Ep. 422 CRAB BBQ în mijlocul neantului

Ep.  422 CRAB BBQ în mijlocul neantului

La jumătatea drumului spre Columbia se află insulele Ratones. eu de nicăieri, curată, apă limpede, pescuit excelent și 2 fete frumoase. ce ai putea dori mai mult… oh, da, crab la grătar


38 thoughts on “Ep. 422 CRAB BBQ în mijlocul neantului

  1. Katrina you'll be missed! Stephie, great teaching! Great jokes (please don't let us only have to listen to Plucky's jokes! 🙂)

  2. Katrina glad to see you made it through finishing school, the sky is the limit now!!! Stephie glad your staying on to keep Plukkynos on the straight and narrow lol😇

  3. PLUKKY, Have you ever thought about teaching these girls how to spear fish? That would be cool content. Plus it's sooo easy anyone can do it, right???? lol…….

  4. these videos make the pain go away and time fly always crack a smile love the happy fun girls another day in paradise never a 9-5 thanks plucky always lifting spirits

  5. I've watched them all but your channel is the only one I still keep watching regularly because you're good people plukky.

  6. Hey Plukky!….Just fyi….You are one of the the very few channels I put on the big screen to watch! Love ya brother! Hope we meet some day!

  7. Cat on an island. Australia alone spends millions of dollars annually killing all cats on our islands and there is a 3,000,000 cat cull on the mainland now. Pristine habitats for turtles, sea birds, insects (Lord Howe Is. Stick insect) etc are devastated because of a predator they’ve never evolved with, cats. So many species are now extinct because of cats, 25 mammal species in Australia alone because of cats and foxes.

  8. Bon voyage Katrina , it will be safe to say , you will be sorely missed . that cat , should not be aloud to run free , no matter how cute it Looks . Plucky, , on the QT , down low . the cat needs to be put down . Apart from Diseases and destroying all the Local wildlife , it will become a problem .for other sailors etc . Apart from that . Another great video .,this was another great video

  9. I wish I was more of a fisherman . Squeamish to kill them LOL . Too many years believing chicken comes from Styrofoam packages in a fridge .

    I am OK with those that eat what they catch . I would though argue we must put back what we take .

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