from Dauntless helping her (Jason's mom). But before that I saw you Ty on Parlay Revival before I knew who the Dauntless crew was. Ty seems like an all around good guy, helping people out just for the sake of need. Much respect for just being a helping hand to a stranger in need.
Another amazing video! It's a true pleasure watching you folks. And I must say…I have the utmost respect for Ty and his knowledge of fiberglass, painting, electrical, rigging….you name it and he's a master. I wished you guys were in the slip next to me…I sure could use you! Anyway, thanks again.
Why does this electrical system seem so dated? The boat is only a few years old. Should have been lithium set up from the factory. Seems very strange or am I missing something.
That's sounds exciting!
Great update. Too bad you will not be able to get insurance using the Tesla batteries due to the new ABYC recommendations. Maybe you will find a loophole. Hopefully.
Ty once you get the leopard wiring diagram you will see it’s easy. Every wire is marked on both ends and the wiring diagram is so perfect and easy. I am busy on my French boat now and suffering in terms of access and information even with the French diagrams. I somehow wish it was wired like the leopards as it’s all thin wires and electrical switching with relays in boxes. Horrible to say the least
Я , от вас тащюсь , смотрю ваш проект с самого начала !!!! И сейчас вижу ваши профессиональные качества во многих аспектах рукоделия , от уборки не нужного мусора до Электрики!!!!
У меня нет рядом ни моря , тем более океана, я живу возле красивых гор Тянь-Шань горд Алма-Ата в Казахстане. Но с детства почему то тянуло к парусникам, наверно потому что они так прекрасны и завораживающие своей и не предсказуемой жизнью в бесконечном пространстве морей и океанов полное приключений и неожиданностями. Это право имеют те , кто безстрашен в своём выборе, и вы достойны этого. Я, так думаю не надо желать в дорогу ни чего и 7 футов под килем , судьба распорядиться так как нужно , А Вы Ей Поможете. Дай Бог вам Счастья!!!!!!! От Всей Души!!!! Ваш поклонник Владимир.
Awesome content, again. I have been following you from the first episode on this fix and refit. Cannot wait for you all to get sailing again on the 50. Ty, why do you want to run both 48V and 12V batteries? Why not make it all 48V batts and use a step down power supply to go from 48V to 12V bus? (In case you have 12V kit you need to power?)
So excited for this project! Thank you!
Did you win the lottery ? Most people don’t have a budget or sponsorships like you do.