Probleme pe mare! În derivă pe un Catalina 30 | Sailing Fujin S1E5

Probleme pe mare!  În derivă pe un Catalina 30 |  Sailing Fujin S1E5

Săptămâna aceasta fac prima mea excursie la Avalon și lucrurile nu merg așa cum am planificat. Uneori, lecțiile sunt învățate pe calea grea. Conectați-vă pentru a vedea depanarea de bază a motorului barca cu pânze și pentru a afla ce a mers prost!


20 thoughts on “Probleme pe mare! În derivă pe un Catalina 30 | Sailing Fujin S1E5

  1. This was the most exciting episode so far! Engine failure at sea in the middle of the busy shipping channel. But Fujin's captain kept his calm, and the tow line didn't snap on the way back in. One question: were the aerial shots leaving the harbor done with a drone?

  2. We're neighbors at Cabrillo. I bought my Catalina 30 a year ago. Had the same fuel filter issue about a month ago. I'm setting up two primary filters with fuel line valve to be able to switch on the fly if necessary. Going through my 12 volt system now and going to haul out for bottom paint on 4/3… Keep up the videos there's another dude in Long Beach that got Cat 30 and has been putting out content too and there's a sailing meetup at Cabrillo that has some helpful workshops… My goal is to make it to Catalina for the first in a couple of months….mainly I sail between Pedro, Long Beach or Alamitos.

  3. Yeah. Been there done that. Same thing. Fueled up, it stirred up sediment in the tank, engine died. I ended up sailing back to my home port several miles south on the Chesapeake Bay, with a wicked southerly. (Look at a map of the chessie to understand while that is important). 8 hours of 20+ knot winds beating into the wind to get back to home port. Ever since then, I have paid exceptional attention to my fuel system. it has never happened again.

  4. Mabey you should read your manual.
    There's a trouble shooting section.
    Guys have sailed around the world without an engine.
    Is that a sailboat or a stink pot?

  5. Good for you for hanging in there. Bert Ankrom's comment below about about sharing experience and workshops in a Cat 30 community sounds like a great opportunity. Thanks for sharing your fun!

  6. I enjoyed watching your experience. Shit happens and if you don't have the parts you are screwed. If you had the filter though you should at least try. As you learned it is an easy fix. Your diagnostics skills are good for sure! You do not plan to take your Cat 30 to Hawaii do you?

  7. I love the video, and great that you take these trips even when things don't go your way, If your out there again and having trouble with that old Universal just look up my contact phone on my channel, I help out fellow sailors at sea with maintenance issues (no charge) I have been a tech 45 years in all aspects of boats so don't let this put you in harms way, just look me up.

  8. I have a universal engine in my boat, I put a raycor filter on as well. Very easy to clean and has a visible bowl to drain water or debris. Can’t hurt with an extra filter.

  9. Your vid showed up on my feed so your doing something right. I have an old Cat 30 too. There is nothing wrong with reefing lines at the mast. I do clip on with my safety harness when going forward to reef. Fuel troubles never go away. I put a round inspection port in my tank so I can clean it out. A vacuum gauge on the filter tells you at a glance if the line is blocked. Sometimes you have to take off the fuel line from the filter and blow the crud back into the tank if that is blocked. Keep the furling line under tension while rolling out the head sail even while it's out. Nice winches but you don't need the extra blocks, they only add drag. A dodger is a must for cruising. Sailrite sells a nice kit. Dana point is a nice hop for you and you can anchor for free. What else? I hoist up the inflatable with the spin halyard and lash in down on the fore deck, deflated for long trips or heavy weather. I glue a Scotch Brite pad from West M. to a block of wood with a handle on it so it floats and hold my breath, no weights. 45 minutes and I'm done. A tea pot full of hotish water pored over your head is wonderful in this cold water!
    Wally Erickson
    Little Hope
    Sandy Eggo

  10. Gotta have the dual filter with live switch over. Those things usually clog right when entering or leaving a crowded harbor….also can use the old filter housing and a cheap pump to polish your own fuel every so often. If you do that, and filter the fuel going in, you won’t have to worry about your fuel system. Cheers.

  11. Thanks for the video. You made it 👏 These things happen. Got a suggestion for you; you got the outboard on you so if you install a bracket for it it can be your backup in case all else fails…just an thought. Take care.

  12. Without becoming more aware and practical about the systems of your boat don't go far from land until you have gotten a bit more experienced. Take your boat out on a few weekends that aren't nice preferably with a skilled yachtie.

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