Un cetățean suveran este prăjit de un polițist care gândește rapid

Un cetățean suveran este prăjit de un polițist care gândește rapid

Un cetățean suveran care a fost oprit pentru că a condus fără centură de siguranță a primit un gust din propriul medicament după ce a fost păcălit de doi polițiști pricepuți.


46 thoughts on “Un cetățean suveran este prăjit de un polițist care gândește rapid

  1. Everyone defending the system just shows how well they've deceived you all. This is a corporation and NOT the actual police. I'll be mocked for saying this despite being correct because people expect an explanation to such a bs vonplex situation. You've all been had. Our government is also now a registered corporation with shareholders in Washington DC. Do some investigating before you mindlessly tear people down.

  2. Only ignorant fools in this comment section defending their oppressors not even realising they are oppressed. Full blown Stockholm syndrome.

    COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is not the same as
    Commonwealth of Australia.

    We are being oppressed by an occupying force. Australia is defined as Norfolk Island according to legislation. No one does any investigating anymore and it shows. All are blind.

  3. Why do cops engage in this ludicrous type of conversation? Ask for drivers license and when it isn’t produced, on go the cuffs and the vehicle gets towed. No fooling around. This kind of stress has to take a heavy toll on police officers mentally and emotionally.

  4. Anytime you drive or fly you are required to i.d yourself. Okay now planes i.d no matter what. Im cars when you commit a traffic offense. None of this fake stuff lol😂

  5. The moral of the state police don't aknowledge citizens of constitutional rights an try to hinder constitutional law by contract law by rules an regulations
    If you don't exercise your constitutional rights ,government will keep allowing state police more power
    hence why they stop teaching basic constitutional law in schools after bob hawke an pushed in coporate laws
    All laws come from God after then they mixed a corrupt law system Roman law hence why latin is used in legal terms
    Dont see this video as something funny it basically shows interaction an response of a officer when a citizen is using his legal right up hold his consitutional rights
    People have the power not the police or the government ,

    the people put politicans in power to serve the people we don't serve our government we pay taxes but purely on basis of ones basic theory that the government will spend that money correctly for the people of the country
    Stuff American legal system because Australia is copying they're legal system an police are mimicking usa police an becoming paranoid of its own citizens but want its own citizens to support them trust but make laws against the mass of citizens to depower their rights
    Australian citizens has really been sleep lost right to bear arms , lost constitutional rights an soon we live in place where police will say if its okay to stay out longer than 10 pm
    Because they will soon have power declare an zone dangerous when they feel like it their laws are para military mean they could use martial law without the military

  6. An act is a type of law. It is a statute or law that has been enacted by a legislative body, such as a parliament or congress. Once an act is passed by the legislature and signed by the appropriate executive authority (such as a president or monarch), it becomes law and is enforceable.
    Until an act is passed by the legislative body and signed into law by the executive authority, it is not enforceable. Law enforcement and other authorities cannot use an act that has not yet been enacted to require actions or impose penalties. Before it becomes law, it is typically referred to as a bill or proposed legislation.

  7. Is it just me or are female Australian cops getting more and more attractive.
    If that's the case, I might go get arrested, but knowing my luck it will be the old sergeant a week from retirement that arrests me, maybe I won't tempt fate and remain law abiding 😅

  8. The old gentleman was confused between a bill and an act. If he is really 80, then give him a break, he must’ve forgotten the difference.

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