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Navigați pe linie dreaptă din Chile către SPANIA???

23 thoughts on “Navigați pe linie dreaptă din Chile către SPANIA???”
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I accidentally ate a table
Georgia is in Europe
Technically, the Canary Islands are Spanish, so… if you touch those, you'll touch Spain.
Green from rainbow friends
Who's ready for the journey?
flat earthers: whatever the earth is not round its not straight.
Im lost
So that is how they colonized them
You can also take a boat in a straight line from Pakistan to Russia without touching land!!!
"3D MaP" –
Me when i move my boat 1 inch to the left "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
Yay! I haven't gotten your content in my feed for months and I am happy again
Chile Tricontinental
Viva Chile Libre y Soberano de Arica a la Antártica
He didn't even make it to Chile because he made it to argentina
Canary islands carmen sandiego home!1!1!!!!1!1!!1!1!!1!
Part of land is argentina

(argentina gets into to parts)
just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do something
Looks like the 3D Map is always the Solution to Everything “Straight” in 2D
thats how they colonized it
You can sail from Argentina to Britain in 2 days