Interesant andocare

Interesant andocare

Uneori, o situație de andocare este prea bună sau interesantă pentru a nu fi împărtășită.


43 thoughts on “Interesant andocare

  1. Seems like the captain loves to come in and out of the hole. What would that captain do with out bow thrusters. That’s that captains viagra

  2. Thomas, jeg vurderer å seile til karibien og legge igjen båten der og ta fly frem og tilbake og bruke den på den måten (utenom orkan sesong). Har du noen havn/er å anbefale i karibien når man tenker å bruke båten slik?
    Gleder meg til å se når du seiler Stillehavet 😊

  3. I have seen a docking so bad that the boat hit the dock so hard that one person on the dock was knocked off into the water and then crushed between the boat and the dock breaking her pelvis.

  4. Snodig ja, var jo inne, ligger forresten syk hjemme, så nå har jeg kommet til episode 5 i croatia, en drøm å følge deg, en vakker dag får jeg håpe på det samme, ⚓️

  5. The guy didn't hit anything so why the criticism? He doesn't have to do it your way. Maybe the guy is "agressive" because he knows that he has total control… and, who knows, maybe even experience.

  6. To all the critics, we all spent years being terrible at docking, let’s not criticize others as they go through their own self-education. Even an experienced sailor has a doggy day. I’m an experience boater with a 50 footer and I had to take three attempts the other day due to a very high winds, pushing me into the seawall. I can’t say I was embarrassed though, you go on your boat enough and you will make mistakes but you will learn.

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